One year ago today: July 14, 2020, my early bass history.
Five years ago today: July 14, 2016, the Case of the Missing Hummer.
Nine years ago today: July 14, 2012, lo-fat don’t work on me.
Random years ago today: July 14,2011, footsies in the Atlantic.
I was up early, threw some calamine lotion on my arm, took my coffee mug out of the fridge and thought, this will be a good day. It was almost like this was not Florida, but reality did not take long. I’m reading how Branson is giving away two free tickets. Here’s my only shot at getting into outer space, it’s a random draw. Or is it? That would be too rare in America. Let’s look at the fine print. Sure enough, it’s more bullsh. They immediately hit you up for a donation up to $300, and full private details to get you on file. WCGW? There’s more.
You must also be vaccinated, over 18, and you can increase your odds by being a minority, addict, freak, queer, ethnic, foreigner, refugee, lost cause, victim, gender-confused, or skillfully pretending to be any of the above, or fifth generation descended from a slave. Preference is giving to non-whites just because, and you can bump others by including a sob-story with your submission. Also, you can leverage your chances by up to 2,000x by entering the associated lottery for Humanity. Despite all this, outfits like MSN and Clarion still maintain Virgin is “giving away” free tickets. Yeah, millennial free.
Put another way, if you are a white male taxpayer, your chances of getting into space with Virgin are better if you walk straight up for 60 miles. You could try becoming the Loch Ness monster. Another rarity has become finding a recording of “Down At Papa Joe’s” on-line. This is the “knuckle song”. Nor are there any complete versions on-line, where searches are dominated by this complete dork who plays it in C instead of C#. Thinks he’s impressing us, but somebody tell the dimtard he destroys the character of the song. There are no decent versions of this tune to be found on-line as a piano duet. Just a few dozen home-grown videos of people mucking it up worse than you do. The days of the Internet as a sharing mechanism are gone except in the singular but mammoth arena of fools, who always have the time to share their shallow nonsense.
Which reminds me, I put in another four hours practice on using the publishing software. It’s true, I won’t be giving anything away for free—but nor will I stoop to false advertising, either. Making a living on-line is super-competitive but unlike other fields of American , this rivalry has forced standards down. Reddit asks the question if you were on a date with the horniest man/woman on Earth, and you were offered one million bucks to say something that makes them not want sex with you, what would you say? I submitted “Nancy Pelosi.” Okay, I admit that’s mean, but Rachel Maddow was already used. Eight million times.
Leighton, Alabama.
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More of the work I’m no longer built for, here is the big desk carcass set in position along the unfinished computer wall. The room is too small for a desk, so initially, we have to sit on the edge of the bed. Rationalize a lot, if the business doesn’t go, the desk is much where it was five years ago. If it does fly, we’ll just get a bigger place. We are not about to make the same mistake other businesses did and got themselves locked down and out of business. The electronics going in here are commercial grade and secure.
For now, it’s the physical labor that’s tough. That’s a six drawer desk that had to be wielded out of the front bedroom, out into the kitchen, over a sofa, down the hall, and in a fashion that when it fit through the back bedroom door, it was right side up and forward. The familiar shelving is seen, there will be a total of four shelves on this wall. They are already full. This desk took a full hour of wrangling, but other than stubbing my toes, nothing got strained. Except my thirst. Sure, I’ve been planning on going out for a beer for about a week, but this time I mean it. The disk is strained at the joints from all this activity, so I am going to re-glue and clamp everything [that’s] loose tomorrow.
My gosh, have you seen the fake ballots in Georgia. They are photocopies and in consecutive order at times. Not the ballots, but the sheer stupidity of doing it this way, that’s what’s got me. It would seem this is the best the Democrats could come up with and they still insist they know what’s best for the country. At least it explains why they are ignoring every crisis they’ve created and focus on consolidating their political power using public funds. Texas will arrest Democrats for fleeing (though whether they will ever be punished is iffy), and challengers to the Democrat liberal status quo are cropping up everywhere.
Talk is the Democrats will try the same idiotic tactics in the upcoming mid-terms, but this time there will be thousands of trained poll watchers who know their rights. If I was the Democrats, I’d stop criticizing Cuba and start making friends hard and fast. It’s all an interesting backdrop to this work I’m up to, plus the other loony themes that come on public radio. It could take up to three days to wire all the equipment up properly on the work station, but in the end I’ll have two bedrooms back. The design of the new shelves relies heavily on my nice pocket hole drill for both looks and strength. These shelves are purposely only 10” wide and three times the strength probably needed.
Next laugh, and a huge boost to the anti-Biden faction, was his trip to Pennsylvania. The purpose was shamelessly to pressure against any audit of the 2020 vote. The guy is a basket case. Not a single supporter showed up. He humiliates himself with these appearances, he’s just lucky a few thousand Trump people didn’t show up to remind him his polls are lying to him. The mood out there is not good for liberals and with what is coming out of Georgia, it is about to get a lot worse. The Arizona audit is still a news blackout, trying our patience. But most understand their findings have to be 100%, as the Biden administration has dispatched something line 1,007 lawyers to the state to prepare attacks on the findings. That tactic alone tells most people what they need to know.
I propose Joe & the Hoe be entered as contestants for the free space flight. When the audit in Arizona and Georgia hits the fan, that is probably the safest place for them to be. I’ll make the popcorn. The most enduring delight that’s never changed in my life is watching a liberal get out of the bear trap by chewing off a leg. In my eyes, these people are the most evil creatures in existence and cannot suffer enough. I’ll repeat what I said over a half-century ago, that most troubles in my life stem from people trying to for me to do things their way without paying me. Ha, another joke is the people in Georgia who certified the votes now claiming they just wanted to run a quiet election. Nonsense, there was such massive hooplah before the election that nobody can claim they were unaware of the potential for cheating. I say every Democrat operative in that State knew exactly what was going on and abetted it. Or the American Airlines pilot who threatened to land if Trump supporters didn’t stop chanting, “USA”. He’s the one who should be grounded. Or Biden’s claim that Trump people are more of a threat than the Confederate army, gimme a break.