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Saturday, July 9, 2022

July 9, 2022

One year ago today: July 9, 2021, the hobby writer.
Five years ago today: July 9, 2017, 20 inches above sea level.
Nine years ago today: July 9, 2013, the carburetor again.
Random years ago today: July 9, 2004, the brain crater.

           Screw them marigolds. Eight weeks of primping and pruning and you get one flower at a time, which dies after one day. I see the Sri Lankans have stormed their Presidential palace, no doubt the royals were long gone. It had to start somewhere. This morning I started with a batch of strawberry muffins and to layers of pecan cake. No icing, just the cake like it should be. I can’t get started this morning, so I won’t, we need a day off anyway. Or a morning, anyway.
           What? You want a picture? Sure, here it is. This is from a mix, but pick the brand where you add three eggs. Two small pans, folks, since these are sliced and eaten like small pie wedges, so you’ll want to store one. There you have it, baked to perfection. If you must have it, soak with a little sweetened Carnation with a drop of vanilla flavor. That’s vanilla, not vanillan, which comes from a different source, shall we say.
           xI opted to watch a hour of the Hornblower series, seems made for television but if so, it is overkill for that audience. Last evening I fired up the lawnmower and ran it over large parts of the yard. For no reason, it sputtered so I stopped and watched. Steam off the cowling. What? Sure enough, it was low on oil within twenty minutes after I checked. This is my sacrificial mower but I still want it to last. What do you make of that? It does not appear to burn or leak any fluids. I’ve seen this before with motorcycles. Let’s hope I caught it in time.

           I’ve examined several videos on a rototiller and I’ve a decision to make. Anything heavy duty will be overkill and I cannot afford to weaken any tree roots. Yet the light models act like toys. There seems to be no handy size in between. I will therefore delay the decision as I seek more information. Music rehearsal was cancelled last day as Wilford took a relative to the hospital.
           Still in mild pain, I watched more of Hornblower, becoming more interested as it progresses. This was a book I never read so the movie is my only exposure but the realism is surprising. Neat how they show a sinking fleet. They paint the quarters of one ship model differently, then film it from both sides from several angles. I’m beginning to like the series as a history lesson. Very good story lines as well, not slowed down for the dumb bastards in the room. Let them watch MASH reruns.

           Trump is drawing sellout crowds in Alaska. The Democrats are claiming victory for gas prices dropping 18¢ per gallon and getting laughed at. The Dutch farmers show they are much smarter than Canadian truckers and even swiped the head guy’s private jet. Makes sense to me since they paid for it. And the Sri Lankans have a successful revolution with the old leaders fleeing by warship. Something is not adding up but the example has a powerful effect on world opinion.            xWhere is the Sri Lankan army? The ratings of the MSM continue to tank and it may no be long before a small cadre of on-line outlets become the primary source of news in this country.
The assassin in Japan is trying a different tack. He says Abe (his victim) had ties to a religious group that bankrupted his mother with donations. Aw, poor baby. He’s the first person in the world who had useless parents. Let’s see if he sells it. And Truth Social, Trump’s website, continues to grow despite inane attempts by haters to label it as Nazi and gay. I do not use Truth Social as it requires the installation of local malware. I know they got you anyway, but no sense making their job any easier. Until now I was unaware [until now] of any rift between Trump & Musk.

Picture of the day.
Prefab railway bed.
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           I got in a couple hours anyway. It was the muggy heat. I moved some gear into storage and cleaned a couple pallets of lumber, nothing strenuous. I’ve still got that stitch in my side. I ran the mower for five minutes, it seems to be fine. Then back inside for some letter writing. There was time to build a small sawhorse. Working in Tennessee proved I don’t need full size sawhorses for most of what I do.
           In the background, I listened to the audio of Trump in Alaska. Subtle but important, he is now addressed as President, no more ex-President or former President. Events in Wisconsin are having the most serious repercussions for career politicians. The bottom line is if they don’t pull a fast one, they can’t pay their debts. And if I don’t finish that pallet lumber, I can’t finish the shed wall and get back to that hot water tank. You don’t see me in Alaska squeezing the female candidates. Palin is back in the race, I worked for a company that made a wig named after her 15 years ago. A wig for dogs, I mean.

           NPR was at it again, it seems more states will be requiring photo ID to vote in the upcomings. I mean, those who don’t get it by now are off the deep end. How about that Twitter moron who thought he was writing to 50,000 followers. When they deleted the fake accounts, he had 90. Davidson County in Tennessee has ruled that under certain circumstances, taxpayer-funded establishments can post signs saying “No Jews Allowed”. And starting tomorrow, all new vehicles sold in the EU will have mandatory black boxes that monitor speed and location, accessible only to authorities.

Last Laugh