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Saturday, March 11, 2023

March 11, 2023

One year ago today: March 11, 2022, still favorite birdie mister.
Five years ago today: March 11, 2018, ugly ladies night.
Nine years ago today: March 11, 2014, it’s cheaper to let them cheat.
Random years ago today: March 11, 2001, typical calendar entry.

           I was up late studying. I’ve reached a dead end. How does a gate know there is electricity in a line unless it is grounded, but if it is grounded, the current will flow. I suspect some arrangment of capacitors. Here’s one of the most common beginner circuits on the web, the problem being it does not work and cannot be built. The transistor, the working part, is wired in backwards and the base is not connected to anything. This circuit may do something and I’m going to wire it up just to see, but even so, it would be the worst of learning tools.
           As shown, the current cannot flow. It would be blocked by either the capacitor or the emitter pole of the NPN transistor. But there must be a reason this schematic is so popular and I have to know if it somehow can detect if a voltage is present without flowing. In other words, will that LED turn on when there is voltage? That would be something.
           I use “plasticine” model clay to make small impressions. Somehow, I came into a lump of Play-Doh. What is this crap? It smells funny, won’t pick up sharp edges, and gradually changes shape by itself. Good morning. We skipped the pancakes and went straight for the coffee and later, a baked potato. Will the rest of the day be as thrilling?

           Let’s check some millennial mainstream bullshit. How about this one: vinyl sales have surpassed CDs for the first time since 1987. Wow, plastic records must be coming back, right? Hardly. Streaming means people aren’t paying $20 for a CD “album” with only one or two hits. Or how about hybrid sales? Seems people will buy them if they can’t get a car loan any other way. A French news report, a language that almost nobody in America speaks, claims Americans share “fake news” so they can fit in. How this works is not explained but apparently it does not apply to fake news that comes from the mainstream media.
           Food time, I mention spaghetti, lots of it. I dislike feeling listless but I think this is a day off. In my youth, I only knew one old guy who kept active every day, he ran a lawn seeding company and worked the seeds in with a rake. Last I heard he was still doing that at 70 years old. Next, my feed listed the best singers and one of them was Michael Jackson. I watched two videos of that band on the Ed Sullivan show and was reminded why I never did like that brand of music. I also thought Elvis was corny as hell.
           You can view a list of the J6 prisoners and their situations at the Department website. Rumor is they are considering a class action against their tormentors. Statistics show an increasing return to dumb phone technology. I know I’m looking at one next time I’m in Miami, for outgoing calls only. It’s a matter of trust. If you have a dumb phone and a computer, that’s all you need. Last evening I stopped for a few late at night. I was the only one in the bar not nose to phone screen, and the only one who was approached by women.

Picture of the day.
Pencil shaving art.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Here is the circuit shown in the above schematic. One thing it does not do is flash. However, it also should have the LED glowing that dull red color you can barely see. The light should be completely off, but there are a number of explanations. I only had the one transistor. I have that whole package of PNPs I’ve little use for but if I had NPNs, where are they. The circuit shown here nearly matches the schematic. The red power goes through a resistor capacitor pair, but this will not flash by itself, it only makes the bulb fade on and off.
           I tested the opposite configuration but then it behaves like an ordinary circuit. The specs for the resistor and capacitor are not given, but I tested the normal sizes for this type of circuit. Whatever this does, it looks like a dud to me. Another dud was the riflescope. It simply will not set up. The pellets would go anywhere except the target. I finally set them to upper left and tried to walk to the bull’s-eye four notches at a time. It would approach to about 4” off, then do as it pleased. Very close examination shows a tiny piece of cloth under the rear scope bracket.

           Yep, the bank that funded all the startups is kaput. The customers all lunged for their money, so much for customer loyalty, ha-ha. It’s like I always said, you customers hope you go belly-up so they can pick the bones clean. These events always cause talk of a currency collapse. Some people who owe a lot of money seem to think they would benefit from it all. Nonsense, life would just get more complicated if nobody accepted money.
           I found a small notebook with the logo of the electric company and it had a small calendar clipped to the back. There was no journal kept during this period, so this could be a historical find for me. It covers mainly the blanks in the blog January to June 2001. Most of the notations I will have forgotten, but I may key enter them as the best records I have of that time. First thing I spot is I’m at least a year off on my Danelectro bass.

           Later, I key-entered the sparse material for January 2001. The originals have deteriorated and must be thrown out. That’s okay, there is far more than enough surviving notes to prove my sources. Most are in code, in the sense that millennials can’t read cursive. If you have time, glance at the entries. They are more concerned with retirements and gigs than today, but they were often bigger events of the day back then. Pictures were extremely rare. The only source back then was scans of actual photos and that was expensive. Too expensive.
           I can read between the lines. Budgets back then were different, I only reviewed them once or twice per month. The momentum to form a duo is evident to me, the Hippie was losing us money. By now we figured out he must have been getting an allowance from his parents or something. Maybe he was the first millennial?

           This photo appeared on Gab. Followed by my favorites in the comments.
Look at those jugs of beer.
Das is gut.
Welcoming committee from heaven.
Soft porn for pathetic incel virgins.
Wow x 4.
Before I forget – FJB!
Suddenly I’m thirsty.
New wallpaper.
A species going extinct.
Amazing, no snot rings, tattoos, or combat boots.
Love is all you need.
           Lots of recent hoopla over the Vista, an A.I. piloted jet built at the skunk works. There’s little new about the system as it controls the autopilot used since the 1980s for flight simulation and to have airplanes exhibit flight characteristics of other aircraft. The significant gain is removing the pilot and his gear superbly enhances the performance of the craft. Once again, the plebes cry that this is “skyborg”, as if being killed by a machine is so much different than by a human. The factory has to keep assuring them a human makes the kill decision. The crazy liberals want you to believe there is an infinite sliding scale when it comes to the enemy trying to kill you first.
           What I’m seeing is a useful compromise. The A.I. pilots the jet better than all but the best pilots. My prediction is this will be used to keep the pilot focused on making combat decisions rather than flying the airplane. And that can be accomplished by remote control. If we see smaller, lighter airplanes with better flight characteristics, that’s your proof.

           Not only are millennials seemingly incapable invention, they pursue technological dead ends. DARPA is financing a ground effects aircraft. The Soviets failed at this, and their approach was the one that might have worked—huge and powerful engines. Why do I think it will fail? Because there has been no breakthrough in engines, go figure. These airplanes work by floating on air “pushed” up fromt ground by the wing during passage. The claim is they float over land and water. Yeah, until you get a telephone pole or iceberg in the way.
           Price increases ahead. The largest non-essential food crop in the world will suffer reduced yeilds. According to PLOS, we are about to have a coffee shortage. This California group says the failures will be synchronous. They probably mean synchronized since these announcements normally follow some big meeting by cartel producers of a commodity that can’t be grown in the USA. The last two coordinated price hikes used up El Niño and La Niña, so this is the best they can come up with.
           Greta warned us five years in 2018, so we should now be drowning or frying, I forget which. When asked why nothing happened, Greta just says that proof paying more taxes is working. What a mousy squirt that broad turned into, and I don’t just mean because she’s pesky. Brazil produces over half the world supply of my favorite bean, the Arabica. The Vietnamese are huge produces of robusta, that’s the stuff Starbucks flavors so you can’t taste it much.

Last Laugh