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Thursday, July 7, 2022

July 7, 2022

One year ago today: July 7, 2021, a peek at gate arrays.
Five years ago today: July 7, 2017, a phone security issue.
Nine years ago today: July 7, 2013, typical band woes.
Random years ago today: July 7, 2011, I bought the Solo, anyway.

           Three hours is enough. I got the side doorstep taken apart and the entire assembly needs replacing. I may go for the pre-cut pieces since they work out to a dollar more than buying an entire 2x12” and cutting it. The morning was too muggy for much. The way the table saw is laid out, I have to remove fence panels to cut anything longer than four feet, and the door steps are 5/8th inch longer. I’m also learning to avoid plants that require watering every day or other day. The only thing that went easy was a load of laundry, but I can tell you I never had so many nice clean rags around the place to clean up.
           So another leftoid politician bails without notice, this time the British Prime Minister. Right before gas doubles in price again and leaving the door open for a populist fire-breather. We have a new species in the yard. A couple and a long male. They are not in my Florida guidebook, a tiny bird either fearless or naturally tame. I would not notice if they did not fly off only at the last moment. Be patient, it matches several pictures in the book except one or two features each.

           Here’s a picture of the red shed door open after dark. That’s because there was a downpour after all and I’m not running out there to shut it. We know from before no water gets inside and you can see the shed floor is raised a couple inches above the yard level. Note my ready-access yard tools just inside.

           There may be some encouraging news from up north, concerning the KIA that threw the motor rod. That’s the unit that cratered after the warranty period. The dealership normally did nothing in that case, but a problem had been reported to them before they sent the recall notices and anyone was aware of the defect. And guess who took pictures and documented everything? They already said no once but that was before they found out we had the resources to press the issue. Remember that? They figure no car puts you over a barrel and we just went out and bought the Civic--but they don't know that.
           Now otherwise the Reb would have been out of transportation and I detected the dealership might be playing up that angle. (For clarity, they act like replacing the motor is such a favor you will not ask for other compensation.) Expect some decision in a day or two but I don’t see how they can get out of either replacing the motor or replacing the car. That could prove beneficial over here because the Civic is still worth twice what I paid for it. I’ve advised all to say nothing, discuss nothing, let them make the offer.
           You know how one early piece of good news can set the pace for the day? That’s what is going on here. I’m off to do some shopping, foolishly trusting the weather report. Later, I’m glad I did not trust it. That’s how you got that shed picture with my nice dry tools. There was no chance of rain it said. I got caught downtown and waited it out.

Picture of the day.
Marijuana clones for sale, Califormia.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Yeah, it rained. I had moved only my power tools under cover but so much for accuweather. I have the stairwell parts, in the end I bought a 4-step model to slice in half. It was ten bucks cheaper than the alternative. I opted for some generic birdseed until I can ID the latest arrivals. I know if you can tame one bird species to eat out of you hand, it becaomes a lot easier to tame the rest. Maybe I won’t have the patience. My way of doing things means the washer-dryer serup really keeps me ahead of things. So I brought home a half-sack of Yueng-Ling. Still limbering up from my back sprain, things should begin moving faster again.
           If things seem out of sequence today, they are. The surprise rainstorm threw a lot of things off, but I did get some birdseed. The larger bags are a better deal, but I’m more toward small birds and found the large bags can’t be stored long enough to use it all. So they get “Birdie Banquet” and a lot of my table crumbs. Hey, the crumbs are mostly organic. Here’s a view of the new stile, I won’t be able to work on it until tomorrow now. But that’s your reminder of the improvements going on here round the clock. Phooey, that stoop needed replacing five years ago.

           This photo is from a montage due to be posted tomorrow. It shows the two cuts from a single stile, keeping in mind the building itself is crooked. Hence, they are attached to a floating (up & down but solid against the house) wooden bar held onto the wall with L-brackets. If you look closely at the old markings, you can get an idea of how far it was off perpenzontal. Hence, the dirt. There are bricks under the soles which stop most settling but it will be a few rainstorms before I really fasten any of this solid. The jack was to raise on piece of the bar that would not stay put by itself.
           We also have a new bird of prey. I’ve only seen it gliding above the upper tree branches but the wingspan is roughly four feet max. No fix on it, but the color is tawny brown with dull yellow square patches. Not the type I feed, I tentatively say it matches on-line photos of a merlin. That’s one bird I’m unfamiliar with totally.

           Unbelievable, but then, there is not limit to American self-centered behavior. I was unaware women were uploading info about their periods until they were recently advised to take it down. Very funny, removing your account and deleting does not work. It’s amazing how may don’ t know that, so like I said, funny. And I question the intelligence and congitive abilities of anyone who posts on-line about their lower bodily functions. It is just not done.
           TechCrunch reports 28% of Americans won’t consider and electric car, but omits giving the primary reason. The software, people don’t trust it. TC instead claims the biggest concerns are mileage and repair costs. Bull, electric vehicles have been around in America for years and people adapt to them instantly. And I say it is closer to 58% [rejection] because of the potential for abuse you'll get exposed to by driving one.

           WanderJaunt, hailed as the successor to AirBNB, closed up and disappeared overnight. Those who expect a refund can only do so through their banks, which insure such purchases. Glance is the latest in ad-ware, meant to play video and audio of featured products every time you open your phone and before each time you make or receive a call. It takes over your lock screen based on studies from India that show “people will buy what is shown to them”. We don’t have enough East Indian crap on our phones already.
           Listen, I’m fine but that backache likes to come back intermittently every other hour. Just for a minute at most, stitch in my side, but let’s call it a day. A coffee day. We’ve hit a good batch of house blend and no sense leaving any for later. And I tell the world again people who post animations on youTube really need to be tortured.

Last Laugh