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Wednesday, September 7, 2022

September 7, 2022

One year ago today: September 7, 2021, my 20% discount.
Five years ago today: September 7, 2017, the end of the Rebel.
Nine years ago today: September 7, 2013, solar panels in sidecar.
Random years ago today: September 7, 2016, what a crabby day.

           Good morning, Switzerland, first country with all those smart thermostats, the ones whose main function is to monitor your usage. Don’t turn any above 77ºF this winter or you face three years in prison. California issues a “flex alert”, as if most of California is not already skimping on electricity bills. Once again, it is a shakedown to see if people will do what they are told and in California, the sheeple usually do. As for the rest of the country, the media still begins every broadcast with status alerts about COVID at a time when nobody who didn’t fall for it years ago is being fooled. Here’s a cat that’s not fooled, this is Empress Vina. I don’t know how to spell Vina, but that would be the correct construct in English.
           This tactic used to work quite well before the Internet came along. They would simply announce some idiot event and keep drum-beating it. By the time anybody figured it out, everybody was doing it. Now, you’ve got at least 100 million people who don’t believe a word the government says. But the old tricks continue because they have nothing better. I went on-line to find the fix for the van door handle. It’s what you’d expect, tons of material except the one I need. I have a Sedona, not the apparently more popular Sorrento and you cannot block that last one like you used to. Google changed the search so you always get a lot of crap.

           Another muggy day and I’ve decided to put the saw in the red shed, right in the spot I would like to work on the shed itself. It’s hotter than California yet we have plenty of electricity. Rumor has it the heat wave in California is called “summer”. All I accomplished today was clearing a spot in the red shed. We had put a sheet of plywood on the floor for the hillbilly but one end of it was under a shelf leg. Pulling it out was impossible because you had to stand on the sheet to lift the leg. I finally got it after two hours by sliding planks under the sheet and cutting a channel through the wood.
The saw is still outside under a tarp. By the time I got the shed prepped, the afternoon rains began. The floor inside still gets damp despite that excellent roof I put on there a few months back. I have no idea how to fix that kind of leak, the shed siding is metal and rests right on the concrete. Anything you put there will work loose as that shed is so old it rattle in the wind.

           Cancel Texas. Just like that? Yep, Bryne landed in intensive care for several days. He cannot lift anything so he had to hire a moving company. I take it the lady he lives with and her friends have not contributed all that much to the move, so he’ll be broke for a bit. Because moving companies, like hotels, airlines, and car rentals, never tell you the real price. I instantly fell back on Plan B which is a trip to Tennessee within the upcoming month. The cats are old enough now to need vet visits and Chloe developed a rare cancer of some sort of scent gland. I’m the last of my immediate crowd, there is nobody I’ve met in the past ten years who became great friends. If you include musicians, most of my remaining circle are just in their forties now. The Reb is concerned for her friend out in California, so maybe she should visit.
           Of my widest circle of friends there are four of us left. I’ve known Mitch for 52 years, Marion 39 years, Liz 36 years. Then a huge gap to JZ who I met in 2001. Everyone else is a newcomer. This is not likely to change as I go though long stretches where I don’t meet anyone who is financially and emotionally stable. This week is six years since I moved here and I know of maybe three people I could count on, all of whom have their own lives. As for musicians, once Bryne moves, the nearest reliable guitar player I know will be Trent, over 200 miles away.

Picture of the day.
Swiss rock concert.
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           Kyle Rittenhouse settles with Whoopi the Goof for $22 million. And a written apology which must contain the phrase “Kyle Rittenhouse isn’t a murderer” several times. This story has been faked before. I’d make a trade saying “Whoopi Goldberg is an asshole” twice and call it even. As soon as the lad even began to win, it prompted ten or eleven more similar lawsuits. Whoopi and her pie-hole are history. I repeat my advice to Ritten house to create a fund that supports other people making these claims for a cut of the awards. And he will be the first trillionaire.
           Sure enough, I have the model of KIA that does not have the handy plastic cap over the single bolt that hold the door handle in place. I may have to remove the interior door panel, which will have to wait now for a dry spell. Yes, the DVD is another stealth religious effort. It just seems to me if the message was worthwhile they would not have to resort to this sort of tactic. I’m only watching because of the Nashville connection, there are no sexy women in this movie and the guys are all Chippendale sorts. The plot is now at the teenage rebellion part and Karaoke is evil because it is outside of the church.

