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Sunday, January 8, 2023

January 8, 2023

One year ago today: January 8, 2022, hurricane-proof.
Five years ago today: January 8, 2018, in Punta Gorda.
Nine years ago today: January 8, 2014, Billie-Bill.
Random years ago today: January 8, 2013, plastic or mahogany.

           A beauty of a day but I spent it on paperwork, practice, and current priorities. It’s also quite the time for the birds, with cardinals and woodpeckers dominating the feeders. Making quite a fuss over it as well, I’m going to climb up that pole and find out why the woodpeckers are around it so much, It isn’t bugs, as the wood is painted and there was no nesting cavity when I left for Miami last week. The mornings was not wasted by any means. I managed to cook up couple days supply so I can get some real hours in shortly. Howard was over, we have a plan to fire up the hot dog cart soon enough.
           Hmmm, the new guitarist, other than mentioning his tunes, has not returned calls. It could mean nothing, but it’s the sort of thing I keep track of. I learned the chord progression to “Rhinestone Cowboy” and it is full of studio errors. The on-line bass tabs are barely adequate and none are suitable for duo presentation. If you are going to do a walkdown, for example, don’t split the octave. I’ve begun learning the correct bass runs to “Walk The Line”, a tune almost nobody plays accurately. The version I have is in F, which few people play any more.

           Here’s a plastic shark egg. That’s enough aquarium pictures for now, don’t you think? Just don’t go to the Frost Museum for any other reason. Unless you like plastic replicas of dinosaur bones instead of the real thing. This stuffed toy seahorse is typical of the Science Shop, which is really a gift shop. Years ago we picked up interesting gadgets there. No such thing any more. Well okay, there are some plastic telescopes, but after seeing the price tag on this seahorse, I didn’t wanna look at anything of any use.
           Meanwhile in Tennessee, the big doggie has some internal problems and it is likely to mean surgery. I’m leery of this as animals tend to not have light conditions or things wrong. Now we have the curious situation of the pets having better medical in some areas than we do, but the price of $50 per month will seem cheap in no time, methinks.

           News feeds. The Brazilians are having none of the commie takeover. Today they took over the big court house and send the dictator guy running out the back door of his house. The you-knows have not had as much time or success in Brazil. The DC police have arrested the mother of the lady murdered on J6 by another cop, apparently for protesting without a license or jaywalking. Myself, I don’t know how much longer before things boil over. How long before somebody starts shooting. These things always begin in the cities so I’m glad I moved a ways out here.
           information that the author is either a cop or investigator. The gangs are gathering for a showdown, one novel aspect is the hero is a bad guy, thief, and a killer. Let’s say he’s hard to cheer for.
           And the word out of Brazil is that the military is about to cross over to the people. This is serious for America, as the D-Party supported the communists. Word is, the Bidenistas even provided them with Dominion voting machines. For the record, the House of Reps in America still uses paper ballots to ensure accuracy.

Picture of the day.
Bicycle chain sculpture.
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           Smart contact lenses. They are not happening, at least not for now. Remember the promises? Eye disease monitoring, telescopic vision, night vision, and blink-controlled cameras. For unknown reasons, all developers have dropped out of the program. And the worst protector of private customer data, the phone companies, are getting a new set of rules. Did you know up to now, if somebody steals your phone records, which contain far more information than you realize, the company has a week before they have to inform you. Kiss your identity good-bye. Don’t look at me, I have not had a phone in my own name since 1982. In return, the company finally gets to cancel 411 except in select areas.
           In a truly disgusting display. Biden staged an award ceremony for the “heroes” who, he says, defended the US against “bloodthirsty” mobs. On this anniversary, he handed out medals, claiming 140 officers were seriously injured and “many more will forever be scarred”. This sort of grandstanding does not do him any good in the eyes of the majority. They are stuck with this insurrection hoax and can’t back out now. They need to make something of it and have announced another wave of pending arrests. It is pathetic there are still people who believe any of this is for real. Most Americans are glad that years later, Trump remains their biggest fear.
           Some polls are showing areas where 96% of respondents think Trump would be President except for the cheating. Sure, those polls may not be representative but the fact such stats could appear at all must be worrisome to the D-party.

           Copper cookware. I thought it really was copper. They advertise it so but I’m looking for the reason the cooking surface is coated with tin. Now I know, copper is reactive and can be poisonous. Plus, it is designed to work over an open flame, not an electric burner. The pans are pushed as an “investment”. I don’t like any cookware that requires special treatment. Time is money. Some cranky old lady at the Atlantic has objected to “manned” spaceflight. Apparently she thinks the women who sit through a mission in some way compare to the men who actually piloted the early spacecraft. There may be women who actually control the flight in the future, but there are none as of date.

           While we did not pursue the latest business venture bringing total “lost” capital to nearly $5,000 the system was properly set up and it is viable. The connections we made are still established and as 2023 looms, the predicted 2 million foreclosures are hitting the market. The cause is the eviction and foreclosure moratoriums. Let me give you an inaccurate explanation that makes it easier to understand. The law only said you could not be evicted, it did not say you could get away without making the payments. I’m considering sending the Reb to a seminar, which would entail me having to go all the way to Tennessee for a few weeks. What do you think?
           Then, there is the chicken coop I built. Turns out my design ranks with some of the best award-winners. Eggs have gone from 92¢ to $4.85 in the last year, so don’t rule anything out. However, raising chickens is not carefree, it costs more than you think. And my backyard raccoon is raiding again. I’ve considered caging in the entire dog fence area before. I’m going to measure it again, they say laying hens need 100 square feet of run space each. Three chickens provide a dozen or so eggs per week. If nothing else, we’ll do the calculations.
           If I got energetic, you may see a picture of the chicken coop as it is today, covered with kudzu probably. Factoid: Oxford University in England is older than the entire Aztec Empire.

Last Laugh