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Wednesday, May 11, 2022

May 11, 2022

One year ago today: May 11, 2021, R.I.P. Matilda.
Five years ago today: May 11, 2017, early Roman A/C study.
Nine years ago today: May 11, 2013, musical lockdown?
Random years ago today: May 11, 2015, 80% pay cash.

           That was a deep sleep, now let’s get to work in this perfect weather. Folks, a dry 86F with shade and a breeze is not hot weather in Florida. We took the dogs on a stroll, it’s just when they decide they don’t want to enjoy a walk, that’s game over. And they both do it at the same time, which you doggie psychologists can work on. Sammy I understand. He’s 13 last February and always just wants to go home. I know how he feels.
           The Reb is getting over a flu and has no appetite. So I drove up to Lebanon and got her a few quarts of ice-cold organic fresh orange juice. Her favorite but she can’t taste it. She likes sushi but does not feel up to going out. It’s going to take me another day to climatize and get into this routine.

This is the sparkling clear turtle cage. That’s the most work you got out of me today. JeePee was in the playpen most of the day and is now resting up, waiting for his rice to cool. Rich, blackberries, and turkey. What a life. He’s nothing to feed, just don’t panic when he goes a while without touching a thing. Wish I could. Coffee is another funny thing, I’m the only dedicated coffee-drinker I know. Starbucks does not count, the minute you flavor it something else, it ain’t coffee. What I mean is, I do know a lot of people who only drink coffee if you provide it. So what, now I’m picking up the tab for coffee in this corner of Tennessee?
           And you might not recognize the big dog, now a trim 55 pounds. Down 13 or so since he got here and the glowing picture of a healthy animal. The pets are all six years older than when we formally met and I already told you how Lilly grew up. Chloe has not changed, nor JeePee. But the cats won’t eat wet food if its been refrigerated. They get a half-can, and the other half has to be left out or they won’t touch it. Pet food has cascaded in price, so I’ve doubled the monthly allocation. The five pets now eat as much as I do, dollar-wise.

Picture of the day.
Medieval armor display..
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           I warned about letting Biden put that kill switch in cars and in less that a years, somebody in the media has finally begun posting on the danger. The danger that the switch will be used to kill the cars of political opponents and people who vote for non-Democrats. It’s amazing to the world Americans did not see this coming thirty years ago. All I can say now is that some of us saw it, the question is did enough of use see it?
           How about that Tesla running directly into the front of a building at what looked like 60 mph. I’ll lsay it again, C+ programming can never be made to work properly all the time. It is the nature of the code architecture, after a certain mass of code, anything added throws something else off.

           Much as the media tries to downplay it, the video “2000 Mules” is circulating and making waves. There’s a strict dividing line, people either believe the facts or deny them. I tend to believe and further suspect that 2,000 is just the tip of the iceberg. As ever, millions will question why nothing is done about it. Beyond the complacency of the opposition, I’m among the first to point out the Repubican party never prepared for open political warfare. Democrats prepared for decades, but thought the enemy coudl be compelled to play by the rules. Then along came Trump.
           TMOR, I point out that no matter what you see on TV or on-line, blacks and queers are a very tiny sement of American society I’ve never seen a riot and neither have most people I know. If the system would crack down on these elements, they’d shrivel back to where they belong, but they have the Democrats protecting them for their votes. What they don’s suspect is the Democrats are using them for cannon fodder.

Last Laugh