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Friday, September 9, 2022

September 9, 2022

One year ago today: September 9, 2021, avoiding trial.
Five years ago today: September 9, 2017, the hurricane that wasn’t.
Nine years ago today: September 9, 2013, Youtube now requires ID.
Random years ago today: September 9, 2009, a nothing day.

           Dad-nurbit, I frapped the speaker on my small practice amp. It’s an eight-inch so I’ll have a go at replacing it myself. These units got for $185 nowadays and it is only used for light practice. Quality used to be a given for many things in this country, now they foist junk for top dollar. When it gets light, I’m heading east to Winter Haven to find that KIA door handle and pay some bills. Remind me to replenish the joint account after them vet bills. I’ve learned vet bills are emergencies, okay? Some keep pets on a leash, I don’t. But my backyard accommodates up to 12 birdies at a time. I fi
nally moved that spiked cactus plant four feet back out ot the way. I’m pointing at the change of location.
           It was time to read the musician’s ads for Polk County. One amusing item is that I read the ads for years and around 2019 changed my profile to read “seasoned life-long bass player”. Today, every second ad says seasoned, none say life-long. Ha, like we don’t know they are over 50 before they did anything. Like steal other people’s adjectives. The Queen’s death is bringing out the haters, but then again she never said a word while their country was overrun by non-English who hate their guts. None of this looks like it plays out well.
           The music stores don’t really sell my .38mm picks any more. I stopped by, got shocked by prices, and bought a tuner I really didn’t need. It is a tiny clip-on which I have not tried yet. But it is much less conspicuous if it works well. Plus, the other one had to be removed to fit it in the case. Later, there should be a picture of the new tuner, called a “Bullet”, by Fender. Shown here in comparison to the last “small” unit. While the Snark was nice, it was small and light enough to be left clipped on for the whole gig, it generally had to be removed to fit into the guitar case. That is almost a sure-fire way to eventually lose your tuner. The bullet, on the right, is a twentieth the size.

           The phone bill people are useless again. TMOR, American businesses often use “customer service” to isolate themselves from responsibility. The clerk at the counter is powerless except to take your money. She has no advice except call customer service, which puts you in contact with Pakistanis and Indians. They speak funny English but have zero concept of Western values. One of the worst aspects of foreigners who interact with whites is their assumption their time is just as valuable as yours. That’s why they are stuck in a loser office making $2 a day and turn every call into a minimum 45 minute discussion.
           The latest problem is my phone bill has two components. The service bill and the long distance bill, due on different days. So, I pay them both on the earlier date. (That’s another thing, these Hindus think you should stop what you are doing and pay your bill on the due date no matter how inconvenient that may be.) What happens is the long distance bill gets paid and they cut off my service. The conversation today was I wanted them to stop that. They seem quite content with you calling them every month to fix the problem.
           Finally, after explaining it to them how many times, I said to the lady supervisor—what good is it to apply my money to the long distance bill when you’ve cut off my phone service? She had no idea, so I told that is why the Pakis will never rule the world. She was offended. Good. She learned something, though such people very rarely retain useful knowledge for very long.

           Next is news the Bidenistas are opening arresting and raiding political opponents and Trump allies. It’s tricky to know who to believe. But I can tell you these reports are consistent with what desperate people do when they are cornered. If they can’t find some pretext to stop what’s going on, they know they are goners in the mid-terms. And this goes much further than that—if they are investigated they are all in big trouble. They’ve been exposed and that was largely due to Trump. And that’s all I heard on the van radio for two more hours while I searched for that door handle. I’ve got the one rare model, it seems.
           While this is not a political blog, the upheaval caused by the arrival of Trump has affected most everything in daily life. That is what concerns me—daily life. Society on the other side is broken and they broke it themselves. Some 3,000 people a day are losing their houses. All the stop-gap measures that DC pulled “help” people are exposed. There is already many times the evidence needed to impose severe penalties on the upper echelons, with more piling up every day. If they lose the upcoming election, even their grip on the civil service may not save them this time. They have less than 60 days to pull something off, I don’t bother with what the media is saying, there is no way short of violence the left can stay in power.
           I like to think mid-Florida is remote enough from the Democrat cities where the violence stems from. But those people know the countryside is anti-welfare, anti-immigration, and anti-communist. It is actually funny to hear these city core people say they are coming for us. As the saying goes, I guess they don’t know [that] for fun a lot of country people target practice. It would be fun to see the people who survive in the cities by leeching try the same stunt in the countryside. This is why I want a law that immigrants can’t live in cities until third generation. I know I’m not the only one, either, because I’ve read many similar proposals over the years.

