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Tuesday, May 10, 2022

May 10, 2022

One year ago today: May 10, 2021, I was outnumbered 68 to 1.
Five years ago today: May 10, 2017, official government “budget”.
Nine years ago today: May 10, 2013, a successful club meeting.
Random years ago today: May 10, 2008, the airplane riddle.

           On the road by 6:00AM, I took old Highway 31a all the way into town. This means I got to see a lot of dying old towns and abandoned dream stuff. Ever heard of Fayetteville? It typifies southern Tennessee in that only towns above a critical mass are able to survive. Intending to make it all the way to Nashville for some non-GMO healthfood, any traveler can tell you what happens to your appetite on the road. There is really a little town called fist on one side of the TN-AL border and I stopped for 840 calories. Hey, how long before they all start selling lab-grown meat? If you stay on 31a, you get to Bell Road, which I know very well by now. Or you can tell by the traffic. Two hours to go 99 miles.
           Here’s a dude that needs no introduction. Within minutes we were out for extra walkies and being assaulted by the Tennessee mosquito brigade. Holding manuveurs along the roadways and we were the targets of choice. Remember those new trains I hacked out in Frebruary? They became escape routes. This pic looks like Im admonishing Chooks, but I’m asking him if he wants a fish or chicken treat. Did you know these pets, combined, eat $250 of chow per month?

           Now we face a couple days getting used to the weather. The Reb somehow got both the front and back yards raked clean, that’s a week of work for me. There’s a ton of chores to be done this trip, let’s hope my energy level holds. So far no good, I got back in the house and zonked for eleven hour, wrote this entry, then back for another seven. Aren’t I the role model for Home Handiman? Let me grab another coffee.
           Lilly, who stayed too small a kitten was finally diagnosed with a cyst, which we had removed. I’ll get you pictures of the full-size cat she’s grown into since February. She’s also past the kitten phase of needed so much attention, which is nice when I finally get that second coffee. A little too rambuctious, but I’ve learned, too. I can’t figure how the Reb got all the leaves in the yard, unless she picked the last ones by hand. Don’t put it pas the Reb.

Picture of the day.
Lima, Peru.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Hop in guys, we went off to the lake for an hour. Sammie got in the water and decided to roll in some deer poop or something. Water levels are high again and we took the short way around the lake, niether of them showing much enthusiasm. Back home, the turtle cage is needing repair. It was build as an experiement and the lumber is untreated. Now, it is JeePee’s playground, so tomorrow I will inspect further to see if we need something new. I’m back on the laptop, cursing the millennial mentality. You cannot click on save and go do other work. The computer can’t multi-task even that tiny operation, which the rest of the world had mastered by 1985. But as a generation, millennials are incapable of learning from the past. Oh, they will, eventually, when it catches up with them but by then it is too late.
           We went over some of the finances and called it a day. She’s not feeling well, meaning I got here just in time. She’s mentioned sushi so that will take place soon. I guess she’s been out for a few days so it is a good thing I enjoy going shopping. Here’s the munchkin before his dirt bath. If you can see him, he’s expert at pretending he’s another cushion on the love seat.

           It was an extra 140 miles on the clock for this trip. Well worth it despite missing the daytime travel in Alabama. But, now I know and it’s a new route if the talk of Florida-Georgia border dispute happens. Well, dispute isn’t the word, but the states are fully allowed to restrict travel any time they want. I forget the issue and have not been on the motorcycle for years. Many of the southern old highways are perfect two-wheel paths, tree-lined and mild curves. Some of the old roadsigns remain, such as “Rainbow City Parkway” and “Birmingham Pike”. I further know which places to keep on driving.
           Remind me to pick up another music box for JeePee. I play them for him in the mornings and today’s manufacture does not stand up to much constant usage. Add one more hour for me to sort through the mail and we are done for the day. The Reb likes to hear about my journeys, and here’s something not usually considered. I’m fully aware that you and the world will never believe my wild tales from the trailer court that I regularly turn down good looking women. It’s hard-wired into the DNA to call me a liar, but I would ask what is the motive? I’m not out to impress and I’m aware it sounds fake. It’s blog rules that Ireport anything unusual. It’s just less unusual for me, ha-ha. Because guys that know me and have been with me when it happens will deny it and make excuses the very next day.

           Well, the Reb does not believe a word of any of it. However, with her I see the reasons. For one, she knows how I like to provide proof for even somewhat questionable events, yet I never have proof that some other lady chatted me up or even scoped me. I admit I cannot prove it happens, and doubt I would try even if I could. But with the Reb, she has reason for doubt. You see, when she is nearby me, no woman in the known Universe has ever tried any such thing. Now as for you, don’t confuse reporting with bragging. If I was bragging, I would tell you what happenend in Eufala.
           Here’s where I get to add a comment that, depending if you think I’m telling stories or not, could take a while to assimilate. The Reb is fully aware how men can exaggerate how women come on to them. For example, before Jimmy passed away she would often comment how women would approach him, good-looking women grabbing his arm and making innuendos.
She tended to believe him, therefore, but I never did. Why the apparent contradiction? Well, Jimmy was old enough to be a “safe bet” and I never saw the women. What women describe as other women being good-looking can never be trusted.
           Buried way down here is the “unspoken” factor. There is the rare time I’ll mention the age of older women directly in this context. Did you get that last part, “in this context”. I believe these older ladies may have had designs on Jimmy, plus there’s a chance he went to elementary school with some of them. What I’m saying, (and I hesitate to say anything so) I’ll write it down: I do not count women over 30. Neither the gal from Eufala or the nipple lady were over 30. If you get me in trouble over this, remember, one day I might get rich and famous, just saying.

Last Laugh