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Thursday, October 27, 2022

October 27, 2022

One year ago today: October 27,2021, gone impersonal.
Five years ago today: October 27, 2017, Wilmington, ten years.
Nine years ago today: October 27, 2013, toward Texas.
Random years ago today: October 27, 2015, house-hunting by sidecar.

           The warm has fixed most of my backache, I’m still in recovery mode. No, Ken, it isn’t age, I slipped off a footstool. The day was consumed by chasing around and shopping, I’m low on everything. The only extra was I priced out some lumber to fix the interior of the shed, a project that got halted by the hillbilly. Did I mention we’ve found the guy. No, he isn’t in the slammer. He’s been out helping Agt. R in Brooksville. I told you, this is a small town, 65,000 people.
           Everybody eventually knows everything. Any photos today are recent just to liven the pages up. Like this black shelf fungi on a stick in the front yard.
           I caught Agt. R at home, he’s doing what I should do, a major yard cleanup. Except his is kind of in the front where the street can see, so he tends to get notices from the city about that. I know now he’ll never change. It took nearly two hours for me to unload the van, as everything had to find a spot where it’s safe and dry. Two loads of laundry and I checked the yard all over. Good thing I got to those trees and branches before the hurricane. Those who didn’t have a terrible mess on their hands.

           One thing I do not agree with is tax money going to people who have such damage. It discourages them from taking proper precautions It breeds a new class of dependent, those who don’t bother to take care of their own. I’ll wager if the records were kept, it is the same group that is getting bailed out every time and they all share that one attribute of why bother, the government will pick up the tab.
           That subdivision over by Kooter’s is really taking shape. They modified the highway to regulate the flow in and out of the now 91 townhouses. That number is third-hand so don’t quote me. The new club owner must be giggling and rubbing his hands together. The question is, can he outlast the inevitable delays that come along with these projects. The cleared land stood empty for close to a year. And unless 91 families suddenly decide to move here, who will live in these places?

           As happens, I arrived here to a mild inflammation on my forehead, it’s a climate thing I’ve had most of my life. This also as a signal of oncoming insomnia, which I have but do not suffer from. I’m to record this and there is not other convenient place to keep this record but a blog.

Picture of the day.
Chinese robot dog with machine gun.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           The day stayed a perfect 74ºF with a breeze. Most of my new plants did not make it three weeks without attention. And my peach tree is fading for the year, that’s two consecutive summers without fruit. But I believe I have three papayas, if you want them. I don’t know when they are ready. I got one large and two small green oblong fruits growing up twelve feet in the air. Let’s check the news feeds for how the climate is for others. The Zuck lost $100 billion on paper in the past year, but it was just paper, the company has always been vastly over-valued for advertising revenue purposes. It actually produces nothing.
           Joe Biden stated gas was $5.00 a gallon when he took over, It was $1.89. He’s desperate as hell and if he gets in, gas will leap to $9 a gallon, some say $11. A Florida lady cop is suspended for shooting a black in the arse, says she thought it was her taser. Sounds like an ordinary mistake to me, since there are not that many situations where a cop aims anything at your backside. And Musk has fired every Twitter manager who had anything to do with banning Trump.

           Top two were the hated Agrawal (CEO), Segal (CFO) and their know-it-all lawyer Gadde were immediately “escorted” out of the building. Sadly, nobody seems to have a video of the event, but many would pay a fortune to see that. You may be shocked that they even tried to get away with what they did to Trump, but I know the East Indian mind-set and they are supreme anti-white racists. Trump was their concept of the ultimate “white monkey”, the phrase they uses for Whites in general. And Amazon is reporting bad times have caused a 20% drop in their stock value.
           A glitch at Fox News has them announcing a victory for their cadidate 12 days before the electionis due. Whoops. House prices have been dropping as mortgage lending rates rise to 7%. Some may recall that was normal a few decades ago, but remember back then houses were a lot cheaper. I’d like to see some serious price drops. Just now they are worrying about 2 or 3%, I hope it drops by 50%. So all those who borrowed and thereby fueled the price hikes will suffer and wind up losing. Hey, if they won’t learn the lesson properly, then they deserve what they get.

           Darrel Brooks, the low-life that drove his SUV into a Xmas parade, has been convicted on all counts. The media is making sport that he was a fool for conducting his own defense. However, if you ignore that the guy is a detestable sort and terrible at lying, the trial footage reveals something that I have found very disturbing for a long time. The court and trial is geared to make the events take a complicated path that brings about the situation they want which is often in direct contradiction to the accused right to the best possible defense. It’s almost unnoticeable unless you know what to look for, then it is easily the dominant theme. Here are some of the items I’d like to see changed.
1. Lawyers on both sides cannot “take offense” to anything. They have to grin and bear whatever the accused has to say. Lawyer indignation is too fake for my stomach.
2. The Judge’s mood is too large a factor in the proceedings, as well as the Judge’s interpretation of things like dress, posture, speech patterns and other items that should have no bearing on what is going on.
3. The juries should not be instructed on what they can listen to by the court, rather just general guidelines.
4. There should be no standards of good or bad behavior based on the accused’s appearance or manners, only the facts of the case.
5. Lawyers should not be allowed to argue semantics.
           I am further very put off by lawyers who get antsy when the accused knows their limitations and uses them. This is a tricky one, but the accused should be able to shut up a lawyer who is leading him down the wrong path. Many times the accused knew darn well what the lawyer was up to but had not means to stop the sidetracking, which is very hard to back out of if you let the lawyer get too far. Anyway, those are some of my concerns. I have others about the witnesses, but that’s another story.

Last Laugh