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Tuesday, July 12, 2022

July 12, 2022

One year ago today: July 12 ,2021, it’s a trap.
Five years ago today: July 12, 2017, $13.82 exactly.
Nine years ago today: July 12, 2013, the weight of water.
Random years ago today: July 12, 2018, a lot like New Jersey.

           There’s talk of allowing 50-year mortgages. The system really does have the post-Boomers by the short and curlies. Loans built to last longer than the houses they are buying. It’s a concept the buying public struggles with nowadays, but if there were no mortgages available, houses would cost around $20,000. The entire housing industry is a Ponzi scheme and the bottom layer is finally drying up. Good morning, the news is that KIA will replace the motor. No other details, but this calls for an extra coffee. Only the confident bloggist featueres a bucke of yard plants, so here you go, some Devil’s backbone while I figure out where to transplant it. Today, we move a lot of material with the new wheelbarrow which, with the tube tires, turns out better balanced with a load.
           Consider it yard art, I mean, it is a posed picture. Where’s my birdies? I hear them but don’t see them. That predator last day has signaled a general stop in feeder activity. No birds except well hidden in the trees. Tentatively the birdie seen last day may be a barn swallow. But there are at least three others in the book with red neck bands. Any way, it’s yard work day, including fertilize the peach tree and spray fog. How nice to work in the yard without bugs and when they say the fogger lasts two weeks, the reappearance of mosquitoes last evening means to the day.

           A sweep of the sites shows a slow week in real estate both in Tennessee and Florirda. My filter specifies buildings if the lot is not vacant, but it cannot determine habitability. This came up in today as the lowest priced spot in Tennessee with a building, but it is specified as not liveable. Then how come there is a car parked outside and I see all the utility lines? It’s some kind of skid shack but at least there is no HOA. I wonder if it must be demolished or something? That would be a great source of lumber for the dog house. Whatever else it is, this dump was slapped together in 2000. As long as I don’t have a commitment to demolish the place, the land itself is always worth a look.
           It says circular driveway and a creek on the property. I am tempted to throw in a low-ball offer of $25,000 and see what happens. One of my criteria specifies no HOA, and I see from the viewings that is an exceedingly popular condition. Feast your eyes on my doggie park, 125 miles from Nashville, too far to commute. But hard times are coming even if Trump gets in now.

           It’s getting serious. The only people still supporting the regime are now easily spotted a raving lunatics. The left girds up for a fight, they are mistaking the traditional slow-to-anger response of the citizens as weakness and their press continues to scream about pandemics and food shortages as if they are a given. Most people don’t even think about them any more, and as for the empty grocery shelves, most of us have yet to see that.
           Comparing this property to records show prices are stalled overall and there are still discounts for existing listings, mostly in the $11,000 range. Talk is still of another bubble meaning it could be most buyers are waiting. A round of elections in the next three weeks will set the tone for the mid-terms. I get the impression a lot more people will chose the de facto Patriot candidates if shown they won’t be wasting their vote by not going mainstream Republican. As long as it crashes prices, I have no association with either group.

           And yes, the EU will install “speed prevention” chips on all vehicles made after 2024. A flood of new photos from the Webb telescope won’t be that helpful to the casual viewer. They look like close-up pics of things we’ve already seen from the Hubble. What’s new is the infra-red analysis which alas is invisible. They’ve spotted the distinct signature of water on distant exoplanets and you can bet it won’t be long before they train that technology on nearer cousins. And in the beginning millenialization of cars, options are slated to be “subscribed” instead of bought. For example, if you want heated seats in your BMW, that will cost you $18 per month. I warned this would happen.
           Odd how few people see what is coming. They think, wow, I don’t have to pay for the heat in the summer when I don’t need it. Wrong, it will come with an annual subscription. And once that door is opened, how long before essentials go that way? Next will be laws requiring devices to track and monitor with penalties for bypassing or removing them. An following shortly, cars that will deliver only to government approved destinations. Like the polling station, because if you don’t vote for them, your food is cut off.

Picture of the day.
TV, France’s most popular magazine.
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           This photo shows another first for me. It’s y’day when I threaded the axle rod for the cart. I guess I should tag it as the buggy, since it is between a wheelbarrow and a cart, and the way the wheels slightly splay reminds me of orchard buggies as I labored my youth away in the Yakima Valley orchards. These tools are light duty, I can already see where they suffer from cutting this ordinary iron but now I know what to shop for. Next thing you know, I’ll fire up the old club welder, see it that still works.
           Oops, a quick nap turned into the afteroon, so I’m just getting underway now. The nation continues to rise to the boiling point. Stores in ethnic neighborhoods continue to be looted, violent attacks on white people, I’m glad I don’t live near any Democrats. Horatio is in a convoy underway in episode five which includes a mutiny. There is one accuracy that stands out, how whenever there is an AOL in charge, he always has two or three equally distasteful types who get along with him just fine.
           The thermometer dipped below 84 in the shade so I was out there two hours. I got the front yard raked and most of it mowed. Those who note I write dates on things can see how I know that gas I bought just four months ago went bad in the can. I had to drain the mower bone dry and soak the air filter. Well, I now have some gas for soaking and cleaning. The new cart or barrow works great, the old solid wheels are crap. They’d roll a bit, then jam, and next thing you are pushing through the dirt like skids.
           I’m in a celebratory mood, having diagnosed and fixed the lawnmower problem as bad gas. It’s been since last week I was out of the yard, maybe I should take some time off. I’m very alert to the fact that raking leaves and lifting debris may be overdoing it with my back but sitting around is also a pain for me. What do you think? Should I go downtown for a beer? I’ve got Yueng-Ling in the fridge, but I’ll need them for an upcoming bonfire. Later, I decided to stay put. Rumor has it a train strike is on the way. America will have shortages, they insist.
           A mystery solved. A few years back, I wondered at hundreds of robins in my trees. I thought them solitary birds. I knew they migrated, but had not heard of flocks of robins. Turns out, back west I lived in their summer nesting grounds. Florida is in their migratory route, so I’d just not seen that before. And the bird of prey I mentioned is on regular patrol now, and larger than I thought. He perches across the street and cannot be seen unless he makes a noise. Now that I’ve seen him a few times, his wingspan is at least 4-1/2 feet.

           Ha, did you catch that meme with the Left asking Assange why he never leaked any dirt on Trump? The implication is that Assange must therefore be a Trump sympathizer. Love is reply, “Because there wasn’t any.”
           Now they have to extradite him for sure. I wonder what will happen to him, for the American people at large have nothing against the guy. Time in exile is lost. I lost ten years myself, but they were spent replacing what should have been there in the first place and I succeeded. Assange probably will not. It’s curious why he took the risk since most thinking people already knew the rot in the system was to the core.

           Before you go, here’s one more curiosity. LGBTQ is by sheer chance similar to the four-letter groupings of old WWII U-boat code transmissions. For example LQBT usually meant part of a weather code. While reminding all I am no code expert, I do my best given time to try to grasp the theory. My recent injury could give me time to take another look at Enigma, I get a little further each time. Here’s something to put into perspective. I know I’m much better at spotting patterns than average, but when it comes to those who are good at it, I’m the rookie. Yet the back of my mind carries a little message that many mathematical “geniuses” are just people better at spotting patterns than the rest of us.
           Another thing I question is the way accounts of Brit code-breaking never say if or how the Germans tested their system. Every German message seems to be the real thing, yet in wartime I would make sure there were several fakes of each. Or why the Germans never dropped random bombs on England and listened for radio reports. There is so much the Germans did not do according to the books that we know there is still an on-going cover-up.

Last Laugh