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Thursday, April 7, 2022

April 7, 2022

One year ago today: April 7, 2021, industrial boredom.
Five years ago today: April 7, 2017, a Florida fact of life.
Nine years ago today: April 7, 2013, my last 4-pc, hopefully.
Random years ago today: April 7, 2007, before Belize went south.

           It would be a task to find a county office as screwed up they have in Delaware. Plus, anybody who merges data cells on a spreadsheet should be drawn & quartered. Like many a government office, they get some office clerk moron to design a system, it sucks, but it becomes standard. Then they interview someone like me who knows how it is supposed to work, and decide that I failed the test. This was going to be a big day for yard work. By late morning, I hear the growling thunderstorms to the south-east. Folks, springtime is over, and it was not much of a spring to begin with. I planned for indoor work, even if I wind up indoor of the silo with that last upper shelf unit.
           What will make a real difference is when I have enough shelving and space to put a coffee maker out there. The main house is too attractive with the ease of plunking down with a hot mug in the back bedroom, with a view of the emerging yard. The general weather lets you leave the windows open in all but the worst storms, almost a storybook setting. Here, for instance, is shed work that I did inside for this very reason. It is the new hose bib for the back yard, in brass and iron, with a tap to the right in CPVC for the bird bath timer to follow. If anyone notices the upgrade in workmanship over the years, feel free to mention it.

           Mid-morning and the rains have not arrived, but I took all the tools inside in advance. The wind will arrive later or overnight and after tomorrow, as the radio says, the door is open to Hell to turn Florida into a blast furnace until November. I had semi-planned to stay out there in this storm to ID where any leaks have appeared. However, the coffee’s on and I have a DVD I’ve been meaning to watch, “All The Pretty Horses”. It has to be better than the paperback I just finished, which went into the trash can. Wow, it is really coming down out there. Monsoon so soon?
           The hillbilly has disappeared. Around here that usually means jail time. But, if he’s a thief, he’s an honorable one that does not steal from those he knows. Remember that missing plywood? He didn’t take it but I’ve long suspected that character he knows over near Vine. Suddenly there were signs he was doing work on that shack, it’s a rundown firetrap on the way to the lumber yard. I don’t know, but things over there don’t add up and I know that’s the area where the dog was reported vicious.

           Here are the upright vent pipes for the Roman A/C, in the process of being cut into five-foot lengths. A few thermometers scattered around show that silo wall may not be the ideal spot to site this experiment. That’s why I’m using plastic, and around $50 worth of it so far. If this works, these can be replaced by longer pieces. There is no logical reason it would fail as long as you bear in mind this is Florida. They are not keen on anything that’s free, even the water under your yard.
           I’ve begun the movie and already see it is the Hollywood version of how cowboys got any. The guy gets shot at and run out of town? And the gal, she’s in the kitchen making a sandwich, she didn’t do anything wrong. It’s about a lady selling her Texas farm to the oil companies, I never understood why they didn’t keep a small acreage for themselves just in case. They like to discuss religion a lot. Myself, I have no problem believing there is a (lower case) heaven without also believing there is a (lower case) hell. Great scenery so far.

Picture of the day.
Cheapest place to live in Texas.
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           Hours later, mid-afternoon, and it has not let up. Everything is super-soaked, so I’ll tend to some office work. I wrote a detailed report to the Reb about the skip tracing process. From what I can reckon, we will rarely know if we have the correct party until after we sign them up. Make sense? We cannot ask them in advance if they owned the property, or they don’t need us. So, I anticipate a lot of false starts as we sign up the wrong people, until we accept it or learn a better method.
           Ah, it’s clearing a bit. I got the overhead on the laundry deck done just in time and prepped the shed wall. I’m not going to line I with reflective paper until I check the initial results. This has been fun and I need to get back to some real work. Later, two hours, that’s all I managed. I fixed my sneakers, cut a couple pieces of pipe, drilled a hole, and dug out my pipe glue. What I can’t find is my staple gun case, it’s not where I keep it. And that’s where all my staples are.
           This shows the six pipes roughly where they will eventually be mounted to the wall. I’m drilling holes through the wall exactly between the center-most studs where the pipes will enter the interior around a foot off the floor to avoid ingestion of dust and such. You like?

           Amazon is quite the anti-union outfit. They seem to be losing the battle, however. Serves them right, they never did pay a living wage, bearing in mind they were not creating the problem as much as following suit. There are few jobs at Amazon that merit more than minimum wage and the American labor force has few others responsible for that. It’s the old story, those who like items like maternity leave are not the ones paying their own way. What got my attention was a ruling that requiring employees to attend meetings was inconsistent with labor law.
           That would have been handy forty years ago. My union saw nothing wrong with requiring attendance at company meetings if you were on paid time. My objection was that after the meeting was attended, the company regularly claimed that you were in agreement with everything, which was far from the case. When I was eventually force-transferred to the worst job in the company, it was listed on my personnel file that I had everything explained to me in advance.
           No mention was made of my objections. By worst job, I mean the downtown location, not the work. Nobody goes downtown unless they have no choice. The company thus embarked on a campaign to transfer all the single males in the company, and who was the most single male in the company?

Last Laugh