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Thursday, May 19, 2022

May 19, 2022

One year ago today: May 19, 2021, I fail TV 101.
Five years ago today: May 19, 2017, my pretend desk.
Nine years ago today: May 19, 2013, long-winded & generic.
Random years ago today: May 19, 2014, some hobby stuff.

           It was not much of a day, Every year should have a nothing day, or if you live where it is cold in the winter, maybe a couple such days every week. I got zero work done on the car, but there is a couple of people got evicted up the street. I wondered about that house. The landlord took all their belongings and piled them on the driveway, where people have been helping themselves for three days. Then, the couple shows back up with a truck, but they didn’t move anything. If they don’t take stuff away, I’m going over there for a look myself.
           The expansion bolt arrived, it is the wrong size. But the lady at NAPA was a mechanic and asked me to describe the problem. She thinks possibly the old plug just pushed itself loose. It is designed for that and may just need tightening. Makes senses, as she described how I drove the car 300 miles before the condition showed itself. I can only hope.

Picture of the day.
Duke of York Islands.
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           Paperwork. That’s what got done today. No, I’m not going to post a picture of that. I am not a good source of political knowledge, but like most Americans I’m an expert on what I like. These primary elections, they are called, are already underway in parts of the country and trouble is already brewing. Trump appears to be stumbling but beware, he’s done that on purpose before. The general results are that the candidates he endorses have commanding leads and this has the other side throwing fits. And are stumbling even worse.
           The left appears to be trying the same old ballot-stuffing tactics. But the right is on the alert. They know the location of the drop boxes and that those boxes contain nearly 100% Biden votes. What a shock to the Democrats if anything should cause those votes to be uncountable.

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