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Thursday, July 14, 2022

July 14, 2022

One year ago today: July 14, 2021, increase your odds.
Five years ago today: July 14, 2017, she disliked my outfit.
Nine years ago today: July 14, 2013, average trip was 3 miles.
Random years ago today: July 14, 2014, me, second from right.

           Fool that I am, I was out there at down finishing the hard part of raking the front. I know the onset of a muggy month and used the morning cool to get raking. My back will let me know, I’m not letting it enough time. Finished by 9:00AM after two hours. There was more I could have done but some neighbor started frying pancakes. I was inside as fast as the tools could be put away. I’m going to need that small tiller, the job is too much by hand for me. The roots will mean a constant erosion of tiller blades, but you can’t cut the roots or the trees will fall.

           This set of photos is from the recycle place in Tennessee this morning. Lem was over to drop some batteries and saw this Sunbeam electric mower. Dusty but he says it looks like it would run. I don’t think they wanted to get rid of it but this is about as simple and rinky-dink a mower I’ve ever seen. That looks like a 2 HP circular saw motor. Introduced in 1957 for $140, that’s $1,475 in today’s money. The link says Sunbeam is now owned by Jarden Consumer Solutions and they don’t make mowers.

           Folks, we have entered a blog dry spell. Readership is off by two-thirds for sixty days running. This means nothing since this blog isn’t out for brownie points. The world now bases so much on stats that people don’t understand that you might say lack or success breeds lack of success. Don’t dismay, regular readers, things are not as bad as they’ve been in the distant past. The blog lasted days of 9 or 10 hits per day [back in 2006], so this slump is nothing. And this blog has outlasted 99% of similar startups. It is one of many things written here per day. Most popular feature toggles between the Pic of the Day and Yesteryear. Both must be present to maximize views. This is why the Reb & I have been looking at publishing in another format.
           Later. It is now noon and my side hurts just enough to get me lying back down for an indeterminate spell. I’ve put myself in a bad pattern. I get up, feeling limber, do some work, lie down, and the cramp in my side returns. If I don’t force myself on very light duty, this could go on as it has before in my lifetime.

           And we have another lady rat visitor. There’s any of fifteen ways they can get inside and have evolved to snub the live traps. And I’m now wrapt in the book “Enigma” even though it is only mildly about the code itself. Just some Englishman without the cajones to tell the broad he fancies her in the sack. I’d find it laughable if I did not know so many chicken men myself who had that same lame mindset. Jesus man, just go ask her, but like I do I mean, without ever asking her. You guys play to get high scores, I play to win.
           Isn’t that ironic, how these men go out looking for easy women to score with, I go out and have to avoid women that are that easy. This is why I advise women to be careful who they entertain passes from. If there is a good man in the place, he’ll notice. I made it to Winter Haven in the comfort of the van at the hottest stretch. To find Wal*Mart sold out of rat traps and things I needed. I put the entire month’s gas budget to fill 2/3 of the tank and remembered this week is payday at the mines.

Picture of the day.
The original Hotel California.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Taking an hour to stock up on groceries, I drove home in the dark. I went over to the old club to find it packed with married couples, it’s a payday thing. The juke box was too quiet and the usual contingent of blonde housewives were not present. My handy notebook shows that I am 59 big projects behind on this cabin, ranging from raking the roof valleys to leveling the kitchen floor.
           Big projects generally mean those expected to require more than a day to complete.

Last Laugh

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