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Saturday, May 14, 2022

May 14, 2022

One year ago today: May 14, 2021, pollitics, camphor, & rockets.
Five years ago today: May 14, 2017, Miami – pay to do nothing.
Nine years ago today: May 14, 2013, approaching 10,000 miles.
Random years ago today: May 14, 2006, remember the Barbie?

           I’ve got something but it’s just slowing me down. I worked a bit on the turtle cage until the mosquitoes woke up. The Reb says this is the worst year so far. I’ve got a fogger but no fog. We did a small shop and I see the Civic has not been checked out as much as we were told. The clock was a bitch to set, the tire pressure alarm flashes because it knows none of he service stations in this area have working air. After a bit of work we decided to go grocery shop. Having the sniffles, the Reb decides for the first time in my life I’m supposed to ride the scooter cart.
           What a hoot. The thing is no speed demon but it is rated for 500 pounds, plus the groceries. That is, made for the people who should not be riding. It was also the first time I rode in the Civic and I’ll be tending to a few things. Set the clock, fill the washers, top off the tires, and that A/C probably needs a bit of charge.

           Dropping the gang off at home, I went out to Mt. Juliet for some tools and supplies. The richer neighborhood over there cuts down on the number of weirdos and crackpots in the parking lot. Mind you, the place is still a gathering yard of hippo-like lesbo couples. The type that mistake feigned public tolerance as acceptance. The remainder of the day was me and the doggies in the living room, mostly snoring.
           Reb’s friend can over with a big batch of chicken ginger soup to keep us going. I was supposed to be here in a whirlwind of fixing things. Now I’ll be luck to catch my wind. I have not even momwed the lawn yet and that’s a week overdue. No side-bets on my performance this week. And I must say, riding the cart was fun once you learn what it can and can’t do. The thing can turn on a dime. I picked a unit with rotten batteries so I topped out at maybe 1/10th mph. I think the Reb feels I was haveing entirely too much fun.

Picture of the day.
Nebraska sand hills.
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           There’s a full lunar eclipse tomorrow, maybe my last one, so I’m planning ahead. We took the dogs on an extra long walk to the next subdivision. Moonbathing, she calls it. We talked about my college days, how RofR and I were the poorest of the poor on campus. How can that be? Easy, anybody poorer than us got some kind of government subsidy, which we, being white and from the working class, did not qualify.
           I know I told you about the summer job interviews he went to for law school. How the faculty send out a brochure of what to wear. Is any of this ringing a bell? Leather shoes, a sport jacket, it came to around $200. RofR and I never had no $200 in clothes between us in our lives. We pooled our money and got him a pair of $19 Hush Puppies. University was my first brush with a world of people who could not imagine being short of money.
           Remember when we used to trim the bark edges off lumber and sell the planks? Today I see they are selling the rough pieces for prices like $50 each. This picture shows slabs of wood, I suppose for people who like that look. In my day, you had trouble giving lumber like this away. Which is why I’m not convinced the shortages created by the government will work. Americans, the useful ones anyway, are too independent. This country is full of unused and surplus capacity that can be fired up in no time if the demand arises. Everything woke turns to shit, and these artificial shortages will go there, in some form.

           News out of China is that their grain harvest is in peril from excessive rain. They have been farming marginal land there for a long time. If true, this probably could not happen at a worse time for many. However, in the US, there is already a parallel economy in place and it’s geared up for many shortages, real or contrived. The total of food plants sabotaged in the US this year is now up to 56.
           Everybody knows who’s behind it but there is no common banner for people to rally around. I know that while I woulf fight for freedom, I don’t know that I would it for what’s out there just now. You want freedom to talk shit, you die for it, type of thing. This is the biggest unknown in America—nobody can predict what might come along to unite all these groups.

           Trump is messing up lately, backing unpopular freaks like that Hemet Oz. For sure, there is some strange motives going on but that’s not helping. By far, Trump is still the leader of the opposition and nothing else comes close. We’ve all heard the De Santis narrative but a large block of white Americans will not vote for any candidates of another color, religion, race, or ideaology. Very few real Americans buy the theory that slaves and laborers build this country—because they sure as hell didn’t do much where they came from.
           YouTube announces the role of Queen Elizabeth at the Jubilee will be played by a Chinese woman. These assinine events are viewed with little but contempt in America, regardless what the media says. Yes, Yul Bryner played the King of Siam, but he was hired for his acting talent. Biden tries to vilify the term ‘ultra-MAGA” and it backfires. And it is widely known more people died from the vaccine than the disease. There are dire predictions that a few months from now the jabbed will mysteriously begin dying in their sleep or dying from formerly rare conditions. My take on that is simple, let Nature take its course. I don’t wish them harm, but they’d best not come begging here for help. Nobody is going to forget what they tried to do when they thought they had the advantage.

Last Laugh