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Friday, February 10, 2023

January 10, 2023

One year ago today: February 10, 2022, nut-cases & non-centers.
Five years ago today: February 10, 2018, very part-time.
Nine years ago today: February 10, 2014, twice the cost.
Random years ago today: February 10, 2007, testing the Mavica.

           It was like weighing 500 pounds trying to move this morning. But, I made it to my 9:30AM appointment and out to the thrift store for the remaining two units. There were three, but see how the moccasin telegraph works? By the time I had not returned to buy them all the same day, they figured out the units must work fine and kept one for themselves. Yeah, it’s going down to 50°F next week, but this time we are ready. I may have to mount these on small wall brackets, floor space is just to precious around here and these won’t get used for months at a time.
           Following up on ice fishing trailers from y’day, I traced back the earliest “wagon” designs for camping I could find. The trail led to those Hungarian gypsy carts. The interiors were luxurious and the wagons were often family heirlooms. Apparently the roofs were locked from the inside but were removable in good weather, though I could find no pictures.
           Before I forget, the police in the BKT tape stated they found him by tracing down the computer he used to create the floppy disk (the 3.5” type) he sent them. The police claim they were able to trace the computer that last modified files on the disk. Really? I’d like some more information on that. They even claim the name of the church was in plain text on the disk. Unless it was a new disk, it may not have been erased properly – but in 2004, I can’t see any serial killer making that mistake.

           I’m finishing the last disk, again the story is over-long on glorifying policework, where in fact the police regularly break all kids of laws knowing they will be forgiven if they get a confession or conviction. This leads to dozens of wrongful incidences of both. The worst is when the police trick people into testifying against themselves, which is forbidden in the Constitution. An example is using private medical records of relatives to get DNA, which you are not required to supply. The medical facility is served with a warrant, not the individual. And no medical outfit is going to take a bullet for you by standing up for your rights.
           There you go, South Africa is declaring an emergency due to electrical blackouts. When the ANC party took power, the electrical grid became their most corrupt service. They built no new plants and thousands of White technicians left the country as soon as they graduated. Having few fuel resources, many businesses are dependent on electricity. One chicken farmer without power for 72 hours reports his 50,000 chickens died. Same with babies in incubators. I find it most strange the White people did now withdraw into a small armored redoubt 40 years ago and block all access to their areas, sending out just enough managers to keep the diamond mines going, type of thing.
           The University of Chicago reports that instant noodles cause 31% of all child scald accidents. They did not report that 90% of the accidents happen in the south end. I got a rather extended reply from a dude at a South African power plant. (The company is called Eskom.) He reports that situation in that country is beyond redemption. The only thing preventing collapse is that the blacks hate each other just as much as they hate Whites. The population is only 8% white, so he says there is no chance they will ever form another government. To think that country was once first world.

Picture of the day.
Prefab hotel on pylons.
Deadhorse, Alaska.
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           Okay, where is Deadhorse, Alaska? It’s the staging compound for the Prudhoe Bay gasline and was in the news today. In keeping with the latest DC distraction of Chinese spy balloons, they claim one was shot down over Deadhorse. Also claimed it was a threat to civilian aircraft, with the constant roar of passenger jets over that region, their concern is understandable. I stayed in this afternoon, more downtime as my system reverts to my 2014 pattern of woes. I used the time to update the books and I see the new clerk at the grocery has been sweethearting my bill. I find coupons more hassle than they are worth, but she rings up all my items with the full discounts available. She’s actually quite good-looking. My spider sense, however, says if that’s all there was to it, why is she clerking? Still, around $9.30 saved today, I’d buy her a drink.
           How about those two White teens killed “in a high speed car chase of a car driven by a black”. Makes it sound like the girls were in the car with the nog—and that is intentional. The girls were not with the black, that’s American journalism. They were driving a third car that was hit by the white policeman who ran a red light during pursuit.
           I no longer feel sorry for those who get arresting while protesting. Do these people still think it is 1965? They are disorganized, unmasked mobs, who show up like it is some kind of party. Hundreds of their kind are rotting in DC jails but they still don’t have the sense to make a plan and stake lookouts.

           Y’know, I’m getting more and more charmed with the idea of churning out that “navigation” book for US waters only. It is not meant to educated educational, though it would. It is meant as an impulse item for preppers, suggesting they may have to flee by boat to some safe place like Cuba. More of a 100 page pamphlet, designed to sit in those racks at the airports and, if they still exist, bus depots. I can easily fill up ten chapters. While sitting in a waiting room recently, I was able to think where to find enough dollars to self-publish the book, but the game depends on store displays—or on-line, which I now know something about.

           Let me describe Artificial Intelligence another way. Anyone who has taken stock of the current educational, political, and social systems to creates any real A.I. would not plaster it all over the Internet. They would keep it a deathly secret until they had made trillions, eliminated all opposition, and remade the world to their liking. The last thing they’d do is use it to make lame anti-White statements on Twitter and Google.

Last Laugh