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Sunday, October 9, 2022

October 9, 2022

One year ago today: October 9, 2021, there is a reason.
Five years ago today: October 9, 2017, renovation progress.
Nine years ago today: October 9, 2013, on avoiding jury duty.
Random years ago today: October 9, 2010, a car was unaffordable.

           It’s one of those crisp autumn days. Except for lunch a worked right through, light easy work. Y’day I highlighted a rocking chair, today a pile of lumber. Not many blogs would dare, unless you are talking about Etsy. I took the dogs up to the lumber yard and for the first time, both refused to get out of the truck. It’s a van, but I call it the truck sometimes, okay? Is it the mattress or the cool weather. I don’t put it past either because these critters know they have it made.
           On the way back, I saw this wooden bench. Mistaking it for an antique or something, I loaded it in the van to discover it is best suited to use as a planter. One of two seat cushions was damaged, not surprising since the actual seat part was made of ordinary panel wood. I’ll probably take it back to Florida and waterproof it. For now, I’m making that frame for the van so sleeping is a better event. Hardware is getting expensive; the wood screws are now 15 cents each. That’s still 3,000 times less expensive that most hotel rooms.

           Of all the crap, Amazon wants 6 to 10 days to deliver a small power supply. Quoting the supply chain, I just don’t buy into that like they seem to want. When you are a major consumer, you tell your supplier “me first or else”. End of problem. But silly me, I should know that does not work in millennial world, where everything is always somebody else’s fault or problem. This whole supply chain is bunk in the USA. There’s just too many players for them all to run out at the same time. Here’s a photo of the dry cat food section in one supermarket. Tell me again there’s a shortage.
           The Sunflower bakery, on Lebanon Pike. It’s one of our hangouts in a way, kind of a default go-to. Vegetarian, but they have the meat substitutes. That’s grain, Tyler, not insectaburger. I had an actually good replica of a Polish sausage on a bun. What you’d call the $12 hot dog. One thing about that place is you never know who you’ll see there, it’s like a lot of people who you just know are somebody. Be aware that it is not some place to go girl watching. The place tends to attract the other extreme.

           Back home I hauled out the tools and got to work. I got the cot thingee mostly done before dark. I’d like to fit it into the van and then measure what I want for shelving, I should be able to sit upright on the cot and use it like a stool. I won’t know until I figure out the clearances. If you see pictures, that’s because I got energetic. Mostly, I didn’t which I’m certain comes from being around the doggies so much. Their natural state is sound asleep.

Picture of the day.
Broadcast camera.
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           The Sunflower bakery, on Lebanon Pike. It’s one of our hangouts in a way, kind of a default go-to. Vegetarian, but they have the meat substitutes. That’s grain, Tyler, not insectaburger. I had an actually good replica of a Polish sausage on a bun. What you’d call the $12 hot dog. One thing about that place is you never know who you’ll see there, it’s like a lot of people who you just know are somebody. Be aware that it is not some place to go girl watching. The place tends to attract the other extreme.
           Back home I hauled out the tools and got to work. I got the cot thingee mostly done before dark. I’d like to fit it into the van and then measure what I want for shelving, I should be able to sit upright on the cot and use it like a stool. I won’t know until I figure out the clearances. If you see pictures, that’s because I got energetic.

           The next photo is of a shed, which I call the ‘barn shed’ due to the gambrel roof. This unit has 512 square feet and the kit is priced at $7,200. No plumbing, heat, electric, or insulation. However, we know somebody who can take care of that stuff. The direction here is that right now, if we wanted to live out near Dollywood, we could afford both the land and two of these units. Why two? Because a total of a thousand square feet means we could keep out of each other’s ways. We’re both happy with having our own space when needed.
           I would move the door to one side, where the stairwell fits in the interior and put nice windows but sure, I’d live in one of those. Inside it is just bare studs and siding, except the upstairs which has a layer of styrofoam insulation on the slanting parts of the attic. It would be challenging to fit two of these together because of the roof shapes and inside the staircase takes up a good chunk of the floor space, both upper and lower.

Last Laugh