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Wednesday, February 22, 2023

February 22, 2023

One year ago today: February 22, 2022, WIP- date is wrong - WIP.
Five years ago today: February 22, 2018, most digital cameras suck.
Nine years ago today: February 22, 2014, Nothing.
Random years ago today: February 22, 2012, predicting inflation.

           A three-cup measuring cup. Why so hard to find? I find them to be the correct match for most microwaves, but try finding one in Florida. And I mean a real one, pyrex, not plastic. No sense asking because people just tell me there is no such thing. Maybe not in Florida, but I had one back in Seattle. It was great, the English markings were all on one side and it had two spouts. Meal time was a jiffy. Let me go on-line and see what’s there. We’re looking for a 3-cup glass measuring cup. The 2-cup is too small and the 4-cup is too big for a quick microwave meal.
           Did I speak too soon? I could not find any on-line except the one I don’t want. That’s the Pyrex brand because it has English on the wrong side and metric in-your-face. All’s I saying is I had one, so now maybe I’ll check Etsy, who will want $25, just you watch. Not only that, 3-cups is perfect for many a breakfast in a hurry. And I’m not averse to curried eggs or even nuking up a couple tablespoons of peanut butter. Around here, breakfast is dictated by your appetite, not cable TV. As for this morning, I had cream of wheat with Carnation™ and turbinado. And now I’m baking blueberry muffins.            By the way, the raccoons are gone. All of them. The granddaddy and two sets of triplets that I know of. Somebody reported them, they had become real nuisances. This evening, I’ve got a DVD planned, a murder mystery I think. “Dear Prudence”. I think I may have seen it long ago, a TV talk show host solves a murder. Anyhow, that’s my big plan. I am really feeling unusually tired Later, yes, I’ve seen it. I like that expression, “Not for a nano.”

           This is the Spearhead class navy vessel. It small and fast. The innovation is this unit can operate up to 30 days without a crew. Automation has been tried before, but this is light years ahead of the older “autopilot” systems. The design isn’t new, the shop carries berths for a crew of 40. The boat is still undergoing tests and must be accompanied by a nearby “support” ship, partially negating the whole concept. My guess is this would like be employed as what has become known as a drone mothership. Yes, that is a VTOL deck aft.
           Do I get up in the attic and fix that kitchen light? Another coffee should help me decide. It’s going to use up half the roll of 14-2 I had for the shed and that old clothe wrap is a mess to work with. It’s fine, until you touch it, upon which it disintegrates to a powder that sticks to everything except itself. Check back, if there are any pictures, then I got up there. See, no pictures. I went out to fill the birdfeeder and wound up moving the outdoor workshelf over by the red shed. No easy task, as it rests on stacks of concrete blocks. Hey, it’s one stable table.
           This got me shifting lumber around and clearing off the plant stands near the south window. Unless that area gets irrigated, there is no easy way to grow anything there. It’s only plus is the amount of sunlight. Otherwise it is tucked out of the wind and everything in there dries fast without daily watering. But I’m thinking. Here’s some trivia. To attend this years Satan worship convention (SatanCon2023) you will need proof of vaccination.

           I get asked some of the craziest questions, so here are a couple answers meant as general trivia. Russia no longer has any shortwave radio. That button on your Tecsun is useless, wait, hold on, there is one station in Siberia but it is for local use. No propaganda value whatsoever. There it is, way over on the Alaska side of Siberia, radio Purga. Folks, you don’t need a radio to listen to any of this nowadays. Use your computer. My interest is 95% the radio electronics, not what is broadcast.
           The Ukraine no longer has any stations, either. However, they do have a weekly broadcast on WRMI, a station in Okeechobee, Florida. The stations rents air time to organizations as left-wing as they are. If you DF it, you may not find it. There is only a local tower in Okeechobee, the big transmitters are a hundred miles away in Miami. It’s a crappy leftoid NPR wannabe station that speaks mostly ebonics and Urdu.
           Anyway, this mild activity tuckered me out and I have that rehearsal penciled in for noon. I dug out that 20 pound bag of birdseed to test on the squirrel pegs and cleaned up the yard a bit. Zoned me right out, plus I scraped my shin. This is not shaping up for a good day, but what the hell, I’am going to make the best of it.

           Last day I’d glanced at a Morse code site to look at prosigns. So today I was inundated with old training films. The army used training films and yep, it was a time in history that was already old when I came along. One shows a shavehead sending the word “steak”, apparently he liked to date girls who were hungry. When she answered yes, he kept sending a long series of b’s, maybe it meant something in the 1950s.
           How much time does it take to stay proficient on code? Not lots, but like bass, it must be consistent or you can’t build on what went before. I will likely never reach my personal goal of 20 wpm. To me, it sounds like a blur. Mind you, in the past I’ve had breakthroughs. Months of no gain, then one day you sit down and you’ve reached a new level. It’s rather different than most of my learning. Sending is all about good rhythm and those spaces between letters and words. There is a method that increases those “distances”, it’s called Farnsworth. The way it works is they send the letters at 20 wpm, but the spaces at 10 wpm, which you can adjust.
           Myself, I try to keep up by 7 patches of code 2 minutes long. It works out to around 90 characters per clip and around 20 minutes per day, of which 15 is of any real use. I’ll go for a week, then leave it alone. How long? Weeks, days, years, it does not matter, I find I can pick right up where I left off. From what the instructions say, that is rare enough.

