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Sunday, June 26, 2022

June 26, 2022

One year ago today: June 26, 2021, fixed it yerself, huh?
Five years ago today: June 26, 2017, they’re a solid majority.
Nine years ago today: June 26, 2013, random stranger treats me.
Random years ago today: June 26, 2014, working on the clubhouse.

           Putin says if war breaks out, first target is London. Mind you, it was a Brit newspaper saying so. And Trudeau of Canada says women should be the ones who decide what’s best for their bodies and come to Canada for abortions—but only if they have the government mandated vaccines. It’s an early day, I baked muffins, biscuits, and potatoes and it isn’t light yet. Still feeling the stiffness in my bones, another day off is in order. What should we explore this time? Here’s new documentary on El Agheila, the battle where Rommel ran out of supplies, but claimed as a British victory of sorts.
           Here’s a picture of an instant chair. Then we watch another Trump rally. They’re more fun to watch since he’s figured out he has to get his own parallel “civil service” installed, or at least to the extent they’ll try to implement his policies. But some of his choices and decisions are pretty mysterious. Trump is gnawing away at the foundations and the other side knows it. I say the leftist’s biggest headache is they way they try to balloon their now-known 16% of actual supporters into a “majority” on the fake media. And there’s hardly a man in America who doesn’t notice the real problem with these liberated women.

           Foreclosures are back up to 3,000 per week. Back in ’06 it was blamed mainly on the sub-prime loans. Government guarantees of payback let banks give loans to “sub-prime” people. This time it is a fundamental weakness in the system and a looming monster of a government-caused recession. I can’t watch the whole market, but the housing price drops in Tennessee averaged another $11,000 this week. I am once again watching for the lowest price of a reasonably inhabitable site, similar to what I have here. It does not have to be fancy as long as everything works. I’m finding places, but they are not serviced.
           The good news is more of them are in the country instead of bad neighborhoods. It’s amusing how the pendulum swings in Tennessee. Some nothing town will suddenly have 30 places for sale. There’s something at work there I don’t understand. But I do have a grasp on be prepared. We missed that church by [less than]] $15,000.

           Here’s a picture from 2012, when I acquired an old carburetor and spent much time pondering it. It captured my attention as a product that typifies the inventiveness of mankind. Nothing like it in Nature and every part of it empirically designed. Over time, this is whittle down to the bare essentials until it looked like this. To me, the connection to mankind was stronger. Every part of this unit tested and worked perfectly. Yet it did not work. No replacement parts were available because the system makes it less expensive to buy a new one.
           Even now with a clearer understanding of how it operates, I don’t understand why they simply quit. If I was beginning my career over, I’d say that is a prime candidate for A.I. It has few moving parts and the reason it sometimes works after being soaked overnight tells us the problem is in some unseen or hard to decide level in the functioning. Ideal, not for repair necessarily, but for designs that quit doing that.

Picture of the day.
Anonymous $1 million scratch-off winner.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           The Rommel documentary was a better result from the archives and newsreels released as more archives are unsealed. A lot of new footage to replace the overused “action scenes” from the past fifty years. Once again, to truly understand what happened, historians should total up the costs to each side. The Allies spent incredible sums of money that the other side just could not match. It was much a victory of lend-lease American supplies as any military campaigning. If Rommel had the logistics of a regular Panzer army, I suspect he would have taken the Canal in a month and thereafter possibly relieved Stalingrad from the east.
           As for the recent historians putting out these videos, they are incompetent. Each unquestioningly follows the same “western” indoctrinated versions of the war. They ignore salient facts, for example, that the original German tanks were never designed to fight other tanks. They were mobile artillery, that is, infantry support vehicles. Meant to overcome enemy pillboxes and artillery emplacements, then punch through into open territory and mess up the enemy from behind. Instead, we get this endless stream of “facts” about armor thickness, gun size, and combat weight.

           As for the American equipment, other than its abundance, the best thing I’ll say about it is when compared to British tinker-toy tanks, the US models did not break down as often. For clarity, the German tanks were not designed to fight other tanks. When the enemy had tanks, the plan was to lure them into anti-tank traps equipped with the German 88, while the German tanks waited to plunge forward into the flanks and cut off the gas and ammo. These guys knew what they were doing.
           Then there’s the statistics of capture. In Tobruk the Germans found tons of supplies neatly stacked up. When the Germans retreated, it is mostly abandoned vehicles with empty fuel tanks. Not the same thing at all, you guys, not even close. It costs as much to retreat as to attack.

           It’s hard to keep politics out of my nice blog nowadays, but I doubt under a liberal regime I’d be allowed to speak since I’ve never liked liberals before I even knew what the term meant. Tump’s latest rally again confirms the huge voter base has had enough of the Deep State. I listened to the speech at 2x at what resonates are his vow to round up all the current invasion of illegals with what appears to be large support from the Latino community. They know very well the people coming across these days are not refugees. Trump has openly said he would fire those responsible, but that has to become arresting them to really get things fired up. Maybe he’s saving that for the last minute as the Democrats increasingly expose themselves.
           Trump is also building a much larger support base with hundreds of newly elected officials, often taking over from entrenched Democrats. Increasing reports of arrests of voting fraudsters, all Democrats, is all over the Internet but not so much the mainstream media. Speaking of Democrats, I set a rat trap. I’ve got a visitor in the kitchen and I tried some of the latest poison. The vermin just peed on it and carried on.

           Looking at more carburetors, I found a book detailing the end of the British motorcycle industry. There were lots around still when I grew up, but by 1970 they were all gone. So I got a Honda, largely due to the reputation for Nortons and Triumphs leaking oil. I was searching on lawn mower carbs when I saw the book but at $75 a copy, I’ll take my own word the Brits lost out badly when it came to world sales by the 70s. For similar reasons, I think, Harley Davidson is only still around by building bigger machines with eye-popping price tags. These companies quit building a good, popular, all-round small machine and lost that market.

           This is a test link, showing all Starbuck coffee sizes are the same. If you are goint to watch it, try 2x. I get very little on-line advertising due to my security installations. You should immediately install Privacy Badger until further notice. One company I examined was Nordpass, and those people are cruising for a bruising. They stand at opposite poles with me on even basic security. They make wild claims that their on-line storage system is secure and encourage people to store personal information there.
           None of these on-line outfits seems to have discovered the data segmentation method I have used since 1984. My information is on computers, but not all of it is in one place. For example, the only way to connect my address with, say, my phone number, is to use three separate computers. One piece of info on each computer with a third computer that contains the links between the two. The only portion “on-line” is the links, which are meaningless to the casual observer. In fact, here is the link between my address and phone: BA2B 66FF 0999 09FD 5511. If you find where those go, good luck, as both the address and phone are also coded. It is simple common sense.

Last Laugh