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Monday, December 5, 2022

December 5, 2022

One year ago today: December 5, 2021, they probably meant 1,500.
Five years ago today: December 5, 2017, it's too late for privacy.
Nine years ago today: December 5, 2013, Random Bar Objects.
Random years ago today: December 5, 2009, fast toasters are $300.

           She left on the 5:34AM for the West Coast, or the mess that used to be near paradise. My mission today is to get the doggies over the fact she's gone so they will eat again. In a way, it's sad the animals get so attached. I also drove the Civic to the airport, where the high today will be 51°F with complete cloud cover. That's what, the third, maybe fourth time driving the most expensive car I ever bought? And I'll never get used to a car that has no ignition. You need a key to open the door, but then that key does not stay in one spot after that. Who comes up with these turd-brain concepts? I know. Do you?
           She arrived safely by the time we fell back asleep and woke up. By then she had videos of the doggies, a travel favorite. It's like me returning to Texas, the last person I knew there moved away in 1999. She knows a few people there but only to visit, so she's booked a bnb for the duration. She reports the airport is now surrounded by condos. I think condos are bad enough, but next to an airport, that truly sucks. The dogs are getting back to themselves. Here's picture of the big doggie dancing. These dogs get dance lessons, folks.

           Remind me to make a vet appointment for the little doggie. Tummy issues, both ends. Moments later, he's due in tomorrow at 9:15AM. I forgot my alarm clock back at the winter cabin. Good, an excuse to go shopping later. Get some food as in bread with gluten. Folks, people have been eating bread from ordinary flour for thousands of years. Don't tell me they suddenly learned it was bad for you back in the 80s. That's bull and they know it. Hmmm, it is warming up outside. Time to get these critters out in the woods. The trick is if they go in the woods, you don't have to clean it up. See, even I can learn new tricks.
           Another quick note from the guitar player. Is this the way he roundabout admits all the warning I gave him about teaming up with others I had already rejected in Polk were accurate. Didn't I mention that? Aw, shucks. Anyway, he had the antiquated idea of the guitar player as end-all be-all leader that does not like to let a single aspect of the band out of his control. Like the Hippie, it makes sense because of their own personal inflexibility. Myself, as long as the band gigs out, I'd rather put up with nonsense from the other band members. Otherwise, you practice forever and when you finally play out, it seems like an aftermath instead of a party.
           In fact, hang on, let me go check if he replied yet again. Yes, he sent the same song list as around eight months ago. Meaning all the other big hopes he had for that band flunked out. Not uncommon. He had a drummer and keyboard player. The keyboard player apparently convinced him my ad was a fake. That's funny, I'm not enemies with any keyboard players but I do consider them a pretty useless bunch of time-wasters. Anyway, here is the song list. At some point I've played all the ones I recognize.
1. Tequila Sunrise E
2. Spooky E
3. Looking for Love G
4. Margaritaville C
5. Love Is All Around C
6. Don't rock the Jukebox E
7. Mustang Sally Buddy Guy C
8. Pink Houses John Mellencamp G
9. Walk Don t Run A
10. Memphis Johnny Rivers E
11. Apache Am
12. Green River (needs singer) E
13. Honky Tonk A
Picture of the day.
After the tsunami.
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           The day has been off balance. Looking over my smart phone, there is no application to use it as an alarm clock. Smart, my eye. Who knows, maybe the smart phone bunch don't like waking up in the morning any more than they like to be able for find a file after they save it. And I don't want to go shopping for an alarm clock two weeks before Xmas. But not as off-perpenzontal as Germany, where people who request assisted suicide are required to be COVID vaccinated first. Yes folks, it may not be long before them Germans see through the guilt trip that has been laid on them for what, 77 years now? Sick as it is, Liz Cheney is on the short list for Time's “Person of the Year”, along with Elon Musk and Ron DeSantis. Assisted suicide is now the sixth leading cause of death in Canada.
           The Swiss are creating a world-wide network for unvaccinated blood. Sadly, they are a non-profit so they can't sell shares. I'd love to get in on the ground floor on that one. The lie that 84% of the world has received at least one COVID shot is helping them by making their product so rare. What's more likely is that jabbed people are more likely than thinking people to donate blood, so maybe 84% of donated blood is tainted. Artemis, the return to the Moon is being delayed because of the need to test the capsules despite the technology being available since the 1960s. You see, this time they are sending a “person of color” and a woman, so the damn thing has to fly itself.

           Beware of millennial-think, it's everywhere. Today, the military announced the roll-out of the B-12 Raider. While going on about the bomber's stealth and undetectability, the spokesman said the airplane was a “visible deterrent”. Duh. There is a news quip that Kirstie Alley died. It's become customary for the media to avoid mentioning if these people were jabbed. But, like most of Hollywood leftoids, she probably was. Instead, it now usual to announce they suddenly contracted diseases like colon cancer and died within the week.
           A couple years ago I viewed the vaxxed as gullible hold-overs from the days when the government was semi-trustworthy. That changed quickly to regarding them as slightly retarded dope-smokers. When they openly sided with forcing the shots on the unwilling, they became the enemy. Even participation was different because it didn't used to be their business if others got it. Thus, by late 2020 they knew they were helping perpetuate a lie that was being shoved on others. Now, like many, I hope they continue dying by the hundreds of thousands. Because they caused irreversible harm and have shown no remorse beyond the odd bout of self-pity. I don't outright hate them yet, but most of the purebloods surely do.

Last Laugh