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Wednesday, May 18, 2022

May 18, 2022

One year ago today: May 18, 2021, the first casualties.
Five years ago today: May 18, 2017, I was one lathe away . . .
Nine years ago today: May 18, 2013, WIP
Random years ago today: May 18, 2010, WIP

           That freeze plug, now called an expansion plug for the old Taurus? I found it on the first try, though they won’t have it until tomorrow. I allowed four days for this project, including the chasing around, so this makes me happy. If this works out, I’m back on track. Even better, the total bill so far is $22 plus another $32 in tools which are budgetted separately. That weekend trip to Bowling Green may still be in the running. The old piece is still not removed from the engine, but I have successful got the socket inside the area a fitted. It won’t be easy.
           The chain of events left me time to do a shop. I don’t know from pet foods and organic eggs but I know it was $72 before I called the game. We were talking about the phony Biden food shortages. It looks like he’s going to actually try to pull that one off. Create a shortage until people are desperate, then step in to help on certain conditions. It’s so odd they would consider such a stunt because it once worked in Russia. America is resource rich and there are probably 20 million people with enough food hidden away to outlast whatever they try. There’s also the matter of 400 million guns they cannot take away no matter what they try.

           There was another shooting, but the public is on to the pattern. If you are overseas, yuu may get a different impression of what’s happening. Only 3% of the shooters are white, and in most cases it is a mentally troubled teen. Such kids don’t have the time or skill to author lengthy “manifestos” of their motives and leave a copy with the FBI in advance. In other news, the Bidenistas have decided the Ministry of Misinformation was not such a great idea, the big dog dug out my pack of ginger snaps and ate half, and for the record a major on-line group has referered to many huge public databases as “evil”. These are the biggest news I can hunt up for you. I was leery of databases the first time I saw them. The potential for abuse was obvious. Fifty years later somebody speaks up?
           I agree. It sould not be the government that collects and centralzes date, or that decides what is pubic por private. The pace of news has picked up these days as the beginning rounds of the primary elections begin to show overwhelming pro-Trump victories that the media cannot disguise. One or two Democrat wins get plastered on every network but this no longer fools anyone. TMOR, primary elections are where a district votes on who will represent them in the upcoming major elections. Normally it is one Democrat candidate against on Republican, but lots of funny stuff goes on. The Democrats will fund any Democrat who kisses butt, even agains another Democrat, or will enter a second or third fake Republican to split that vote.

           This picture shows the last quart of Almond Silk, where I had to get down on the floor and reach in to get it. By then, two little old ladies were there to help me get back up. I must do something about my public image when grandmothers think I need help. I know, it’s the grey hair.

Picture of the day.
Terrible Teddy’ men’s cologne.
(Around $250 a bottle.)
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           I was againable to fit the wrenches into the plug area, but photos of the nut show it has a brass-like color. Thus, I want to fit the correct socket onto the new piece before I dare twist on the old one. I’m no mechanic, but I kow not to start working on a car an hour before sunset, so the Reb & I headed for the movies. Here’s a tale from the trailer court, our taste in movies. She like the creative moves, I like a good plot. What she calls animation, I call cartoons. The difference is I hesitate to spend $40 to watch cartoons, but with the Reb that formula breaks down. The movie was “Bad Guys”, computer-animated and without a shred of originality. But the plot moves along, based on every stereotype you can imagine. The Pink Panther, Batman, Bond, and Oceans Eleven remade as a kid’s tale. Every aspect of the movie is predictable at a child's level.
           The movie has done fantastic in China. It pulled back double its $80 budget so far. Neither of us were hungry, so we ran around the back yard (freshly-mowed) with the dogs, then I fell asleep on the carpet in front of the floor fan. Later, you’ll find me over at the pub for a few while I work on the song lists. I have enough material but on a guitar, most of it is in G and D, where I can avoid playing difficult chords. Like F. This won’t do, I normally won’t do two consecutive tunes in the same key. I don’t have enough variety, but yakking with Brent over our old songs lists should produce results. He’s a guitar player so does a lot in E.
           The picture is a small sample of the pets around here. You can glimpse the back yard. The big cat is Chloe. She eats too fast.

Last Laugh