           JZ, who is normally right about such things, maintains that the instant onion is fried, particularly in butter, that all nutrient value is instantly lost. Where JZ is wrong is thinking that news is going to change 30 years of my best cooking habits. I consume around three average sized onions a week, mostly as a garnish and most of it heated in some way.

Picture of the day.
Cuban slums, 2023.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           I messed up. The way I wrote 5:00PM on the calendar, from across the room, looked like “NOON”. So I showed up and no Bradford. Now Brad can be quirky in that he’ll say things have changed but they don’t really. Trust me, if I drive across town to your house, it is because there’s a reason. He texts me saying I have to quit entering his property at random times. Well, I guess it could look that way, but I’m rarely the one who cancels appointments at the last minute, the NOVA sequence. Remember that? When you give somebody the option to cancel at the last minute, it increases the odds they will do so. Well, text messaging does just that.
           Since I was out that way, I did a quick shop at Wal*Mart. BB’s are no considered ammo, so I won’t be showing them ID for that. The BBs are .177 caliber and half the price of pellets, so I’ll have to find a source. Unsettling for me, I had to really drag myself along for even this little bit of energy. If I didn’t say, the warm weather isn’t easing up my back like it used to.

           This is what your shiny smooth BB looks like under closer inspection. I once saw a video of how they got the size so exact. Up close it looks like the entire surface is pitted like parts of the Moon. These are higher quality BBs than the copper-colored familiar type. I could not find a cleaning kit for the air rifle. Anyway, Brad rescheduled for the weekend. For some reason I thought he inherited the property. No, there are several houses on it and his dad lives in one of them. That explains a lot, wouldn’t you say?

           Canada is expanding their MAiD program, that’s “Medical Assistance in Dying”. The plan is to include the killings who are determined by the State to be incapable of making decisions. However, I will not argue that point, only that it should not be the taxpayer who picks up the tab for the decision. The fear is different and two-fold. One is that the law provides that the parents need not be consulted or even informed of the decision. The other is that in Canada, one law like this just leads to another law like this. We have the same in the USA, but the public here has at least some control over the process.
           Trump is at the train crash place and the woketards are howling it is a photo-op. Like anybody would care if it was, he’s still there helping out and Joe is not. What is striking many viewers is that Trump is right in with the people, in many places without security. The D-party is furious, they have spent a lot of time and effort portraying Trump as hated. In many scenes there are crowds in the distant background, it sounds like roaring wind until you listen. It is people cheering. Most people refer to him as President Trump.
           Worse for Joe, there is a nasty rumor about that the event was engineered by his people. A rumor that never would have gained traction before he took office and messed up everything. There is talk of the country splitting into red and blue states. The bad blues have cooked up some silly concept that the red states could not live without them. It’s an evil theory based on the way the Democrats have concentrated building all the civil infrastructure into their own cities. What they don’t seem to know is those cities are failures.

           Without a lot of detail, A.I. is going to upset more than a few on-line industries. Even Google is at risk as the MicroSoft Bing model easily outpaces ChatGPT. And even the crap that passes for A.I. is able to outpace huge swaths of the millennial workforce. Golly, they may have to go get real jobs that Americans won’t do. A.I. books have already been listed for sale and some publishing houses are demanding that authors be real people. Some guy produced a successful children’s book with illustrations in 30 hours. And it’s only just begun.
           Sure enough, the copyright laws are being used to stifle competition. That’s on-line, because youTube has policies that block and reblock, alllowing the complaining party to pretty well stall any resolution of the conflict. And that conflict is fair usage. Apparently, Universal Studios is a prime offender, declaring almost any clips as piracy. I don’t know how the industry works, but I don’t understand why firms that do business with this just don’t boycott Universal products.

           Does one laugh or curse at the argument of whether children should be allowed in every restaurant. According to BonAppétit, the answer is yes. If you don’t like noisy children, you should just stay the hell home. I disagree. Because most adults these days don’t know how to train their children to behave. One might say since I have zero experience as a child going to a restaurant with the family, I should recuse myself. But no, I’ve been on the receiving end. A restaurant should have the right to refuse service to anyone who disrupts the space of others, and that includes by race, color, creed, or religion.
           Remember that horrid week we spent in Hawaii with the hotel full of Jesus freaks? That’s why it was so cheap. The hotel knew these bastards ruined the week for everyone else. You want to pray loud in a big group, go to a church. And just as I have a right to choose what meal I want, I should have the right o choose the atmosphere as well. It’s the people with noisy, undisciplined piggy kids who should do the staying at home.
           And what’s more, it is families with children who should recuse themselves because they think they are special and will always vote to be allowed to do as they please anytime, anywhere. Same as the queers.

           That hot springs we did not stop to see a few years back out on the Gulf coast is in the news. Some outfit wants to build a motel spa nearby. And you guessed it, despite these springs being everywhere, faster than you can say Pocahontas, it’s ancient tribal ancestor-land. The problem is, the developers, anticipating all this, ran some tests that the nearest tribe, the Calusa, camped too far away to have used the site as a burial ground. Soon, Tampa NPR radio showed up with a set of blueprints and the Indians faithfully pointed out their gravesites directly under the proposed motel foundation.
           Ooops, said the developers, we seem to have given you an outdated set of blueprints. Our motel is really supposed to be over where you said you had your campsite. And if you can camp there, so can we. There are no words to describe the reaction of these outwitted Indians. I only caught the last few seconds but it was side-splitting funny. Especially how, most of them being tenth generation, tried to fool us with Tonto-talk.

Last Laugh