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Monday, April 4, 2022

April 4, 2022

One year ago today: April 4, 2021, very much a police state.
Five years ago today: April 4, 2017, zaftig.
Nine years ago today: April 4, 2013, manipulation – after I invested.
Random years ago today: April 4, 2009, my final Greyhound trip – hopefully.

           Knock me over with a feather. That almost really happened. I’ve been sad the cardinals did not take to the backyards feeders. Until this morning’s discovery. Because east bedroom is closer to the neighbor’s house, I did not play bass early in the morning once the gear got moved back there. Follow along. Around that same time, the owner moved in across the street, and she has a 35-ish son who still lives at home. Everybody on this street keeps much to themselves but I think he is a contractor. He’s coming and going all day long. Being a residential zone, nobody wants to make the first loud noise in the morning.
           So, I’ve taken to just waiting until he runs a saw or hammer and I’m off the hook. After the first noise, I can put on some music, but I did not play bass until today. I’m in the middle of Zep’s “Hot Dog” and I hear the flurry. Sure enough, the cardinals were all back. I quit playing, they flew away, I begin, they return. I checked this out several times. I have musical cardinals. I never noticed before because my pet budgie, Memphis, taught me birds are not supposed to be able to hear lower frequencies. There you go. I see they need an extra perch due to the squirrel barrier, but with the bass playing, they will feed right up to the window ledge.

           As the Webb telescope continues to cool down, NASA has decided to skip further alignment tests. This photo shows a pattern for the 18 mirrors that they say is an astounding success. The cooling period I thought would take days is taking months. This time is being used by NASA to address queers. They want the telescope renamed because Webb, they say, fired them for being queer. No, he fired them for being queer at the office, an important distinction. Queers don’t want their own bicycle, they want yours.
           Following this telescope has been frustrating, they only provide beginner’s level information. Apparently the mirrors can be calibrated down to the nano-level, which approximates the light wavelengths of some objects they intend to look at. They pass part of the incoming light through a prism or grate and use actuators to match up the resulting spectrums. Why didn’t I think of that? Because I’m not a real scientist, maybe?

           It had rained overnight so everything was soggy. This was my excuse to stay in bed, I never slept so well as these last six years. The plan was to make a big batch of rice but instead I drove to Winter Haven and took care of logistics. The Christian Thrift is gone, the sign says until further notice, but we know what that means in Democrat-plagued America. And the outfit that bought the second hand store I liked painted the place white and stuck a “For Sale” sign on the lawn. The great reset wipes out most small businesses, but I say it creates opportunity. I’m no shopkeeper but I can see the ones who survived used credit the least.
           For old time’s sake, I’d like to find a video arcade, or if possible a pinball arcade. I loved those things back in the days of my laundromat. You don’t know how to play the crap out of the machines until you have an unlimited supply of quarters. After a couple years, my challenge was not the bump and jolt the machine like amateurs, but to win totally by flipper control. That is why I occasionally look on-line to see what “gamers” are doing. And I remain horrified by how tacky the popular games are, still with lo-res graphics and poor sound. Even those stupid maze games remain in use forty years later. Yes, I play Minesweeper at times, but I don’t claim to be a gamer right on top of this venue.

Picture of the day.
Proposed economy class airline seats.
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           I must quit going to Winter Haven in the mornings. I never get back here in one piece. A half hour of shopping now takes close to three [hours] and I always run into somebody, in this case good old Mack. He’s going through that phase of finding out his smart phone can cause all kinds of disruption, such as behaving like a remote control. That I don’t mind because it must be NASCAR season and I’m not into that. I see enough people driving stinky cars in circles every day. He’s one of my consultants on what I write, musically. What do I care who gets hurt if the truth comes out? We had a few afternoon beers discussing this, so now it is siesta time. Here’s some out-of-season mangoes at JZ’s place. I don’t care for mangoes. I gave them to Alaine.
           Reading a passage about Icelandic people taken into slavery by the Turks, I looked at a couple videos on-line. What got me was the Turks had no technology for sailing much out of the sight of land, so how did they even find Iceland organize raids against Europeans by the 1650s, when they had fallen behind on most counts by European standards. I have the answer. Up to a third of the slave ship crews were Englishmen.

           Today was deadsville everywhere. During my entire shopping trip over 30 miles, I passed only 138 cars. I stopped for a brew, a sometime custom when taking Hwy 60 back, and had the place to myself. I’m rating this day as low ebb even for Polk County. By now I happen to like the area, I’ve finally re-learned what it is like to have a long and peaceful sleep anytime I feel like it. I’m working on the new “smart” phone but they are all pieces of junk, slapped together for the most gullible market in US history. Every feature, option, or app has something you don’t want, plus poor instructions, and no way to self-test most of them.
           For example, the only security feature of any use to me is block all numbers that don’t end in a 2, 3, or 9. But the way it is set up, you can’t tell if it only works on the first number, or if it will work on double numbers, such as 53, but again, how to tell. Like most people I know with these phones, they themselves have almost no idea these settings even exist.

           Bien Hoa appeared on my news feed, an ad for a rental unit. I took a look and found a small city has grown up near the abandoned US airfield. I forget even the name of the place until I see Bien Hoa again. It represents the height of American stupidity during that war. The built it in the middle of rubber plantations, so the enemy could sneak in to mortar and grenade distance without being seen.            I think there was one corner of the airfield within 75 yards of thick plantation growth, duh.
Then, the Air Force proceeded to part around 500 of the most expensive airplanes in the world in that one spot. It was a major Viet Cong target, since wiping it out would leave most US outposts in the entire country without air support. The Viet Cong did not so much win the war and American stupidity lost it.
           For newcomers, Bien Hoa is pronounced “Ben-WAH”.

Last Laugh