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Monday, September 6, 2021

September 6, 2021

One year ago today: September 6, 2020, Florida is hydroponics . . .
Five years ago today: September 6, 2016, oak Marion, now too huge.
Nine years ago today: September 6, 2012, kielbasa with sauerkraut.
Random years ago today: September 6, 2008, hurricane tank-up.

           Do I take this day off? By mid-morning, when this thought hit me, possibly it’s too late. I already posted the blog, learned two more songs off the new list, wrote two letters, and finally wound up on a study of what diet I can change to that is supposed to help my liver. I don’t have a liver problem, but I’ve read enough to know the liver causes belly fat, which I do not like. I did not get far, because consensus says of the food good for your liver, I good quantities of each are already on my diet. It does not help that the diet claims are so vaguely worded. Exactly what is a “positive effect”?
           Later, what day off. I picked up the extra lumber and brackets for more shelving and spent an hour tidying up the van. All this shelving changes the character of the bedroom, it takes on the appearance of a small library with a bed in one corner. But this is no detraction to me, if I want décor, I can hang a curtain over the shelves. And they sure make my books easier to get at. I’ve one shelf dedicated to nothing but the how-to books I’ve used to guide my renovations. Here’s a picture of a portion of my books, which, Ken, I actually read, often.

           For the curious, I already drink coffee and munch on cranberries, collard greens, brocolli, nuts, fatty fish (herring), and tend toward the best in olive oil (which I do not like by itself). I regularly eat oatmeal and grits, apples, avocados, and limes are all on my weekly list. No beef, no pork, but I do consume potatoes, rice, and regular bread. I eat eggs and chicken, sometimes turkey. According to the six or so web sites visited, I should already have a liver as healthy as the day I was born. Ah, but what makes this bloggable? Because one [blog] rule is to record the unusual and this is the first time in my life I bought a brand new expensive frying pan.

           That’s right. I’m not big on matching sets and advertised brands. I’d say my kitchen is a bachelor’s model of empirical design. One coffee-maker, one no-stick fry pan, one mixing bowl, even the oven mitts are from different continents. The plan was to make larger amounts of liver-friendly food to have a predictable meal on hand at the right times. Whence I discovered I have no way to make such large portions. So I went to Wal*mart with $39 and got the nicest one, 12” across the bottom. Nicest for me, that is, let’s not go nuts. Got it home and fried up ten drumsticks, where this morning it would have taken two batches of five. I like it already. Yeah, now my freezer fills up too fast.
           That’s what makes the day unique, which also gave me time to run over more of the song list and incorporate a couple of my quasi-famous “four octave” walkdowns on my three octave bass. I was never keen on the bass player following guitar turnarounds too exactly. My early work on the piano gave me the idea to play longer passages leading to the “dominant 7th” so it was not long before I was able to mix scale notes instead of passing tones all the way down the neck and land on a target note.

           Which led to the next discovery, which is that it is flashy, especially if you make it look like you’ve trapped yourself. Something extra is that no matter how great you guitarist is, the need to play chords or power notes near those chords means I can and have played walkdowns as long as six consecutive blues measures. Once you memorize the three or four basic patterns, it’s easy and I’m sure those have names in guitar-talk.
There’s even a bonus. It’s fancier work than most guitar players can manage, but they can’t say much without admitting something. I repeat that I do not overplay any band and my amp is usually the smallest and quietest on stage. I proud of the countless times the audience asks me to turn up. Nope, I got it just right. I pretend to turn the knob.

Picture of the day.
More Copenhagen.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           You know what I’d do if I had an extra half-million? Stock a warehouse full of essentials for when the dorks at DC bring in a passport for groceries. Those people are not going to starve and no doubt the government foresees people buying groceries for non-vax friends. But think of a delivery service. Or sell lots and lots of hotdogs, if the cart still works. It’s sitting in Agt. R’s back yard. Say, there’s a view of the emerging “guitar wall”. Behind them, as shown, are two more shelves going in soon. Note the upper shelf with pieces of expensive gear now well up out of the way. A ladder is required to get these items, a situation I have not yet dealt with.
           Are you ready for some fun? China is feigning maneuvers on the edges of Taiwanese air space. This is to test their moves and reaction times. The communists know the longer they don’t do something, the stronger Trump support gets. They know Biden abandoned Afghanistan in disgrace but that country was never our historic ally. Trump would have the 7th Fleet in the straits by now. Instead of out near Afghanistan where it is not evacuating anybody. I did not say rescuing anybody, because those still in that country after Trump left office have shit for brains. They don’t deserve rescue, not with my taxes, anyway. Send ‘em the bill.

           A major accounting error lops 20% off the lumber bill for this cabin. Overlapping accounts double added enough numbers that, when corrected, pulls the amount of wood added to this house plus the fences and sheds to less than $4,000. Put another way, that’s seven month’s total expenses at the trailer court. Yes folks, this cabin, for all its work and effort, was the deal of the century. It’s been five calendar years around now since I actually moved in, in raw statistics I’ve tripled my net worth and soon it will have paid for itself twice over.
           Thanks to idiotic code regulations, the exterior has not changed much, but inside, it’s all I could want. Sure, the building is settling again and I have not yet tackled that kitchen, but you cannot beat the place for being “home.” It has not tied me down anything like a place with a mortgage and once I finally get those trees trimmed, it will easily outlast me. I’m red-faced how that and a couple other accounting errors got past me for so long. Because I wasn’t looking.

           Happy Labor Day, unless you have no job. The pandemic extension on benefits expires and we’ve heard no news on the evictions. How about CNN calling Invermectin a horse medicine? I guess they forgot the guy who invented it for humans got a Nobel Prize. One possible reason for booster shots is so the government can classify all the vaccinated people dying as not “fully vaccinated”. Several sources confirm again there is “no evidence” that people resigned from the military are doing so to protest the pending forced vaccination, which alters your RNA—and that’s something I know about. Remember my 2015 studies?
           Those demonstrations again passports in New York and Paris are fakes, says the MSM. We’re just curious where they got so many thousands of cardboard cutouts that could march. Or how about that list of lawyers willing to fight for your rights against vaccine mandates? If that was their goal, would they not accomplish the same goal by fighting the same laws without billing you hundreds of dollars per hour?

Last Laugh