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Monday, October 10, 2022

October 10, 2022

Yesteryear One year ago today: October 10, 2021, pallet anniversary coincidence.
Five years ago today: October 10, 2017, on driverless cars.
Nine years ago today: October 10, 2013, analog control panel.
Random years ago today: October 10, 2010, planned calculations.

           Zero progress but a good day for relaxation. The AirLocker nail punch arrived but I’ve not compressor to test it with. It seems to be well-constructed with mostly metal parts. It comes with enough warning stickers. No doubt this could be a dangerous tool. It’s sole purpose is to rapidly punch old nails out of pallet wood. After a frustrating week of trying to get the e-mail to work here, I headed for the library. My e-mail kept After a frustrating week of trying to get the e-mail to work here, I headed for the library. My e-mail kept saying it required drivers and DLL files not present, where I could have thought they’d provide all their own by default. The weather is perfect for the doggies but they’ve been over-walked and would just like some peace and quiet if you ask me.
           The Reb & I went over the pictures of the shed from last day. This is strictly for a Hippie style disaster plan for the simple reason it is what we could afford in cash at this time. That’s not likely going to happen unless the system implodes next month. Even people who are crassly anti-Trump realize they’ve been hoodwinked. They were blinded by Trump hate and as soon as the Bidenistas got in, the hidden agendas reared up. Green deals, inflation, monstrous foreign aid, queer parades, the whole shitteree. If there is any real trouble, it will likely be confined to the cities where Democrats are allowed to form their own welfare ghettos.

           That’s why I picked up a copy of the local Ledger. They have solid Biden supporters still barking at Trump. There are now more fraud deniers than election deniers. I also gave Trent a call and it is getting imperative that we meet up soon. Something like 31 million households are behind on their payments and I was not pleased with how my plans were blunted in 2008. There were supposed to be some 9 million houses dumped on the market by foreclosures when the banks invented the completely fake “pre-foreclosure” category. It delayed the required repossessions long enough for the market to recover and I did not get my mansion in Ft. Lauderdale for $50,000 because of it.
           I’ve not followed the market as closely since that unexpected maneuver. My viewpoint is that they bailed out millions of people so that the banks would not fail. But the whole system of that kind of tinkering simply puts things on hold—but for how long? History teaches us paper money systems fail not how long the process takes. Many say for the USA, collapse is long overdue. That makes sense as those with tons of that paper money are using it gobble up the means of production.
           Later in the morning I did a bunch of the heavy lifting, such as it is, around the place. The security light bulbs, some twenty feet up in the air, have both burned out at the same time. At least I think it’s the bulbs because the wiring passes the probe test. I’ll be right miffed should I figure a way to get way up there and it is something else. The Reb saw me looking at it, upon which she turned heel back into the house and brought me out a cup of coffee. That was all I needed to crawl back under the blankets until noon.

Picture of the day.
Roman ruins in Germany.
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           I’m reading at the library how there are still laws on the Tennessee books that have slavery listed as a punishment. They did not say which crimes they were, but that’s what you get reading libtard rags. By the way, this was the old library on Central, and it is now completely fixed up and re-done. That doesn’t alter the fact it is the middle of nowhere. They’ve done a good job of it and you may find me there if I can’t get this computer working right. Here’s a photo of orange-beet juice. No thank you. The orange juice makes it sweeter, she says, but I would not like it if you spiked it with whiskey or something. It’s plain yuck.
           The Reb is not shaking that cold but I’m not surprised it’s taking time, I went through the same long recovery times at that age. I’m doing as much of the chores and chasing around as I can. But I’m past the stage where I can sleep a solid eight hours and still be tuckered out and I’m in the middle of just such an episode. The connection here is that I think I’d better stick around until she’s feeling much better. Having said that, I ordered more supplies to be delivered here that can come back with me in the van. Remind me the little doggie needs dental work this week. I have not been to a dentist in ages and for no good excuse since they don’t scare me at all. I even have a bunch of free treatments on my medical that I have not used.
           So I’m not dishing out any advice on that topic today.

           As for the cool weather, I'm sticking around Tennessee until the weekend. There's two gigs on the books, plus a Sunday servic. That last one is a solo for the Reb, though I want it on record I volunteered to take the slot if she's not feeling well yet. My version of "Hot Dog" and a stunning rendition of "Cocaine Blues" is the message many congregations are lacking nowadays. I'll get them dancing in the aisles. Any way, it is on file that I was ready, willing and able.

Last Laugh