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Sunday, May 29, 2022

May 29, 2022

One year ago today: May 29, 2021, beware of Internet “free”.
Five years ago today: May 29, 2017, remember the Jag & I band?
Nine years ago today: May 29, 2013, some early projects.
Random years ago today: May 29, 2019,Bowling Green, KY.

           Indoctrination, American style. Here’s a box of crayons I call the CRT starter pack. Critical Race Theory is forced upon schoolchildren and here is one of the methods. There were two boxes of crayons on the display, regular color and these “Colors of the World”. There are no white crayons in the box, but these are claimed to be a “celebration” and took the TOY award (Toy of Year Award). You might ask, why would anyone buy into such an insult and give it to their kids? Well, for one, the price. Regular crayons have shot up to $4 a box, while the racial crayons dropped to 75 cents. Only shipped within the US, the crayons are “an exciting skin tone addition to your collection”
           The Crayola people go further to say the crayons make your child’s drawing more “detailed and realistic” while better representing the “growing diversity worldwide”. The colors have names like Deepest Almond, medium Golden, and Light Rose. The box sides are a “color panel”, with swatches to help match skin tones, presumably for kids who do not know they aren’t white. In fact, the colors white and black are not mentioned. The closest match to my tone is called “light golden”. And here, I thought I was lily-white.
           Wait, there is a white crayon in the box, called “very light rose”. But it is an ordinary Crayola white crayon, not anything like white skin tone. While the colors on top of the box suggest there are several white crayons, there is only this one. Smack in the middle, surrounded by some of the darkest other colors.

           I test drove the Taurus to the lake, it still has a slow water leak. I suspect that radiator, as it was not fully tested by the time that hillbilly hit the car and after that the focus was on the tires. All the fittings and hoses are sound, so it is minor, but the car has to be topped up after even a hour of operation. Yet it runs smooth and starts easy, still a gem to drive. If this was Florida, I have space to keep it just in case that idiot of a President gets his way with installing a kill switch—the dream of every would-be American dictator. What’s crazier is the attack on food supplies because it worked once in Russia, where the farms were conveniently located for communist exploitation.
           This again reflects how unimaginative the leftists are. The dozens of “newer” schemes they’ve tried keep backfiring on them, so they reach further and further back into the communist playbook. And now come up with famine. There’s a problem for them right there. America has massive surplus capacity and a credit system. You’ll see bankruptcies long before you’ll see starvation. Here’s news that the body of a woman who dated a Clinton advisor who shot himself has been found in Arkansa on a riverbank with a concrete block tied to her ankle. Official sources say her death was accidental.

           My bank statement arrive to show I made 10¢ interest. A reasonable retirement amount to have in the bank is to generate $1000 per month interest. Based on that, how much do you need in your savings account to get you that much? Using an average of interest rates, you’ll have to sock away $12,179,000 to get $1,000 in monthly interest. Before taxes. An economic majors wonder why Americans would rather gamble than save.

Picture of the day.
Mountain Valley Lake, Colorado.
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           Word gets around fast. By this afternoon, I acquired this mower for free. My keen mechanics eye spotted it as a 22” Briggs & Stratton, 4.0 HP, and it has a type of gas feed I have not learned yet. Another phase that will take experience is choosing which units are worth salvaging, and the effort of avoiding a big messy collection of spare parts “just in case”. The neighbor brought this one over and donated it to the cause. He has a new unit and this was taking up his shed, so it is slated to be tested tomorrow while the rest of the nation holidays. Do the work while you can and later every day is a holiday.

           Here’s the meme going around about Biden’s 81 million voters. TMOR readers, here’s the match. There are 133 million voters registered in the USA and we know 74 million voted for Trump. That leaves only a maximum vote count for Biden at less than 60 million. Their lying and cheating is beneath contempt and most Americans know there is already ten times more than enough evidence to put these people away. But the left owns the civil service and recent events show how politicized that faction has become. Every election cycle they generate these incidents. And revert to tactics that worked one in Russia in 1917.
           Once again I miss Memorial Day, it just doesn’t rate that highly in my books. This is no denegration of the people in the armed forces, but America has not had a legitimate declared war in my lifetime. Congress was supposed to exist to prevent such wars, but they spinelessly surrendered that duty over the conflict in Indo-China, which the US had no true interest in to begin with. Thus, we had no plans, but the Reb had a gig in the west end tonight. For the first time in our history, I did not go when I had the opportunity. Five hours snoozing with the dogs and watching DVDs won out. The Reb’s music is more jazz-and-gospel so it is not like I meet people at these events with whom I have any common interests. I know the contrails are up there, but it does not bother me as much as it apparently should.