           Another shooting spree in Memphis and dozens of small laws being overturned that gave the Democrats an edge. This were the wee laws I call them, slipped quietly into place over years that gradually allowed election fraud. Like the filling in or “curing” of bad ballots. Some states were letting clerks do it, then hiring only left-wing clerks. In many states for decades the election margins have been razor thin. Until now. When even a single wee law is repealed, the Republic candidates win by landslides. We see many elections now favoring right-leaning candidates in huge margins like 70/30. Most people suspected as much.
           Let’s see if there is any science news. I heard somebody has got a nano-circuit to work in novel ways. Australian banks are refusing loans unless the car is electric. These and dozens of other government tricks were meant to be introduced slowly in creeping fashion, while the populace were distracted by pandemics, queers, and the odd foreign war. Then along came Trump and upset the timetable. Now, the left is being forced to pile these things on in an obvious bid to sway the next elections. They almost pulled it off. As yours truly has pointed out, they need to know how many votes to shift or print up to win by a margin—and those are mainly the mail-in ballots. This game is upset when hordes of Trump voters show up in person on voting day.
          It seems to me we are seeing the dying throes of a rabid political entity enraged by its own failures. Short of political executions, nothing is going to stop what’s heading this way.

           I’m in the final chapters of “The Yellow Admiral”. It is much too English for me to follow closely. I think I just read the steamy passage, where one old maid remarks what good is her daughter’s beautiful body neither she or anyone enjoys it. The story has moved to the fleet blockading France and the politics behind that. It seems the Admiral is the estate owner and one of his captains is the one who rents the land that straddles two jurisdictions. The Captain has spoken against inclosure in Parliament, but the Admiral cannot run him off because he is too popular and a necessary officer in the fleet.
           I’m learning things handy if I decide to become a pirate. I thought the merchant ships were the prize, but it is really the privateers, those pirates for money. You see, they often did not put into port until they had the accumulated fortunes of as many as five successful actions. They were “ballasted with gold”. Here’s the books diagram of the 19 sails, you can look up the names yourself. The officers fear once Napoleon is defeated their careers will be cut short, so they have a network of people stirring up an alliance with Peru. If you wonder why those South American countries had such powerful navies, it is usually because there was no place on land to fight these battles.

           At best, I can semi-recommend the book because where it fails in interest, it creates amusement. Where else can you go riding with a lady who explains in detail the springs on her coach are Swedish steel held by brass screws, the number of coats of paint, and who gallops the horses through that difficult corner by the bridge with “an almost insolent ease”? Later at the Inn, the talk is the country in decline as the steak and kidney recipe no longer contains breast of lark, but the cheaper and more common sparrow. Next, your wife wants to know if you are ever coming to bed because the candle is “guttering dreadfully.”

           Sadly, the white lady jogger in Memphis was found dead, murdered by a black man. There’s talk he thought she could take the ransom money out of an ATM. She thought she could jog at 4:30AM in Memphis, which is around 65% blacks. The black had recently been released from prison for an earlier kidnapping in 2000. This whole integration experiment is a dismal failure but there’s no talking sense to some people. Equal, but separate is the only solution.
           We are seeing more of the “Tijuana taxi rides”, where kidnappers force victims to withdraw cash from ATMs. Except in Mexico, they keep you locked in the basement until the account is drained, then kill you. Today, another kidnapping got only the max $800 you can withdraw daily. These people are stupid, but the criminal mentality gets around quick. Memphis has gone the n-word.

Last Laugh
(Fake firestarters.)