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Monday, June 13, 2022

June 13, 2022

One year ago today: June 13, 2021, another cooker.
Five years ago today: June 13, 2017, Miami by motorcycle.
Nine years ago today: June 13, 2013, DIY circuit tester.
Random years ago today: June 13, 2015, The Zimbabwe “dollar”.

           We awake to news of another Tesla fire and that MicroSoft is canceling Internet Explorer on the 15th. No, not unsupported, but canceled, and it may stop working entirely. You will use Edge whether you want to or not. And MicroSoft continue to shovel you that XP is “vulnerable”. Not if you don’t use it on-line, it isn’t, in fact the newer Windows products must be used installed while on-line and they all have backdoors. XP doesn’t, which many suspect is the real reason it was discontinued in 2014.
           Note that most ATMs use XP despite the fact Russian hackers know how to empty the cash cassettes. You see, the ATMs are not owned by the banks and the cash is insured. So why bother with expensive upgrades that are not more secure anyway? So you know, since the first in 2013, 32 Teslas have caught fire, mostly after a crash. Thirteen people have been incinerated. The recommended way to put out a Tesla is to dig a hole, push the car in, and smother it with water.
           As for the squirrel, he’s gone. We plainly have a predator in the neighborhood big enough to tear open the metal grid of a trap. And drag the whole trap around five feet without me hearing a sound from maybe twenty feet away. If it is a raccoon, it has gone viscous for some reason, probably rabies. It even tried to dig up the seeds I buried a foot deep.

           The neighbor has some plastic fencing he’s chucking. I took a sample and it fits the inside of my red shed quite nicely. Let me get back to you, I’m going downtown after opening time to pay a few small bills and I intend to stop for coffee, quite leisurely. I did, and worked the puzzles but I have a request. For couples who break up in public, no matter how discretely you think you are, please do not sit at the next table to the man doing the crossword.
           Darn, not only did Argentina have the coldest year in decades, those darn glaciers are not cooperating either. They were supposed to melt by now, instead they sit there getting bigger. So what have the Global Warming/Cooling people switched to this time? It is no longer “climate change”, it is “climate risk”. Place all your money on the Mayor’s doorstep before it is too late.
           And in New York, you are not allowed to take part in vaccine debates unless you show proof you’ve been jabbed. That tells you most of what I think about New York, city or state, same cesspool to me. I mean, of the first 100 New Yorkers you meet in your life, 99 of them are insufferable AOLs, exactly what is one supposed to think?

           There is a big push on-line quoting the Turner Diaries. All of a sudden people who were played for Mr-Nice-Guy are realizing they’ve been had. Thomas Jefferson said, “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.” And they are just waking up now. I don’t know zip about the Turner Diaries (yet) but this is, I believe, the quote:

           "We would have rebelled, if all that had been imposed on us in the last 50 years had been attempted at once. But because the chains that bind us were forged imperceptibly, link by link; we submitted. The adding of any single new link to the chain was never enough for us to make a big fuss about. It always seemed easier and safer to go along, and the further we went the easier it was to go just one step further." - The Turner Diaries

Picture of the day.
Miss Russia 2010.
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           Ten years or so after they were mentioned here, a state has come out with digital license plates. The plate has a valet parking mode and can track speed and location. It can flash “personal messages” (we need this), pay tolls, parking meters and send alerts to your smart phone. It won’t be long before it disables your ignition for being late on the rent and calls in when you park at a bar after work. The plates are not a new idea, the system just had to wait for a generation of shiftless, characterless, half-tards to arrive before they could pull it off.
           Tech companies are laying off. These are the high-end jobs of that generation. I’ve read offers of $300,000 for my job skills but not no more. Big companies like Stitch Fix, Bird, and CoinBase are canning employees left and right. Silicon Valley is dumping people. Some outfits may entirely go under. As far as I am concerned, Big Tech brought on this recession and they will not be missed.
           This is the plug from the new shed fan. Here’s an idea I like. There is a small fuse built directly into the plug. As long as the replacement fuse is an easy and inexpensive part, this may take off. If not, I’ve got a whole rack of replacement power cords that would work just fine.

           It got too hot I’ll advise you to go take an extra siesta like I did. Later I seated down right between the fan and A/C and listed what I need to do this week before I forget. A base for the small fridge in the shed. Place the two birdbath posts (ugh, using the post digger). Clear space for the scooter so I don’t have to back in. Salvage metal for the laundry deck roof. Make a platform for the ambient tank.
           I also took enough of his old plastic fence to line the interior of the red shed roof. Just don’t expect that to happen soon. I have an idea for a shed ceiling from the old fence panels. I think they will float on the metal flanges that are already there. That would be pure luck.

           Three and a half, maybe four hours, that was my work day. I got a pile of lumber over the fence from the neighbor, though a lot of it may be marginal. This includes two ten-foot posts which will form the basis of my bird misting system, you know, to get it up higher where the birds feel safe. The neighbor reports an oversized possum in his yard. You know what they say, if you see a possum or raccoon in the daylight, it’s rabies.

Last Laugh