           It’s Democrat pre-election staged gun crime season again. They are trying to portray the non-white shooter at a non-white school with non-white victims as a white supremist action. But once more, it boomerangs on them. They can’t seem to get anything right this time around. The two big changes are Trump and the Internet. They have failed to control both and it is signalling their downfall. Their rotten treatment of the Uvalde shooting is doing nothing but bringing a backlash of statistics. Take five US black cities off the charts and the US crime rate drops to 176th in the world. There are open calls for disarming blacks.
           So once more, an evil strategy by the left has the opposite effect than they want and they never learn. Poll after poll, no matter how the fake news tries to angle them, are coming back with overwhelming Trump numbers. Enough to make some forget he isn’t running for office.

           The Michigan guitar player decided to join a trio. That’s how flakey you can expect the musician mindset to be. He did not answer the ad for three weeks and even then just before I left for here. It’ never a total loss, as when you ask around about musicians in Polk County, you get negative reviews for almost all except how they can play. All too often, it is other shortcomings that trigger an instant fail in this business. His note said he joined a “drummer & bass player”, so that narrows his options and I think I know who he means. Those two have been running an ad for three years now. If it’s who I think, they don’t need a guitar player as much as a babysitter. But then again, they might be something new. I showed up, didn’t I?
           Taking the long view, where will I be in five years and ten years if I make it. The two oldest regularly performing musicians I’ve met in Florida were in their early 70s. Jerry, the trumpet player, and that guitarist at the Rip Tide. While individually talented, neither could catch on to the bass as a rhythm instrument, they could not “hear” the other parts, such as guitar, if it was not there. I’m the opposite and I’ve often carried the whole tune myself. To me, it’s either you know the tune or you don’t. So, we are back to where we started 23 years ago. Exhausted every possible contact and lead in the county and in the process met every guitar loser. If there was ever a truly new band in the vicinity, I’d hear about it in no time. This is my sixth year in Polk and all that ever happens is a reshuffling of the deck.
           Did I see any new music this trip to Nashville. Almost. I misread an ad and walked in on the Sisters Wade Revival at 9:00PM, as they were closing, not starting. Hmmm, what kind of band quits at nine at night, but anyway, their web site shows they play a ton of brand new instruments, which I had wanted to hear. Didn’t I mention this band last week? Anyway, the Reb & I are invited if we are around in August. If history repeats, we will be.

           Pelosi’s husband just got arrested for drunk driving. In California, where there is normal behavior for 82 year old nobodies. Don’t be surprised if you never heard of this joker before. They let him out on a piddling $5,000 bail bond. Talk is in the air of rebellion, but it is inconclusive. Some say violence will be defeated, others say the right will win a crushing victory. The right is 100 million people with 600 million guns. There is plenty of talk about owning private land but everybody who can afford it already has some. It is priced out of reach for most and there are ever more laws preventing homesteading and small houses. Most states tax you if you dig a well and some have banned going off-grid. Hence, I think any confrontation on those issues will quickly become violent.
           It’s becoming a big issue, since the government grabs land if the taxes aren’t paid right to spec. When I bought my land, one of the first things I implemented was insurances that I could always pay the taxes up to five years in advance. I figure anything longer than that there would be anarchy anyway. The single thing lacking at this time is a leader that all the small factions can rally around. He’s out there, and could appear any time.

           Looks like I may be replacing this tablet as my travel computer. The problem with people who play computer games and use apps without knowing how they work is they develop a sort Wild West attitude. They will walk up and start talking to you as if you are as equally shallow. During such an episode, that damn MicroSoftEdge began downloading. I thought I caught it in time, but it has gradually knocke out my system until none of my other browsers work. It also made all local networks, around 38 of them, disappear off my available list. I’ll say it again, the people in Redmond are insufferable assholes. Once Edge or Bing get on your unit expect problems. You can’t even find these virus-like apps in command mode and if you do, they cannot directly be uninstalled.
           I painstakingly went through regedit and deleted every instance of Edge. I also had to reset my network setting and it is now asking for a key I can’t get until the Reb wakes up. So I test drove the Taurus until something went wrong, in this case, it is still leaking water, but very slowly. Now, I may just lower the price until I get rid of it. Ever since that new radiator was installed, it’s given one problem or another. However, it does run fine for at least an hour at a time, making it of some use to somebody in this economy.

Last Laugh