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Monday, March 21, 2022

March 21, 2022

One year ago today: March 21, 2021, “Neeva” sounds, y’know, “Punjabi”.
Five years ago today: March 21, 2017, what it’s worth to me.
Nine years ago today: March 21, 2013, remember Prairie Home Companion?
Random years ago today: March 21, 1982, a 1955 Buick Roadmaster.

           It should not take six hours to get some shopping done. That puts me a half day behind, but I think we’re caught up enough to make a trip to Miami. JZ called to remind me the Youth Fair is this week, I hope I can make it during that event. It’s been a traditions since his nieces and nephews used to have exhibits. They are all in their twenties now, all college graduates, all well-to-do. The Fair itself has gone progressively downhill to a near total commercial operation. There are live acts but the midway is more fun. If you like spending $7 for an elephant ear, that is. Will they insist on masks? In Florida there is no mandate, but the show is on private property.
           This is the 70th anniversary, although them morons closed it down in 2020 over the COVID hoax and lost half their regulars. There is a hefty admission fee they won’t post on-line, but after that a few things are free, like the parade. And the pig races, don’t miss the pig races. The on JZ bet on stopped, ran the wrong way for a while, then hopped into the next lane and took a dump. I regular remind him that is symbolic of the way he handles all his finances, ha-ha.            My finances can take the form of peanut butter, I’ll explain in a moment. If things go south, you are looking at $180 in this photo. And these days, the more things go north toward DC, the more they go south.

           Boost Mobile. Well, they are crooks. They first told me they were upgrading, which turned into “your phone won’t work”. I demanded they replace it with one that does. They did, but wanted to zap me $64 for a connection fee, now hold on. Then, it turns out they also canceled my $20 per month plan that I was happy with. The new non-free phone has the cheapest plan at nearly twice the price. This, folks, is the delusional hell-paradise these millennials have created for themselves. Raised in a shit-house of their own lies, they now consider it normal.
           I ordered my set of DR white bass strings and in the process met a guy who knows how to midi-record drum sounds. He likes my idea of a foot pedal that plays the real drum beats. I have his business card and also asked him to keep an eye out for a cheap semi-acoustic bass, which I want to butcher to install a battery-powered bass amp and speaker or two. If you are going to carry a seven-pound instrument, at least make the weight do some good. It takes two weeks to get the strings. My, what a sleek & modern society computers have made us.

           And just like I said, some Dominion employee is going to squawk. People get fired, they get disgruntled, the only surprise is how long it took. As soon as one starts singing, the others will follow because otherwise it’s their neck. The same with ballot fraud, where they are arresting a few, but when they get the right one, she will blab out on everyone. No news on what the stoolie is saying but Dominion won’t be able to lie their way out of this one.

Picture of the day.
Twin cheerleaders.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           In other news, my favorite Thrift near the post office is temporarily closed. COVID temporary? I finally found shower curtains and Howie tells me the appliance store is open, even though I looked in the window and the gate was locked. I found those “sign here” stickers and they are not cheap. They had some very nice metal thumb-counters on sale, you know the device you press the lever to count. I always like such gadgets and that is how I know between the office bunker and Wal*Mart, I passed 80 cars. And from the Cypress Gardens corner to Lake Wales, another 441 vehicles.
           The local bank can’t help, the nearest place I can make cash deposits is 99 miles from here. I may make the trip on the way to Miami, where JZ called again about the Fair. It’s a bit tough to see him remember the Fair as it was 20+ years ago when we first went. He remember when you took a bag of carrots to feed the animals. Now it is forbidden unless you buy the official scientific diet, which consists of a few carrot slices. I quit going on rides that spin long ago, though the Ferris wheel is a given. Blog photos, y’know.

           I got another rack of peanut butter, deciding on that as my primary trade item. Cheap, easy to store and easier to sell. Tires, those wee 8” models that have always been over priced, went on sale so I picked up eight of them. They are needed for everything from my garden wheelbarrow to the old red flyer wagon that never did hold air. On the say home, I stopped for a well-deserved Budweiser and that lady I barely know was working the bar. There is an electric chemistry between us, we even danced a bit. We both know it, but I said to her we’d best hope that is one fire that puts itself out.
           This post is a day late, I know. But put it this way, it takes up to 40 minutes to prep the material and edit the photos, all done off-line. Then up to 20 minutes to post because Google has changed the rules so much I now put in all the formatting commands myself. Ever notice how the blog title is the date? Yes, it duplicates the Google date but I know way better than to trust Google will never muck with that date, so I include my own. So 40+20 means my readers are already getting an hour a day out of me. Good thing writing is one of my hobbies.
           And remember this blog is punishing on equipment, none more so than cameras. Those pictures you see mean I carry the cameras with me. If I had to go get the camera out of the house or car, you’d rarely see anything current. You know I go through a lot of cameras and now you know why. This one has been repeatedly dropped, scraped, dunked, jolted, heated, frozen, and left in the rain.

           On the less than helpful Internet, I found five sites that show how to install the foil insulation. Each says it only works with a small air gap away from the wall with the heat on the other side. This is done by putting small foam strips along the studs and fastening the foil that way. Yet not one of the videos says where one can get these foam strips. It’s a millennial thing like the misting devices that don’t say where they got the spray nozzles. I think I will use cardboard strips with the foil. It will be easier to glue to the roof of the shed, which I would have finished by now if the hillbilly had not shown up.

Last Laugh