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Saturday, March 25, 2023

March 25, 2023

One year ago today: March 25, 2022, the barf ride.
Five years ago today: March 25, 2018, trillions.
Nine years ago today: March 25, 2014, a shaving mug.
Random years ago today: March 25,2009, power everything.

           It’s cold enough for give me pains, but the State of Tennessee need all the good people it can get. Even visitors. I’ve never met so many people who, at some point in life, have been run off the road. This was hardly a big day for anything, here is a picture of the crossword puzzle the Reb & I did over dinner later tonight. She’s got jet lag which for me is just a memory. I quit airplane travel when it ceased being fun, so that would be around twenty years ago. America had only minor airport problems before the illegal immigrants reached a breeding mass. And don’t call me prejudice for stating a fact, because you know what that makes you. And the couple that does crosswords together stays together.
           The neighbor lady had me look at her car. Yep, it’s one of those scenarios where the insurance company will say the car is totaled. It isn’t. The frame is crimped, but only in that spot where the bumper bracket is bolted on to what are called the long-members. The term totaled is designed to make the customer think the car is worthless, which is far from the case. This car is repairable and will fetch a pretty penny at the auction.

           Funny thing, I was told the neighbor lady could not work. Nonsense, she is not disabled in any way, including mentally. There is no reason that person could not go out and get a job like the rest of us had to. Like Canada, this country has become very much the welfare state by allowing such people to become wards of the public. She’s lived in a nicer house, drove a nicer car, and ate better than I ever did in my middle career years, and I worked straight through. I once asked Jimmy what was wrong with her. Anxiety.

Picture of the day.
Meccano set model ship.
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           There are at least six large condo and townhouse projects going up along Hickory. This will soon no longer be the quiet suburban part of town. Many of the adjoining roads cannot be widened and, like Florida, these subdivisions do not bring along any increase in services, parking, or capacity. Remember Bal Harbor? Grocery shopping became a minimum three hour ordeal just to get into a store and back out. The Reb & I plan to tour some of them in the next day or two, time permitting. I told her the sad story of the old Leopold Hotel near Seattle. They had converted it to an old folks home, but I recall the monthly cost was frightening. Something like $5,000 per month back in the 90s.
           Yep, it’s closed and all the people who had become dependent long-term residents are out on the street. It’s to become condos or something. There are two motel-like businesses along Hickory near our favorite Thai place that are nearing completion. Those are okay, as they existed within the established grid. It’s the hundred new places across the road that will kill the pattern. They are widening the road, but only along the two blocks to Hickory, which just shifts the resulting congestion toward downtown.

           See this cheerful-looking fellow. He just had his house burned down along with a couple of his cars. You see, he is the mayor of some Irish town who said the locals would welcome all non-White military-age male immigrants. Guess he forgot to ask the people who already lived there. This is a very common defect in American politicians. Anyway, it looks like the Irish may be the ones who turn the tables. I don’t know of a single normal American who is not against immigration. Not just quotas, but totally against all immigration for the next 100 years minimum.
           And there are politicians gaining traction who are for rounding up all the illegals and shipping them back. Mexico must be punished for allowing them passage. Cut of all foreign aid. It would not be an exaggeration to say we are at war.

Last Laugh