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Friday, April 8, 2022

April 8, 2022

One year ago today: April 8, 2021, headlights, $1,100 each.
Five years ago today: April 8, 2017, 4-1/2 hours by motorcycle.
Nine years ago today: April 8, 2013, nothing happens for years.
Random years ago today: April 8, 2014, he was arrested.

           Following a link on my news feeds for any useful applications of A.I., there was a performance on piano of Beethoven’s Fifth. Incredible. Music lends itself to various facets of artificial intelligence and what I just heard was impossible for 99.99% of any human who has ever lived. Good morning, America. Today I’m buying an ink cartridge and taking the day off, that should be a national pursuit, Friday afternoon’s off. For single women especially, I mean we have to start somewhere. I just realized I can no longer play Minuet in G on the piano. That tune has been my test since my wrist was broken in the early 1990s. I knew this day would come.
           Later, cancel all my plans. I can explain. I got on the scooter and noticed almost no traffic on the side roads. I got the shopping done but by then the weather had turned perfect. Scooter or not, my memories went back forty years anyway, and before I got home, it was mid-afternoon and I’d put 60 miles away. I still remember all the tree-covered lanes and byways. If you’ve been bitten by the two-wheel bug, you’ll never know.
           Here’s the Roman pipes being fitted, everything came to a stop with that downpour, you can see how soaked everything got. The two trays of marigolds got flooded. One has better drainage. The one that stayed soaked has produced larger seedlings. Make a note of that, I mean, after the storm they were floating in water.

           On the way home, there is a street that stops short of the main artery into town with a left-only sign. But, knowing the terrain, I know of an old driveway that you can cut across and get through a gap in the hedges. Doing that, what do I see curb-sided? A brand new Crate practice amp. With built in reverb. It still had the factory tags but had been stored for years evidenced by a coating of dust. Back home, it works fine but the speaker is very flimsy duty. It can’t handle even mild bass notes. These pictures are clear enough to show the shape this thing is in. It has two channels, one for picking, one for strumming. It would be tempting to replace that cheap speaker with something from the wrecking yard that can deliver real bass.
           On-line, the unit sells for $100 so that’s a good score. If I can’t find some use for it, next time I’m in Miami, we’ll donate it to the little guy even if will be years before he needs it. The Reb called and there are follow-on problems with getting that car in for the needed attention. They are acting like they don’t have to honor the commitments made by a couple of people they let go last week, including the manager and the customer service rep. We will follow up, for no matter what they say, the car was in for both recalls and both KIA and we were aware of the problem long before the warrantee mileage point, a period in which they did nothing.

           Twitter announces it has a bot that can spot when users are depressed. They claim it is effective 9 times out of 10. Have you heard the howls from that bunch now that Muskmelon has taken charge. He’s known predisposition favoring free speech has some of the staff soiling themselves. If you read their posts, it is pathetic how bad some of them are wrapped up in themselves. How, they ask, can they accomplish their mission of spreading the truth if they are not allowed to censor lies? And a lie is anything they don’t like. As the midterms approach, that poor bot is going to be working a lot of overtime.

Picture of the day.
Pencil erasers.
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           An hour on the phone, that’s a ten-year record for me. I’ve narrowed down two problems that have to be fixed before we can do business in Delaware. There are lots of candidates, so you can bet there are plenty of people working that territory. I imagine I will get yelled at a lot, but it seems I’m not going to get much help. The company that wrote the manual has a huge staff who do the legwork, so the people in charge have underestimated the amount of time it takes. Worse, their rulebook doesn’t factor in the true cost of things. They would squawk if they had to make the 200 phone calls themselves.
           I’m rigging up a radio in the shed, something that gets better stations than Tampa, a Democrat cesspool. I’m surprised that place hasn’t been hit with something. Only the blind can’t see the party is crumbling and it gets worse almost daily. We kind of knew this was due. Now that a few bigshots are in trouble, the rest are running for cover, but somebody will eventually talk now to save his own skin. The lid still has not come off the election fraud but we know the Democrats cannot afford to fight a pitched battle. They tried to use their slight majority in certain key areas to pull off a takeover. They failed, largely due to Trump some would say.
           That brings up the antenna. The best radio I have is built into the battery amp and no provision to connect anything. The only stations available most of the time are the damn ethnic talk radio and the droll religion with their 200 word vocabularies. The most interesting station is one with Chinese people who speak English and read plays about politics. “Is it true your father, whom you have not seen since you were seven, is working in the United States?”

           The picture above. You’ve seen the fixed water tap, called a hose bib, now sports a line to the right in CPVC. This is the bird bath tap. The picture was really intended to show the metal plate, which is a template for measuring drill bit diameters. I use them for everything from drill bits to bolts to dowels, but mostly for correct sizing of pilot holes. I’m still King of the pilot holes and these plates are getting hard to find. This one goes right down to 1/32nd of an inch. Other than jewelers, I can’t figure who would need that measurement. This model is unusual in that it contains oddball sizes. This photo shows a 12.5/64ths and a 10.5/64ths,

           This tips us off it is for some specialized use. As ever, for the things I try to research, the Internet is borderline useless. It can’t be used as a wire gauge and there are 29 standard drill bit sizes. This plate has 31. I should post this in Gab, which is emerging as the go-to spot for quick comments. Rumble and Bitchute are okay if you have time to watch podcasts. Nope, give me a photo, a snarky comment, and hand me a cup of coffee.

           An unqualified leftist has been appointed to the Supreme Court, the J6 people are getting out of jail, the Michigan people are innocent, and add withholding evidence to the charges against he Hildebeest. Yep, the trouble is just started for election thieves. None of this is going away, the standard distractions aren’t working, and the Democrat bags of tricks appears to be empty. Meanwhile, SpaceX launches the first space vehicle ever to be piloted by a rent-a-crew. They are all civilians who paid up to $55 million for the seats, and that does not include renting the launch facilities from NASA, or the space suits and toilets which ring up at $12,000 per person per day. It opens the space program for commercial flights, although the destination at this point is most a place called vanity.
           By coincidence, I’m reading a book called “Orbit” about a civilian who wins a space flight in a publicity contest. His wife hates him, his son says he’s never around, and he may be poinking the lady who adjusts his seat belts, all in the first ten pages. Otherwise, the parallels are amazing. I watched a podcast on an event in South America that makes sense to me, but not to many others. A politician cited Hitler as a good example. You see, South American media reported the war without the American propaganda, so nobody made a career out of demonizing Hitler. When that is stripped away, he was a hundred times the better man than any recent Democrat. It is no wonder some consider him a great person, considering what he accomplished from a nation in complete ruin.

           AIDS is on the rise in the jabbed, leading to conspiracy theories that the injections are the cause. I do believe there is a correlation but it does not make sense that the people trying to take control would mass kill their most dependable servants, the dodo class.
           As a reminder that no matter how expensive medical insurance is, bite the bullet. My annual statement arrived for my on-going tests and such. The amounts are private but let me say that if I did not have insurance, the total is higher than my income. Of all the dozens of things they gave me to see what works, I’m down to five but I must take them for life. Wait, there is a number I can give out, it is the portion Medicare pays monthly. I’m presuming that info is as private as everything else they claim, which is zero. They pay $703 per month, for life.

Last Laugh
(Urban stealth camper.)