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Friday, December 9, 2022

December 9, 2022

One year ago today: December 9, 2021, the mug lasted a week.
Five years ago today: December 9, 2017, computer idiots.
Nine years ago today: December 9, 2013, still my largest expense.
Random years ago today: December 9, 2006, slightly plump & no-go.

           What's this, Tesas wants a minimum age of 18 on social media? How would such a law be enforced? Sounds more like they want to monitor what everybody watches and children are the easiest to start with. Hello from Tennessee, where it's 58°F, cloudy, and we're going shopping. Today is the memorial service for the Reb's parents. I read every book in their house back in the 90s and knew them well.
           Meanwhile, the dogs need walking and the fence needs mending. I walked down the perimeter and that fence is in really bad shape. It's untreated lumber. Here are the doggies riding shotgun. They've figured out the cot is the correct height that they can look out the windows sitting up. Likely makes for a more colorful ride, since before they had to hike up on something.

           Let's check the feeds. Hmmm, the Salesforce announcement of more layoffs brings the potential total of lost millennial jobs to something like 400,000 this last month. They may have to do “those jobs Americans won't do”, which is something solely missing in their backgrounds. I was poor and I piled lumber, drove cabs, worked in factories, and poured concrete. So can they. Allow me to point out I never sunk to food service, no, that's one job I would not even contemplate. I stayed in school too long for that.
           Actually, I did it once and quit after I think it was four days. I made so much in tips that the other staff convinced the boss we should all “share”. Sorry, I was raised in that crappy environment and screw that noise. I was to encounter this same attitude years later as an entertainer, where I was making so much in tips that the barmaid concluded I was getting money that would otherwise be hers. My fault, as I had disobeyed my rule to empty the tip jar whenever there were more than six bills inside.

           As for the number of times I've reported mechanics hating electrical work, the word is that repair on these electric cars is going to be unbelievable. How about the Chinese guy trapped in his car for 300 miles until it ran out of gas. These people never learn. They say it was the cruise control, but my blog readers know it was a C+ coding glitch, again. As for coding, how about that ChatGPT. It's another of the pseudo-A.I. Offerings that harvest input from millions of text documents, amalgamating it according to a set of guidelines intended to mimic human behavior.
           If you view the output, it reads like somebody trying hard to sound smart. The sentences are just no balanced right and overuse “big words”, contributing to a know-it-all sound. What's highly amusing to me is a consistent trend that is bugging the hell out of woketards, so of course I love it. Read the addendum for some background on my studies with A.I. And some words on this development.

Picture of the day.
Immigrant grafitti in Oslo.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           See this guy? He just got out of the tub. Don't be fooled by that shivering act, he can do that when it's 85°F outside or on demand when their is some soft-head in the room. He's got a heated towel and he's lying on a thermal blanket, half a bottle of baby shampoo afterward.
           Ha, there has been an enormous increase in $599 on-line transactions. TMOR (to my overseas readers) that's just under the $600 limit the Biden government set to incur income tax on the sale. They will quickly move to close this gap and the next loophole will open. Right now it is only on business transactions. That's how they get a foot in the door. So enjoy it while you can, it is obvious the right is not going to do anything about the stolen elections. Unless a strongman arises, but he will have to be strong enough to fight off the authorities from the word go. Because they are ready for him.

           I attended a memorial service today, on-line. Zoom. It was deeply emotional, I'd known the couple since the late 80s, but fell out of touch. One item that came up was how many people were there, because so many think it matters. Fact is, I have simply outlived most of the people I've known, the few who are left live thousands of miles away. I never knew what it was like to grow up in a supportive atmosphere of people who helped you achieve what you wanted, not what they wanted to impose. This couple certainly reinforced my feelings that you must have productive things to do later in life. It's too bad I was one of the few who listened, since nowadays, I share so few interests with others. Not because I don't have interests, but because they don't.
           Growing up that way produced so many misconceptions that I had to overturn as a young adult. I thought every career had to start at the bottom. I could not understand why people who had the talent to sing didn't do it all day long. I even thought people knew there was a practical side to who you fell in love with. This service kind of brings a phase of my life to a close, that is, all my promises have now been kept. Things could now change drastically, even if nothing looks different on the surface. Should there are no other changes, I am no longer an integral part of the equation.

