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Tuesday, March 21, 2023

March 21, 2023

One year ago today: March 21, 2022, Boost Mobile sucks, always will.
Five years ago today: March 21, 2018, still rehearsing.
Nine years ago today: March 21, 2014, should have been easy targets.
Random years ago today: March 21, 2015, not exciting enough, you see.

           The important parts are done and the Reb has not left yet. I got documents signed and bills paid. I remind the world the US is a bureaucracy run by liberals and there is no place you can go and nothing you can do to be left alone. Except maybe disappear into the forest, but that is only good until they find you the first time. This is a free country and over time there always arises a class of citizen who see it as their right to tax, harangue, and keep tabs on you. In this case, it is the Democrat political party. Every major thing wrong with the country can be traced back to their doing. Good morning.
           Yep, this blog has finally been flagged by Google. It makes no difference I can find, but it has to do with the posting of the Rittenhouse “not guilty” video as opposed to anyone at Google actually reading this blog and learning a thing or two about how the real world operates. I can say Trump is Satan, but you can’t say that somebody else said that Rittenhouse was not guilty. This is, however, what they mean by a free country. One where the majority got comfortable and did not notice the scumbags creeping up on them.

           Ouch, it now costs identical to register all vehicles, you don’t get a break for scooters like before. Took all my spot cash, so I drove half-way to Nashville to use the company ATM. Hint: avoid taking more than a couple hundred bucks out of an ATM until you’ve been in an area a couple of days. You’ll thank me later. The Reb called so I went shopping. She’s leaving tomorrow so we didn’t go out for the evening. I finished reading “Burma Road”, which I’m having a time keeping this story different from another book I read on the same topic but written by some road engineer working in India.
           The computer I left here is kaput. I’m in the library, the one I won’t say because the locals have not yet discovered they have 48 computers where you can run way over the time limit. Until the locals find the place and arrive here to conduct their terribly important computer business.

Picture of the day.
Kuwaiti International Airport.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           We took the doggies on an extra long stroll as we had business to go over. Things are past the stage where it would be easy if anything happened to me and I tend to manage investments differently enough to need somebody at the helm between statements. All incoming statements are matched against a budget and after that it is management by exception. That’s where only things that fall outside of certain parameters get tended. This trip I am looking into CDs and it is wise to find out each bank’s quirks first. For example, the highest paying bank has a 4-month term as its maximum (8.82%) but no automatic rollover.

           So Caltier, idiosyncrasies and all, remains the largest single investment and it is barely averaging 7%. But their business plan and web page are designed by millennials so nothing there is new. If I didn’t say, they’ve got a lot of flak over that recent change and are apparently switching back. (I didn’t complain to them, only here.) It is bitter cold for this time of year so I’m doing nothing while she packs. Oh, I know. I’ll re-watch that Hackman movie, “The Chamber”. It was written by someone who knows where the law breaks down. For example, despite the new evidence, the execution is not stopped. Because even though the party may in fact be innocent, he is “guilty of the crime he was charged with”. So crimes don’t happen in isolation, but court trials do.
           The picture above is just a reminder for myself to get some documentation on op-amps, a device I really don't understand.

           Recall my chuckle when I read the pundits saying the days of the thousand plane armadas were over? Enter drones and A.I. The Insider (no link) reports the Air Force has drawn up plans to have 1,000 trained drone pilots in reserve. And I say there is no reason one pilot cannot fly many planes. Coupled with A.I. we might just see another thousand-bomber raid in the short span since airplanes were invented.

Last Laugh