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Monday, May 30, 2022

May 30, 2022

One year ago today: May 30, 2021, remember ShotSpotter?
Five years ago today: May 30, 2017, atta girl, Taylor.
Nine years ago today: May 30, 2013, still my drill press today.
Random years ago today: May 30, 2018, guitar players, coffee, & Texas.

           Up at dawn and off to the Sunflower for brunch. That’s minimum $35 these days, y’know. I wanted an early start and she has music practice. So the pets and I get the place to ourselves. My plan is to work on the free lawnmover, which you see here being tested. I have learned a procedure to do a quick test, but not so far houw to make any but the most easy repairs. Breakfast for me was the sausage pesto bake, which I learned the “cheese” sauce is ground cashews. I had no idea and was looking for the cashews, boy some vegan I’d make. This makes the second time I could not finish a meal at that place, yet the portions are not large. I think that’s good, but know this is symptomatic of see-saw dieting.
           This mower will not turn over, so I know it is a gas or spark problem. I’m getting too many calls for the Taurus for parts, so I lowered the price as planned. The wreckers crush cars beyond the age where there is much demand for the pieces, but I maintain any car that you can drive away is worth more than the components. It’s cleane dup now and you can see the markings more clearly. I’ve got the air cleaner off. This is another style with the gas tank under the carb, so I have to learn how the feeds work.

           I had the pets outside and here is a curious scene. The big dog is somehow fascinated by the turtle. You can see the now repaired turtle coop in this photo. I’ve read so many conflicting articles that turtles need sunlight or they don’t, but I say they get their vitamin D in nature from the beams. Well, the dog knows it is a turtle house and checks it out soon as he gets in the back yard. If the turtle is not there, he finds a shady spot. If JeePee is inside, he adopts a defensive routine which ends with him lying as depicted here. The turtle has learned this and has no fear of Chooks. I know it is all pure instinct but at my stage in life you cannot have enough memories.
           They were outside with me for two hours on this beautiful day and once back indoors, will not budge for a walk. Sometimes they balk at going out the door with me and have learned when the Reb is coaxing them. So check back with me after siesta. As for JeePee, he’s in paradise. The grass and weeds have regrown up through the wire bottom of the cage so he’s got his private jungle. The Reb did not realize I had packed up the van to leave, I’ve decided this gives me time to work on my guitar set. That now amounts to the tunes that for one reason or another, are not suitable to play as bass solos.

           The Democrats have announced they want to step in and control gas prices. Nobody is falling for it. They are the ones who caused the increases and far from being the good guys, they just want the control. They’ve alienated more of their own supporters than in all of their history and most of us feel they have gotten out of hand. And nobody is buying the food shortage bunk at any level. In America you can buy complete mini-farm kits and the back yards alone of this country could probably take up any amount of slack in production.
           I’ve completed the prologue on my planned booklet about the life and times of a bass player. I didn’t mean for it to mbe strictlly about music only to find most passages that tell about playing and performance need twice the length of details. Not so much explanation, but setting the backdrop for what’s going on.
           This just in. Biden showed up at Uvalde, the school shooting town, and met a chorus of boos and jeers. The media edited the sounds out but my question is what was Biden doing there? He was invited in by a Catholic priest and maybe thought it meant the Church sanctioned his pro-abortion pro-queer pro-jab stance. Talk about a moron, that boy has sunk below the political survival level. Something funny is up with this type of “visit”. A charade. And some transvestite in a wheelchair has reportedly smeared cake on the Mona Lisa. I guess he figures people don’t hate queers enough already. The hate is not for being queer, but for trying to push the issue. They want the right to do as they please any time and any where, but nobody has that right.

Picture of the day.
Hot wound springs.
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           See how quickly one mower becomes two. That’s the Taurus in the background. Both these mowers are Briggs & Stratton and I got one of them running. I’ve diagonosed both problems. One has a fuel feed problem, which I don’t have the compressor here to clean out the lines. The other has a spark plug not firing, which I am not equipped to fix. Both these shown are a brand called Bolen, sold by Lowes. The 20” in the foreground lists at $189 and the other at $229. These aren’t big numbers. You should consider that later in life time is not as relevant for income-producing activity. If I spend ten hours making $50, it’s not like Im missing out on the same ten hours as I would so long ago.
           It’s like music in the sense you never have nothing to do and thus you keep busy and people think you are highly productive. I’ll ask Lem if he want’s another session tomorrow, I know he likes having someone around smart enough to hand thim the correct tools without being asked. And I’ve been guessing right a lot so he may create the time. Both these mowers have hidden gas lines and that’s the one part that scares me. Flammables. I know there’s areason other people don’t pick up on this skill as a business, but I need to find out for myself.

           This has what is either a drawback or a benefit, in that yanking those power chords is exercise almost directly on the same bones and muscle as my therapy of last year. I can handily pull the cords at the power the mower should start, but that is also pretty near the limit I’ll ever manage. The second mower was also free, so I was not as gentle on them. The carburetors sometimes have no throttle wires. This I don’t understand unless they have some sort of constant speed governor. Once started, they seem to be self-governing, which is different to mowers I used in my youth..
           Incredibly, the leftist are clinging to the COVID narrative, this time releasing CDC data that over 70% of Americans are vaccinated. That’s a lie. I know of less than ten people who got the jab. It’s the old bandwagon con, everybody’s doin’ it. I doubt more than 30% fell for it and that group would tend to know each other.

           Did you get a load of that broad who took out $250,000 in student loans to get a NYU degree. She finally got a job at a bookstore that pays $23,000 per year. After 13 years of payments, she feels she isn’t getting anywhere. Duh. I’ve never lived in New York, but a quarter of a million bucks, man, that must have been some party.
           You can’t get much stupider but this is the bunch that wants loan “forgiveness”. No way. These women wanted equality, now let them deal with it.

Last Laugh