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Friday, March 24, 2023

March 24, 2023

One year ago today: March 24, 2022, at the County Fair
Five years ago today: March 24, 2018, before my eyes.
Nine years ago today: March 24, 2014, ‘cept I can’t draw.
Random years ago today: March 24, 2005,the average was $62.50.

           Great morning and we are headed for a terrible storm. I cooked another ten pounds of chicken, fixed the sunroom door latch, moved some gear in and out of the van, and walked the dogs around the pond. By 10:30AM the wind was really beginning to pick up so I got the dogs feed and settled in so I could get to the library. I’ve a series of spreadsheets to update and run, but I think there are a couple of CDs in the making. It’s neat dealing with a commercial bank where all the staff know what you are talking about and have ready answers. Do CDs count toward my deposit minimum? (Yes.) Do they automatically renew? (No.) Where is the interest paid? (To a savings account.)
           Basically I’ve had a little over $3,000 sitting for two years making $2.47 interest annually. There’s a special 3.79% on CDs, but only four month terms. Hmmm, volatile market conditions. All this has to be sifted through and that’s what’s slated for this afternoon. How did I get all the way to Tennessee without a single calculator in my luggage, the van, my briefcase, or anywhere in the house? Here is Chloe, my assistant. Telling me to take a break by sitting on my work pad. Oh, and while you’re up, the cat food is atop the fridge.

           Taking some time to relax, I viewed a number of articles on this ChatGPT. I repeat my conclusion that it is not artificial intelligence, but it is good enough to fool the current crop of indoctrinated idiots. They claim it is writing and running its own code. Reminds me of the same thing said about computers back in the day. Dire warnings that computers could create superior code that would runaway blast humankind out of the water. There is something comical about suggesting today’s coders could produce anything that is more intelligent than themselves, if you follow what I mean. If a computer can write its own “internet” code, that says more about the quality of the Internet than they want to hear.
           As for the fears of workers that A.I. will replace their jobs, I’m not sympathetic. History is rife with such fears. The waterwheel, the steam engine, the sewing machine, the tractor, the computer, all were supposed to throw countless workers into the street. I tend to view two broad groups as affected by intelligent machines. Those who recognize them as a tool and gain by learning how to use them. And losers who, in a system that has been unbalanced for years, deserve what they get. Do I have an example? Yes. When your society gets so degenerate that it requires 250,000 paralegals to function, then your society is in need of a fundamental reset.

Picture of the day.
Typical American toy store.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           That was the call from LA, she’s on the way back. Will text from Dallas. I used the weather to finish the console, walk the doggies, and get repairs done around the house. Then, I hauled out a DVD, to discover the doggies had chewed my remote controller in half, peed on the upstairs carpet, and thanks to them I had left the van window cracked. Along came a Tennessee surprise rainstorm. I don’t mind the aroma of doggie, but wet doggie blanket? I wrung things out and sat down as best as is possible with pets that require constant attention and promptly fell asleep until 8:00PM. When the phone rang.
           She’ll be arriving 3:30AM. So don’t get too comfy, we will have to run to the airport. And things got soggy pretty fast in that rainstorm. And everyone knows I love driving at night.

           My “smart” phone got stuck in this mode where an old text from Bradford kept appearing with no way to delete or close it. The message appears and there is no screen icon to get rid of the damn thing. I get a laugh out of these millennial “power users” when they pull a stunt like that. We had our share of these moron-types in my day. But they were neither the majority nor had hair-brained concepts like they deserved respect. These days, you have to pretend you respect them and it’s funny how many of them are fooled by it, thinking it is respect instead of seething contempt.
           Nor is there any mention of this screw-up on-line. Another thing I get a laugh over is the gathering obsolescence of crap like Google maps. Those new subdivisions going up along Hickory and Central show as having access roads and through streets that were never there. My office supply joint is past the side road you just know the people stuck trying to get back on the arteries were led there by GPS. There are an increasing number of complainers getting through my news filters as well. Lady, if you still shop at places that have queer flags and walls plastered with BLM posters, don’t crab to us when you get robbed and cheated. Yes, and the horse you rode in on.