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Sunday, July 10, 2022

July 10, 2022

One year ago today: July 10, 2021, but that’s not really steak . . .
Five years ago today: July 10, 2017, early supply chain woes.
Nine years ago today: July 10, 2013, I rate Tesla (fail).
Random years ago today: July 10, 2015, Ft. Lauderdale hates Uber.

           Good news, I dozed off a moment and woke too late to go to Karaoke. Call it a Saturday night off, first in many moons. I’m not buying the theory that time passes faster, but I do see how it could feel that way to those whose routine involves doing nothing. I pulled up the news on-line, the only reports of note are the protests that are getting larger and sharper. A warning to crooked politicians, the protesters are also becoming more religious. And a chuckle over the video ot the Sri Lanka prime minister running for the loading ramp with suitcases full of money. There is talk of a new biomedical tattoo that monitors blood pressure. No thanks, as there is no way to tell what else it will be tracking.
           Why waste the morning sitting around drinking coffee when you can scan the top news stories? It’s hard to say sometimes, and many news stories have only the posting date, not the date of the incident, so I only think Canada has arrested Tamara Lich again. As a convoy of Mennonites head for Ottawa in their buggies, I wonder if the government would dare call them terrorists? If they do, will it be by one of their reporters who talk half-speed because the room is half-full of mouth-breathing morons even at the university level?

           What is this picture doing as a headline today? It’s a kitty litter container repurposed for bird seed. Huh? Take a moment and consider the logistics. But the seed in small batches and it gets expensive. Buy the next size up and twice now it has gone bad. The mid-size purchase comes in a cheap plastic wrap that the vermin can easily gnaw through in minutes. Hence, this experiment chosen partially because the cap is large enough for a scoop. Coming all the way from Tennessee, the value is there for me. That explains that.
           The Hornblower series has become a treat by now, it reminds me of an audio book. That form of entertainment keeps me for hours because I can pause and get back. Just like a real book. My recent sprained muscles have kept me home enough days to be noticeably under budget, so what say we go shopping later? Nothing great, just a stop at Wal*Mart and Dollar Tree for light household supplies. There’s a bit more to this decision. I have not been healing evenly. Both injuries were the same time and force but my shoulder is almost back while my side returns every morning. The bright side is this encourages a favorite activity, drinking coffee.
           Praising the accuracy of the videos I aim at tactics and gear. They keep showing men climbing the rigging to heraldic music while I would consider that hardly the best part of the job. Even wandering around on deck doesn’t appeal to me, and certainly not confined in quarters below deck with people who bath once a year. From what I know of the matters, the food preparation is authentic and so are the charts, instruments, and methods of navigation. I’m at the part now where he’s dining with a duchess who he is to escort back to England.

           Here’s a shot of the Solo PA set up in the kitchen as used for practice. If it has that “old workshop” look, it could be that is the last unfinished walls in the house in the background, with plywood flooring. This area is slated for major work in the next short while, it is the longest overdue part of the original renovation. It means walking on planks in the kitchen for a while.

Picture of the day.
Ft. Wolters, TX (abandoned).
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           Other than some minor work fitting a potential axle to the garden cart destined to become my wheelbarrow, call it a lazy day. I’ve got rice and tea nearly ready and that’s my intentions until bed time. Hornblower is carving a roast pig, so there’s parts of the movie I can identify with. I’ve never really carved even a turkey. Come to think of it, my last few batches of rice have turned out a little grainy. This gets me to thinking, do the English eat rice? Not the colonists who’ve made England what it is today, but the Anglo-Saxons. Nor do I mean rice pudding.
           There is no direct answer on-line for me so I tried English rice recipes. Some casserole dishes appeared that could be from anywhere and several instances of English “Mexican fried rice” but no definitive and popular dish. The closest is an escalloped rice with cheese I won’t link to because it in Pinterest. And an obscure dish of white rice and green peas. My guess is rice never did take off in Olde England.
           A bit later, I have this photo of the garden cart as a mock up. The pneumatic wheels are not attached yet. This is the configuration. The old solid plastic wheels were the same diameter, but they were terrible on uneven ground and tended to skid rather than turn in soft cover. There should be a picture nearby. The wood strips are cleaned pallet lumber and this is roughly the quantity I’ve seen listed for sale at $100 on Etsy. No link, since that’s easy enough to confirm for yourself.

           Reports of mass unrest from overseas, you people be careful. Plan your moves better or you risk having the elite declare martial law to maintain order. This time it will be different because it will be permanent. Except in America, where the people have 600 million guns that they know of and thousands of people who know how to make more. Play “Jaws” theme here. Next, are we about to buy a rototiller? A quick test with a hoe shows no way the job can be done by hand even if I was up to par. A depth of three or four inches is all that would be needed to rake the lot level. While it looks okay, other work over the years shows it is not that even and it will need to be for the smaller mower.
           Seeking novelty, I went on-line to find any creative ideas for any pallet wood I may have left over. Nope, it seems the designs and boxes I am already using are more advanced than shown. This is where I saw similar pallet strips as shown just above for sale at $4.55 each. On that basis, my silo is worth well over a thousand bucks. Ah, finally, there’s the plastic garden cart upside down being fitted with the wheels. They are not threaded, just held with cotter pins. If the experiment is successful, we’ll effect a better system.

           I finished the book, “Reapers”. I’ve read it before and it gets a thumb’s down. There is action, but it never picks up and the ending leaves off with loose ends. You never find out if the coltan mine is re-opened or if the casino takes off. One annoying theme is the noble single-mother. This one is off the scale. Ten years without a date or a new dress to raise her son with AIDS and quell a rebellious daughter. She packs her own lunch in a pail and cannot understand why men want to look at “dirty pictures”. Um, it’s because of something women like her cannot supply, called “variety”.
           You are expected to believe the agent from the south is enthralled with her, takes her to dinner in the finest joints, and then has decided they would make a wonderful married couple. I do believe the part where they share a plate of fried caterpillars. Let me see if I recorded this book before. Yes, in June, 2017. It’s an amusing book, because in the end, it’s touch and go which is the faster learners, the policemen or the troop of gorillas. This book gets tossed, and this isn’t the first time I’ve called the mineral both coltan and coltran because its original name was columbium.

           NASA promises the first Webb photos soon. They say a birthing nebula, but we all know they’ve been turning the thing on exo-planets, looking for atmospheres. Canada has ramped up bug meat production, calling it “sustainable” and for now said to be a pet food ingredient. The food supply is about the only thing the left has not grabbed yet, so head’s up.
           And for those who did not believe my warnings about “the cloud”, guess where they extracted copies of Hunter Biden’s hard drive. Remember it was here that called the bullshit on the original promises that the cloud was safe and impenetrable. Folks, there is no such thing as “the cloud”, the data is not dispersed at all. It is on somebody’s server. That’s another reason to automatically be suspicious when you hear about “child porn” being discovered on somebody’s computer. It’s the latest brand of set-up. For clarity, was this alleged porn found on the laptop, or on the cloud backup. Big difference.

Last Laugh

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