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Monday, January 8, 2018

January 8, 2018

One year ago today: January 8, 2017, electrifying the shed.
Five years ago today: January 8, 2013, available in mahogany.
Nine years ago today: January 8, 2009, ¾ of a picture?
Random years ago today: January 8, 2011, I lost $500.

           Hmmm, so I’m not the only one who messes up with appointments. The long awaited teleconference call from St. Augustine turns out to be not on the 8th at 9:00, but on the 9th at 8:00. Here is your mystery fish from the Peace River. It was too small, so it went back in the drink, but not before we got out the chart and tried to ID it. Shown here biting onto a shrimp dinner, I would classify this as some type of grouper. But since it didn’t quite match any of the pictures, it’s been dubbed the coelacanth. In the background is the mouth of the Peace River delta. Those are mangrove islands in the estuary, not the far bank.
           In this photo the river flows from left to right, but just twenty miles upstream, it becomes little more than a deep creek. This isn’t unusual in Florida. It’s the same river that runs two miles east of my place. The river that a year ago was so choked with bloom all the fish were gone. I should have worked today but it was overcast and too perfect a winter afternoon to be doing anything but relaxing, so enjoy the fish picture. There’s also a video, but Google, in their infinite wisdom, removed that blog-enhancing feature.

           Time to get the red scooter into the shop. I confirm again my gas budget is 3-1/2 times greater with the car, and I’m using most of that gas to go to the same places. We’re looking at $150 per month burned up because I don’t have the scooter available. The brakes are bad, just small stuff. None of it that would cost me that much per month. Asking around for a mechanic hasn’t been productive. Have I moved to the only locality in Florida that doesn’t have a scooter mechanic?
           I’ve gotten a number of replies concerning on-line writing. Of course, my interest is focused on the few that provide dollar figures. It’s clear that I’m not the only one dissatisfied with the current payment system. But I’m getting some excellent input from real writers and it would appear that the more popular posts here center around motorcycle travel. I consider my forte to be the knack for explaining complications in fewer words, especially my studies like electronics and navigation. Guys, keep leaving those comments—I am definitely paying close attention.

Picture of the day.
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           Hello from Punta Gorda. The unexpected morning off found me in the station wagon on the way to the mansion on the river. Did I show you any pictures of the seashells I dropped off last month? Look at this by the breezeway. It’s a seashell work of art. I just never could be that creative, well, unless you get me playing bass. Alaine did this arrangement, meaning they are finally getting moved it. We can all appreciate when moving is over.
           I was there for the afternoon visiting. We wound up at a BBQ place by late afternoon. My choice was the salad and a diet cola. See, I’ve grown immune to the aroma of all the food I can’t have. But not immune to inflation, this snack cost me $13. This doesn’t count for my out of town trip this month. It’s only 75 miles by the back roads (the motorcycle route) and I’ve been there before.

           Alaine and I found that bookstore around a mile up the road and I was in there an hour. It was closed but they let me browse anyway. Mondays is some type of church social, I think they serve free soup and sandwiches. It must be a community event, since the hall is miles from anyplace there are likely to be any homeless. I still have reservations of a house that close to a river that can flood. Not so with the others, though. It’s a big subdivision.

Last Laugh

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