           That's why I sat down for two hours and went over Plan 84. Stats show 3,000 Americans per day are losing their houses. There are two main causes you can guess. Missed mortgage payments and unpaid taxes. Since I buy my houses cash, that leaves the taxes. If another house is in the works, it is wise to make provisions for those taxes on the presumption there is no other source of income. If you got yourself a house and Social Security, you may wind up better off than 90% of the pack in the next ten years. I can't predict the taxes so I'm estimating them at $3,600 per year. Two considerations, one is after that you are living beyond your means and two is if taxes are more, that money will take the pressure off.
           This represents income, so there will be tax on the money needed to pay the taxes. Plan 84 says a nest egg of $50,000 at 7.2% will just fill the need. I don't have this kind of money. Thus, I fall back on my oldest plan, which is to create the equivalent income so in the end I get the goods. This will take some doing, as there areno longer any generous items like pension plans to take up the slack.

           Which brings up the topic of millennials bitching that Boomers were all unionized and had fat pensions. They must actually think somebody handed these things to the Boomers. That there was no decades-long struggle against landed wealth. Or that nobody had to strike and fight for those pensions. According to Tyler and Josh, somebody came along and said help yourself, and they should now do the same for millennials. Don't these people know what entitlement is? What's the holdup, can't they see what inflation has done to the prices at Starbucks?

           Although I've said A.I. Isn't the real thing, that has a helping of non-A.I. In the mix. I've criticized C+ because of encapsulation and A.I. Is, unfortunately, mostly coded in C+. The problems are caused by trying to maintain the code. Not only is it hard to read, it carries the quirks of each coder. Everything is enclosed in a loop. Sooner or later, some added module or command is going to link to that loop, not realizing it inherits attributes from the loops that contain it, or passes parameters to ther loops that treat the variables differently. Make sense? Somebody modifies some code for the cruise control and the all the doors lock.
           Havng said that, I studied A.I. On my original Apple ][e, I don't recall the language but it was definitely Apple and not C+. I was something like 17 at the time, then I took another look when I was 28. Computers still did not have the power to do anything much with the concept. Ah, but a few years later, when I got my most advanced computer degree, the study of what A.I. Had become was required. And I did not like it, I immediately saw the propensity for error. I'd also notice A.I. Beginning to split into all sorts of “egg-head” categories. I am only concerned with what these branches have in common. That is, a set of generic rules as different from a regular program with its fixed logic, rules that can interpret data in human-like ways. And therein lies an emerging result which infuriates the woke academic community.

           Keep in mind, these are a set of “rules” which act on data. When that data is in the form of statistics, the A.I. Can input hundreds of millions of files, far more than any human in a lifetime. The problem is, after enough input, these A.I. Programs begin to exhibit a behavior that in humans is called prejudice. Despite tearing the code apart to guarantee it is inert, the software eventually learns that Blacks are criminals, Arabs are terrorists, and Jews are social cancer. Due to the nature of programming, only the wildest fanatics can call it prejudice in the traditional sense. The code, the algorithms, and the data has been endlessly checked for the cause and it isn't there. And if the so-called prejudice is not in the machine, where does it originate.
           The logical conclusion is that the prejudice stems not from the user, but from the information itself. This concept terrifies the woketard community. That racism or bias is not a creation of the White race or any learned behavior that can be blamed on any specific group is an abomination to social justice worked.. Worse, the implication is that what minorities call racist is, in fact, caused by the minorities themselves. This upsets the entire argument that bias is evil and learned. And woketards are understandably perturbed that anything they hate is caused by themselves and not others.
           Having said that, I should point out I looked at samples of the code in ChatGPT and it is uttlerly pathetic drivle from the wrong kind of people to start with. For instance, rather than have the application formulate answers, the software picks a reponse from a list. No list is large enough to have a proper answer for all situations.
           Let the games begin.

Last Laugh