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Tuesday, December 6, 2022

December 6, 2022

One year ago today: December 6, 2021, no Twitter for me.
Five years ago today: December 6, 2017, merely servants, you see.
Nine years ago today: December 6, 2013, new e-mail policy.
Random years ago today: December 6, 2006, she's got a point.

           Love that video of the gas station in Philidelphia hiring armed militia-like security guards. Or as the caption goes, they've “South-Africanized”. I had the wee doggie into the vet where he was a total little squirming imp for a half an hour. Turns out he had another upset tummy. At least it warmed up above 60°F so I could feel at home. The Kaiser is playing Phat Bites this weekend, we'll see about showing up a short while. Bites is okay but it caters to the less than normal crowd. Being the vet took all morning, I won't keep you, but here is the boys romping through the Plantation of Lebanon Pike afterward. Once again, Chooks goes wild near the horse barns, which have not held horses in nearly a hundred years.
           Chooks is going in the tub with me later today. The trick is not letting him destroy the bathroom in the process. Where did I put that bottle of baby shampoo? Now is the time, he had his paws clipped this morning. At 60 pounds, he goes into the vet for that. Note the little guy is trained to stop and wait before crossing the street. There's also a good view of the raised cot inside the van, they have detected the memory foam beneath the blankets.

Picture of the day.
Tanzania 5-star camping.
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           I took the warm afternoon off and wrote some letters. Cursive letters, so future generations will have to decode them. Yep, the latest crop of groomed indoctrinates cannot read cursive, which is a curious development. You see, we who can write long-hand did not require any remedial training to read typeface, if you get what I'm saying. Then again, there's the element that never find a need to take down notes. So it would not matter whether they could not work a pencil or their batteries went dead. Besides, it is always difficult to read what they wrote as they are always left in the choking dust.
           Somehow, this one is different, but another election was stolen, giving the Democrats a majority. Let's watch the fireworks, since they must now grab the money to pay off the donors who fronted the money for all that corruption. Their mistake is they are flaunting it. Always a state with delayed counting where a Democrat comes from behind and wins by the narrowest of margins. But,as Trump pointed out, the Constitution left the voting rules with the States and the bad guys have used that to emplace laws like what you see.

           Liz wants to buy a small camper to visit Florida. So I began looking a few months ago and it is impossible to find them. A few years back the Florida market was awash. Today there's nothing but expensive junk. I suspect the change is people now need them to live in. Since I have no interesting pics for you this afternoon, here is a blood moon over the desert in Arizona. Yes, I asked permission to post it. They never said no.

Last Laugh