One year ago today: October 1, 2021, that new van, hmmmm.
Five years ago today: October 1, 2017, bullshit detector.
Nine years ago today: October 1, 2013, lo-cal fries, yuck.
Random years ago today: October 1, 2006, customers.
Third day without power. I completed the patch up on the north fence just in time. The Reb called. I must definitely be there in November, but I was hoping for sooner. I decked out the van for sleeping, though I don’t know if I’ll do any overnights soon. Installed the better hooks for the birdfeeders and decided to fake another laptop. All they had was the ONN kid’s toys for around a $150 bucks. I picked one up, if I don’t like it, off it goes to Mini-Addy. It does not seem to operate without opening a Google account even if you disable that feature at first log on.
Who remembers this model of the cabin, as it was in 2016? I decided to go downtown for breakfast and wound up driving all the way to the Dunkin Donuts in Bartow. Amazing to watch the lineups for gasoline along the way, this is a standard in Floridaland. Waste two gallons of gas idling in the lineup. I had the breakfast wrap special and coffee, priced up from $3.75 to $5.19. You bet that Biden is toast. People’s incomes have never increased at that rate, although I think $11 is minimum wage in most places. Still, work half an hour to buy a sandwich.
Why the cabin? It’s that siding, it has to be replaced and I am undecided how to go about it. But I would like something that enhances the cabin concept. An affordable place to retire that has lots of that sort of character. Even if I am behind five years, things are getting done around here.
Personally, I think Trump is leaving the details along on purpose. He mentions only inflation, not so much the numbers. I think the plan is to let the other people hang themselves because they’ve always done this type of thing. Campaign on one set of promises, but once elected, drag up all the other stuff they may have mentioned but did not emphasize was a priority. Prime example, Green New Deal. They went ballistic getting people to vote against Trump as the big issue. Then once in we get windmill, inflation, immigration, crime, and drag shows in kindergarten.
Now that call y’day from Seattle. I have to make some changes in my long-range instructions. This does not always go well. No details, but I can describe how it works. Yelling or arguing with me does not work, I can’t tell you how many people try that. Sorry, with my family background, you can go on until you drop. So, I’ll spill the beans and tell what does work. Show me that I’m wrong—oho, I hear the groan on that one, but let me explain how it’s done, and why. I never said I was smart, but I am educated, keep that as your guiding principle here. Thus, I may have an opinion based on factors others have not even considered, you know what I mean.
The problem arises due to the way so many ignoramus types use that technique as a defense mechanism. "Prove it," they say. They don’t really want to be informed, they just want to argue their position in more detail. I know it is hard to tell the difference, but many times actually new incoming information will convince me. Just don’t try it on your own. Well, this round it involves a life insurance policy. I’ve said before how those things give people a reason to want you dead. So, while you can safely ignore these last two paragraphs, something is due to change.
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Should you laugh or cry for these people? Here’s da facts, babe. This clip shows the shores of Lake Howard in Winter Haven. Normally there is a nice beach if a bit rocky. And a pier from the shoreline out to those boat houses. Do you see any piers? Not really, because Hurricane Ian dumped up to 15 inches of water on the lake. Patience, I’m getting to the funny part.
So, the piers are under water mostly. Take a closer look at the boat houses. Park your boat under the roof, which as to be pretty sturdy to survive normal Florida weather. Safe and sound, right? Wrong. When the water level rose high enough, the boats floated upwards. Dozens of them got crushed under the canopy. I’d hoped for some dramatic shots on that, bwaaaaa-ha-ha-ha. But the traffic picked up the instant I took out the camera. You decide if it is comedy or tragedy, I thought it was hilarioius because I never thought of it.
Should not the posts also float or something, you know a telescoping arrangement. Anyhow, the water is right up to the brim of the lawn shown here. Another inch or two and that small dike surrounding the lake would be the latest in waterfalls. The roadway is the embankment, the houses on the near side are a foot lower in some spots.
Later, I caught up on the yard and decided to go downtown to Karaoke. I didn’t sing. It must be payday at the mines again, as that GenXYZ crowd was there. I recognized most of the housewives and a couple of them are more than talented vocalists. Problem is, that’s the same crowd that listens to their teenager’s music and just don’t care for rap. Or anything remotely like rap. I know the Karaoke guy and he doesn’t care for them either, but the group spends around $500 per hour and they are great tippers. I passed and did some scribbling over in the corner.
There are two of these women I recognize from many clubs. They go out together and the one that is somewhat more blonde is a very gifted singer. Such a waste of talent in a way, as it will never go anywhere. I grew up around older women who could sing but had no mechanism to use it, and to me that is a pity, a waste. I’ve been on the mic around this crowd before and they sort of know the classics but don’t identify with them. I stayed put and watched the show.
TMOR – to my overseas readers. In response to comments (which I do not publish), I must once more remind my patrons that what you read here is absolutely not the way most Americans live. I have little in common with the average US couch potato type, or the complacent generations who are emerging as the dominant category. There is a huge gap between lifestyles here, without saying either is better or worse. I do not use credit and cannot name a single television show. I am neither Republican nor Democrat, but I loathe liberals, not for their politics, but because they are a social cancer. At best I could be described as a middle of the road libertarian. For clarity, I believe all participation should be voluntary.
I do not like welfare and am an isolationist. I say America should have no military or political interests anywhere outside our borders. Racially, I believe in equal, but separate. The government is best that governs the least and income tax is evil. I repeat, this blog does not represent the average American and it would be wrong to base such judgments along those lines.