Picture of the day.
Homemade slingshot rifle.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Those with a green thumb will like this picture, showing what should be some of the most excellent garden mix possible. It is rich, loamy soil lightened by the sand from nearby mind tailings. This is the prime area on the south of the cabin, where I’m trying my darndest to set in some kind of garden. This is the shallow pit dug to transplant the big agave. The spikes on that plant make it delicate work. Mentioning this work might make it seem like I’m out there toiling, but these are small tasks. My concern is that there are so many of them that work on the house gets neglected. I did get in four long hours, I’m guessing as the church bells are not ringing for unknown reasons.

           The blasting rain had me indoors until 9:30PM, when I drove out to Bartow to see one of my favorite guitarists. His show is major out of date and he’s playing to a crowd whose kids get them to listen to rap. Remember Keith? He plays professionally so my weekend efforts don’t rate—but he’s seeing the facts I pointed out long ago, and the advantages we’d have today if only. That lady who invites herself was also there, she insisted we dance so I did. She proceeded to yank up her top and show us all her tits. I can’t believe she did that. Just a gal who played all her cards too early and has discovered good men are as picky as she used to be when the ball was in her court.
           This is the guitar player who makes a living at it, albeit because he is firmly established in the circuit. Same as myself, he’s noticed the crowd has changed since the COVID interruptions. We went over this in some detail, including the appearance of newer restaurant-like pubs appearing in south Winter Haven. Worse, they are too close to each other an competing for the same business, so usually only one will have entertainment on a given day. An example is Glory Days is across from Coffee Roasters. There is rarely a crowd in both. Don’t let the names fool you, there are no places left with the traditional coffeehouse atmosphere.

           He’s full-time or I’d consider forming up, but I’m marginally in the circuit. I don’t like four hour gigs any more. Otherwise we are in similar circumstances with the major difference he is able to solo. We talked about the Fishman Solo and its shortcomings, various equipment comparisons, and how the crowds are now noisier and more into gossip. The bottom line is the atmosphere has changed and we have not. I know the Fishman is not big enough for a large club for the guitar, but I’ve found it will throw the bass notes for my generally quieter style of bass playing. We’ve half agreed to meet up for a jam at his regular Thursday spot.
           Changing the subject, here’s a picture you can guess what it is. No fair if you’ve seen me do this before. It is old tarps now cut into “camouflage” strips. When hung from overhead to sway in the breeze, even these colors shown, brown & silver, are quite effective from the side. Overhead, not so great but then I have not yet sat down and thought about that, I mean, it is tarp material and should last some time exposed to the elements.

           Finally [I’m] on the last chapter of the Admiral book, the war is over and they’ve sent Bonny to Elba. The book is not about the Admiral, but the people and circumstances all around him. It’s an interesting peek into 1812 customs from a 1912 perspective. For example, the Brit ships that were assigned to blockading the French coast were not the best, the crews called it Siberia. Napoleon had better ships and appointed better captains but he never had enough of them. These old English ships were often commanded by higher ranks, it seems, simply because of the danger of them being paid off. Their business was making war and active duty was their meal ticket.
           The book reveals a naval system as corrupt as anything British. Example the less active crews and tenders were let go first. During war, many of these men were from the merchant marine, which was thus starved of experienced people. So the best and highest paying jobs went to the sailors who had seen the least action. Three months later, the crew of the Bellona is still on duty and grumbling over the unfairness, but the only concern of the officers is where they can find the next war.

           Details are sparse but the Webb telescope has detected carbon dioxide on a faraway planet. The only importance I attach to it is that carbon dioxide rarely forms by itself in nature. Most of it is created by animal life but the universe is an awfully big place.

Last Laugh