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Friday, March 10, 2023

March 10, 2023

One year ago today: March 10, 2022, I prefer 4 strings.
Five years ago today: March 10, 2018, at least she strums.
Nine years ago today: March 10, 2014, the siesta test.
Random years ago today: March 10, 2010, patents – why so expensive?

           An early start to what I hope is a great work day. Pleased I was to hear Musk did another number on the Twitter hierarchy. He instructed managers to recommend their best employees for promotion. Then fired the managers and replaced them with the employees. Classic. Right or wrong, good or bad, Musk knows how to deal with entrenched bureaucrats. Is this 1488 dating site for Whites only a joke? Oddly, it came up on my investment hotline. (They may be selling shares.) See addendum for more.
           A productive morning but I timed out just past noon. I have an offer on the hot dog cart, the discover Howie had plans to put a stainless steel lid on it. One way or the other, it has to go. Things are no faster over here but the table saw makes it more efficient, which leaves me time for smaller project (the kind I prefer). Another thing is these projects tend to use materials I already have, a kind of otherwise so-so talent I’ve had for years. Can’t make money with it (this talent), but I don’t spend any (while I using it), so this month is already showing a surplus.

           These two nearly identical photos show I have more than enough cable to run new 2s0V power all the way from the main panel. The second photo just shows all the pipe salvaged from Tennessee. One more ten-foot section and the wiring is encased. It does not have to be, but for an extra $12 I’ll see about this tomorrow.
           Before I forget to record it, Caltier has changed its web page to accept only monthly recurring amounts. Hmm, I guess it has not dawned on them how rapidly accounts like mine grew when there was only that five-day waiting period. Actually, I can hack the new system because it’s easy to figure out they’ve hired a bozo to work the code. Forcing me back to only a monthly contribute carries the added problem of having to declare my total income to cover the single larger amount. Put another way, I’ve deposited up to $2,100 per month without having to tell them my income was $21,000. They demand this form be completed.
           So now, I have to balance long term with one deposit and I hate going over $1,250. Their system says you must declare ten times that as disposable income and my spider sense says don’t do it. Unless there is a change in the situation, it will now take 20 months to reach what I once had as an interim goal.

           News to me, the neighbor on the east worked for a bit as a glass cutter. Says he can show me the easy way to do it. The poor guy is really off balance since his wife passed away, he tells me she did all the household finances on a computer. He does not even use a cell phone. But he’s got a coffee maker in his little art studio and I know an excellent brew. Maybe we could work out he shows me how to cut glass, I’ll teach him how to check his accounts on-line.
           You are aware of my Morse code pastime, but not that I strive to receive 90 to 100 words per day, odd that I cannot find a site that sends random code like a want. Anyway, I’m used to a 10% error rate, bearing in mind not all errors are equal, my results are still quite readable. Imagine my surprise to take 200+ characters this morning with .44% errors. I’m treating myself to another coffee over that one. Ta-dah. Around half my errors are missing spaces between short words.

           Here is the new 12V drill, this one I keep inside the house for hobby use. It is surprisingly peppy, I’m going to build a custom wood box for this plus the charger and an array of bits. I’m pondering making the box big enough for the new screwdriver as well, but for now, I’ve got a hot water tank to contend with. Today was not that productive, I had crawled up the ladder a few time to finish the shingle flashing and felt like a short nap. Famous last words.

Picture of the day.
Rich in Iran.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           The Voter Registration Act requires that people who have not voted in the previous two elections be tagged inactive. Today, rather than fight a lawsuit, Los Angleles agreed to remover 1.2 million voters from their active list, including a half million that have not voted in ten years. New Jersey just arrested a huge corruption ring, including organ smugglers. The ringleaders appear to all be of the same religion, something like 40 of them. No explanation was given why it took ten years to move on them.
           I don’t have the exact date, but I believe my Danelectro Longhorn bass has now been my favorite instrument for 21 years this month. I may have this all wrong, because there were no blog entries, I’m basing this on the time I had just met the Hippie and Mars Music was still in business. I estimate I have played this bass around 12,000 hours in some 7,600 days. You can double-check the math, but that’s 720,000 minutes, and I conservative play 80 notes per minute, making a total of 57 million notes. Statistically, sometime later this year, I will play my 100 millionth note on bass. (Remember, I have not always played bass, it just seems that way.)

           The indigo snake has to be there, even if I can’t see him. That’s the second time I heard the characteristic sound. I’ve positioned all materials for the 220V line and got 10 or 12 insect bites at the same time. I’m having fun designing the overhead camera rack, the angle that shows my hands at work. A 2-page letter to JZ who has been too quiet. Stopping for a couple beers after dark, I read the booklet on five-string banjo in more detail. Yep, it really is that repetitious.
           Shortly I’ll be distracted sealing up the shed. Them varmints must be sneaking in by the way the siding does not well match the angle where the walls meet the roof. I need only find the starch to get up that ladder again and gitter done. In other minor chores, filled the burning barrel, pressure cleaned the bird bath, moved some plywood, and some half-babe came on to me at the club while I was there. A quick motion from the barmaid said “trouble” but I’d already rejected this funny blonde lady. She was maybe half my age so you know the predominant factor at work wasn’t anything it was supposed to be.

           No need to point out Trump has been getting aggressive. He was not confident in voter matters before, which is understandable because the media could push an agenda. Now, he is openly saying he well fire, prosecute, and clean house. No more maybes, he has the full backing of people who’ve had enough. That’s a comfortable majority. He is directly stating some things he will do but to me, his smartest move is the use the same tactics as the far left in stealing elections. I have no doubt the left cannot possibly adapt.
           The millennial media reports the Silicon Bank debacle, without realizing how indoctrinated they’ve become. Their reports are rife with the D-party terms to downplay the seriousness. A good example is the on-line censorship bill. Instead of saying 206 Democrats (100% of those present) voted for censorship, they “voted against legislation that would bar authorities from preventing the policing on-line activities”.
           Here’s one of those Invisible Women videos I found hilarious, especially the horse joke.

           I would not be surprised if some White only dating sites went public. I’d buy a hundred shares on sheer speculation. The term 1488 is code for anti-white racism. You can look it up but the 14 is the number of words in a credo about Whites protecting their children and 88 is for the eighth letter of the alphabet, “H”, so “HH” is Heil Hilter”. To such people, I reply they can 76 themselves. Ohhh, a funny. Let me post that on social media somewhere.
           The Silicon Valley bank is sinking. They put a lot of loans into startups, forgetting the successful startups were by Boomers, not Millennials. Looks like another batch of millennials are about to find out what real work-from-home is really all about. Then again, the bank is in California. Before I forget, remember my warning about Bank of America? That was twenty years ago.

Last Laugh