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Friday, May 13, 2022

May 13, 2022

One year ago today: May 13, 2021, imported items triple.
Five years ago today: May 13, 2017, Beatles & bass.
Nine years ago today: May 13, 2013, party-goin’, fun-lovin’.
Random years ago today: May 13, 2008, Starbucks, Coconut Grove.

           ay five and I’m still off balance. You get the big events of the day, sapping all energy of any type. I got in the van and checked out some curbside lumber. Dang, infested with ants. I had a shopping list from the Reb that took an hour in a store I already knew what aisle everything was on. Then a trip to the lumberyard, as the turtle coop shows deterioration. It’s a wonder it lasted so log, setting right on the ground. But it is salvageable and I got some drywall corner bead to reinforce the bottom.
           And a twelve foot strip of that artificial stuff they put on decks. Just enough to keep it off the dirt, the original plan was to set the coop on grass that pokes through. But the turtle loves it no matter where you drag it, so we’ll go with that. Last day at the recycle I did tmy shoulder a bad turn and now I’m paying for it. There are constant chores and every one has some strain o that very joint. I picked up other supplies and cables for the computer so I can get you some decent pictures again.

           Next stop was the Thrift, where I found a booklet on the combined topics of the NWO (New World Order) and the various corporate interests that are pressing for globalization. It is a complicated area. I was hoping the book would provide insights but so far just rehashing the same old. I want somebody to clear up the issues, not confound them, for example there are maybe four sentences in the first fifty pages about the difference between free trade and fair trade. How many people even know there is a difference? You see, only the rich have the resources to attend all the big conferences where the matters are discussed and pushed.
           Free trade is the removal of all barriers. The argument is that businesses have shown they are far better at distributing wealth and equity than any governments in history. Therefore, control should be given to the corporations Fair trade says maybe so, but you corporations have poluted the enviroment, abused your workers, and quashed competition, therefore you need a government that curbs your worst harms. These parties will ever agree on much, both are profit motivated and are not about to push for any improvement in wealth or ownership for the masses.

Picture of the day.
Harvesting buckwheat.
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           A siesta did not help. When I got underway later in the afternoon, the Reb had to go to a meeting. I strung out the power cords and set up the sawhorses. The planks are ready but not cut. I also set up the desktop computer to find I’m missing a cable. I developoed a massive thirst for diet coke, and took a couple hours to fix all the Reb’s stuff first. The misalighed latch, the warping door frame, and watering a the front yard plants. The roses are in full bloom, a sign that summer is half over.
           That’s all for today. I’m running at about half of an already diminished energy level. No appetite, either. We’ll have to work with what we got. The doggies are getting the minimum two walks a day from me, she gets in at least one. I wonder if I’ve caught something and don’t know it? It would make sense, for I no longer tire gradually. I’m okay then ten minutes later, nap time. No reserve, but it has been that way for 19 years. Why now? Thinking on it, I have not have a even a flu in something like five years. Hmmmm.
           This photo was put in later for balance. This is Chloe in the morning.

           Later, I’m up at 1:00AM and I’ve got at least a mild flu. So, is it COVID, Omicron, or just a passing seasonal sniffle? It’s following a pattern of one symptom at a time over the past few bouts,and right now it’s a dry cough. No fever, no tummy, no stuffy, and since it’s the big deal of the day, it becomes bloggable.

Last Laugh