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Friday, May 6, 2022

May 6, 2022

One year ago today: May 6, 2021, an empty morning.
Five years ago today: May 6, 2017, name three things.
Nine years ago today: May 6, 2013, root beer ingredients.
Random years ago today: May 6, 2010, examining book royalties.

           This morning, I should have left for Tennessee. It was a frying pan by 10:00AM, so why did I stay. Because the route I have planned is 970 miles and I don’t have a spare tire yet. A quick trip to the south end netted me $100 of shelf lumber for $15. With the extra, I picked up more trade goods. The Democrats are serious about causing this food shortage. Their empire is toppling, their new Ministry of Information is fully occupied trying to gag their own party members who have seen the light and are starting to talk.
           Today you may get some random photos, as the heat had me driving around for supplies and doing some visiting instead of working. The planned getaway is postponed, partially so I can feed my neighbor’s feral cats. There are around five, but they effectively keep any more from intruding and except for raccoons, which are fearless at night, these cats keep most other vermin in check. I took coffee and donuts in for the ladies at the Thrift and got some DVDs. The new van has no video, but if you’ve never tried “watching” a movie just listening to the sound track, it works.

           Here’s a scene for you, remember that handful of beans I threw out for the squirrel. He didn’t like them. A week later, look at this straining for the sun. Doubly odd is that I had turned up this soil to install the birdbath piping. And thought the seeds got buried too deep. This is part of the yard enriched with the laundry deck soil. Um, I return from Tennessee and there is a giant beanstalk up into the clouds, what do you recommend I do?
           The biggest news is the Trump rally in Pennsylvania, what an event. He is addressed as President Trump which no doubt gives the leftists a conniption fit. I just watched snippets and what was further amusing was the way the fake news tried to besmirch it all. “Rally gets mixed reviews.” “Former President Trump.” “Trump speaks amidst booing.” “Trump silent on abortion.” “Disgraced Trump holds rally.” “Embattled [insert State here].” They have little clue how well Trump is playing them.
           There are no embattled States except the ones Trump is ignoring. The Democrats are eve in danger of losing California, their west coast bastion. During the most recent rally he referred to the Democrats as “The Party of Death”. Something about that resonates.

Picture of the day.
Gold tooth.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           By noon I got inside, reviewing more documentaries on Taiwan. I’m not buying the hype that the island is in the crossroads of the far east and whoever dominates it controls the Pacific rim. I think the island is prepared to knock the crap out of any invaders and will retreat to the mountains for guerilla warfare. I always thought it funny how when Kai-shek retreated there during the war with Mao, he found the people not only speaking and dressed like Japanese, but they had something China didn’t. Railroads, cars, schools, libraries, electricity, telephones, and stable currency.
           Near mid-afternoon a cloud cover found me out in the shed, where I installed another shelf, this one reserved mainly for computers, disks, and other paraphernalia. It’s kind of all over right now causing me to spend time looking for things, like my missing NERO disk. It’s a great disk burning app, but the longer you use it on a Windows system, the more it decays and has to be regularly reinstalled. That’s a chore, because it does not preserve all your settings.

           Musk is slated to take over as CEO of Twitter, which means the Paki is toast. Americans are offended to no end when these people come over here and lecture us on how the system works. I’m not taking sides on the facts, but facts aside, I don’t like it either. I’ve been over there and these people would be executed trying this in their own cultures. Their work is not here, but back where they come from. Sounds harsh? It’s not prejudice, I’m simply an isolationist. We don’t need these people, we don’t want these people. They abuse everything we let them touch.
           Here’s my window box without the box part. You can see one of the utility hooks. The plan here is to see if the seedlings will flourish better in somewhat better morning sunlight. They are three feet off the ground and need watering daily, but some response is already evident.

Last Laugh