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Saturday, July 16, 2022

July 16, 2022

One year ago today: July 16, 2021, Arizona, the on-going upset.
Five years ago today: July 16, 2017, so I kept the $50.
Nine years ago today: July 16, 2013, Asian hallmarks.
Random years ago today: July 16, 2011, bingo by candlelight.

           Today we do a little more yard work, what were you expecting? The kitchen radio opens with the morning news so I can prepare breakfast to whatever is mainstreaming. What’s this, another upset in Italy? I don’t follow but as soon as Tampa radio mean-mouths the place, you just know the Marxists are ruffled. It seems the opposition party has told a half-million illegals to “pack their bags”. It should not be long before that happens here, except, we have 40 million and the last few amnesties could also be overturned. As soon as it is light enough outside, we get that new plug into the chainsaw. I’ll keep you posted.
           First, we move fast to beat the sun and the rain. I got the front awnings cut in with that jet black paint from the recycle. It covers fantastically, so I carried on and painted stuff that needed it. Like my lawn mower handlebar, my rusted spare parts muffin tin, and a new piece of trim for the door shelter. It was originally metal but I can’t cut fancy pieces, so there’s the second piece of wood in five years.

           Crummy news for me, it was not the chain saw spark plug. I spent two hours testing everything I knew. It is not getting gas and the carburetor is something I’ve never seen before. The spark is fine but it will not turn over even when spiked, so something is blocking the fuel path. Much as I hate to take the carb off, if I don’t get this running, I’m out one chain saw. So, nothing to loose. Check back in a day or two.
           With no place to set or hang a smaller bucket, I was up and down the ladder forty times to get the awnings ready. Move fast, as I heard the thunder moving in by 2:00PM. Still nothing when I knocked off at 4:00PM. We shall see if the ladder exercise did me any good. I finished reading “Enigma”, it was definitely a mystery for the English. Like how their crossword clues are impossible to me. “Short morning snack” is ambit. Get it? AM bite, but shortened to bit. No thanks even for codebreaking since the bad guys don’t usually play word games.

           Another round of housing price and rent increases means nobody who works for minimum wage can afford a place to live in America. My position is the people responsible are those who borrowed all the money, driving prices into the stratosphere. Its insane thinking this can continue but I disagree with Finland’s approach, a country that claims to have solved homelessness. They do it by giving them a free apartment and incentivizing them to get a job and clean up. My position is that it is not free, I’m paying for it via taxes. Beyond that, I do not think homeless people need to live in cities, as I’ve said.
           Buy one of the thousands of ghost towns that are appearing all over America. They are going cheap. Then ship the homeless out there and let them buy a house with sweat equity. Don’t hand me the story there are no jobs because there are none in the cities either. These people on the streets necessarily steal when they can. Give them some land, some seeds, some garden tools. I’m not going into detail, just outlining the process. It would cost a tenth as much as it is costing society right now.

           Geology is mostly a book I’ll read, since I never really get out in the field. I’m reading a recent school text on the whole range of the topic. From fossils to weather control. Published in 2015, this book reveals how little progress has been made. Now that the universities have gone worktard, they just graduate masses of people who passed the tests, regardless of their intellectual capabilities. Or in this era, their lack of capabilities. Not one breakthrough, not one new method or discovery in decades. Certainly not like when I was a kid, you could expect some announcement every other month. This text contained nothing I haven’t read forty years go. If this is the course, I believe I could walk into college and challenge the exam without an hour of study. Just read the book, parrot the material, and you’re a Ph.D. If they fail you, sue ‘em.

Picture of the day.
Fairbanks, Alaska.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           This is the chain saw carb. It is that flat rectangular piece. It has two holes drilled into a simple channel that makes the gas spray, much like an aerosol nozzle, then back into the throat of the carb and into the cyclinder. But the gas is not getting that far. I cleaned it as best I could but unlike lawn mowers, this carb has everything more permanently attached. It is not as simple as unhooking a couple of lines and wires. I stopped pending a decision on what to do.
           Next I removed the old tarps from the sidecar and have a new covering, which I’m tempted to make a bit more elaborate to better shed rainwater. For rain it did, and I napped through, then got back to a planned hour with Horatio Hornblower. It’s a dull stretch with the crazy captain about to recover enough to name his assailant, presuming there was one. There’s some Spanish lady captives on board and the Royal Navy is dumb enough to leave the guard a set of keys near a cage full of Spanish women.
           He chose the ugly one. Next, the ship is saved from Spanish takeover but now there is a court martial. We just know Hornblower will be fingered for the captain’s death and this will take up another hour of the series. Moments later, I figured it out. The other officer didn’t die, or he recovered or something, and he will clear Hornblower.

           We have some more weak maribold blooms. These are in the planter with that weird shrub with orange leaves. I was hoping the flowers would have a better color contrast. Instead they don’t look at all like the picture on the package. Far too much trouble for tool little bloom.
           Right about now, my internet service quit, saying I had missed a payment. (This has happened before, they take the payment but don't apply it.) First of all, my payment is not due until the 20th and I have the receipt saying I paid last Thursday. This is what is wrong with America, why it has become third word. I now have to drive back to the shop, a twenty mile round trip, and wait in line. They have no reasonable help line you can call and not be put on hold for 45 minutes. America was great because people took responsibility when they screwed up. Now we are no better than Bumfukistan.

           I was just out of university when this trouble began, it was first seen as the Sony “service contract”. Just as Sony had figured, the trusting American consumer was suckered into paying for his own warrantee service. To the outsiders, this faith Americans had in their systems was nothing but gullibility. It seemed at the time I was the only one who objected, so by 1985 we were stuck with it. Things have slid downhill since and now I have no choice but to spend probably $30 of my own money to have them sort out a mistake they caused.
           Now you have the ass-enders, the Gen XYZ born into such a crappy way that they think it is normal. They don’t even object to giving away their identity to a stranger for a two year service contract that costs a third of the retail price. Could I have used such a contract on my chain saw? No, that’s a sucker’s paradise. I still would have to go through far more hoops than the service was worth. This way, I’ll learn something. Even if it is what I didn’t want.

           Music. This new guy, I dunno. I went over his demos and he’s correct, he’s no singer or guitar player. Ah, but he’s out there and I can work with that. His song list is out of the 1960s, lots of Ventures and CCR, which I can play in my sleep. But that’s not why I’m mentioning it. The important thing for me is if this is the guy I think it is, and I’ve getting more sure of it each email, this guy is so bad that he’s good. How does that work for me?
           It’s on record I don’t over play the band I’m in. But I can and will outplay anybody who takes that path on stage. The trick with these guys is to let them think they are the honcho but play well enough to let their quirks show through. The demos show that he would be playing into my hands. For example, the Ventures music was tops in its day, but back then there were no real bass players and the music shows it. I used to tool with that song “Walk Don’t Run” playing a Mozart riff on bass. Technically, it is correct, a balanced set of slow notes that appear in the original.
           As for his singing, that is kind of iffy as well and he changes all the tunes to G or C. It’s a situation that has to be handled carefully but I will follow up any chance to get on stage. He’s the opposite sort of guitarist to Bradford who tries to play note-for-note parts that are really studio licks unsuitable for much stage work. They spend more time fiddling with their pedals than playing the music.

Last Laugh