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Wednesday, April 5, 2023

April 5, 2023

One year ago today: April 5, 2022, in memory of Mars One.
Five years ago today: April 5, 2018, disturbingly unrealistic.
Nine years ago today: April 5, 2014, the culprit curb.
Random years ago today: April 5, 2015, Tote the Weary Load.

           What made today’s photos remarkable is how long it took me to get anything done. Here is the silo, clearly showing the expanding foam sealing off the corners as well as a long narrow strip that would not cinch up even with seven bolts in place. I’m toying with the idea of adding yet another layer of siding. After all, it is a hurricane silo. Later is a photo of the laundry shelves, getting a coat of black paint. I finally quit trying to loosen the rusted screws and cut the bad metal parts right off.
           America wakes to a now eloquent and politically polished Trump as he delivers his remarks on the indictment, now largely recognized as bogus. The mainstream people were quick to release comments that the speech was “rambling” and “incoherent” and that Trump was turning a court case into a political rally. And they ought to know that last one when they see it. The Reb called to chat, there are not that many people in her “artistic” circles who are not pure Trump-haters who could not tell you why. However, as usual, I could not get the full 35 minutes of Trump’s speech to pull up on my system.

           Every last source except the failing public media shows Trump has the upper hand. The “34 counts” on the indictment fail to specify what, if anything, Trump did wrong. This makes the entire Leftoid position into little more than a political ploy and but for the die-hard haters out there. Meanwhile the James Webb scope claims the most distant galaxies yet, some 13.6 billion years out there. However, that limit is a calculation, not a fact. It is derived from the red shift showing the universe is expanding. You work backwards to find an origin and I’ve long suspected red shift itself is a faulty indicator.
           They are also guessing at the age because of a lack of elements that take more time to form in early stars. What’s this, another celebrity stabbing in San Francisco, in a “safe” part of town. Nowhere is safe in California at 2:30AM. The jerk was anti-white, and this is how they learn things. Give him and A+.

           In the end, I paid for the extra effort last day, I slept in until past 3:00PM. I got one call-back for follow-up tests, for triglycerides. That’s an easy one, blood samples, but the one I have to fast 18 hours instead of 12. You get out of there ready to scarf down an elephant. It’s the old story, forty pounds overweight and you still feel starved. The good news is the van is now comfortable enough to drive that I may leave the morning of the appointment. It only takes an hour longer to drive there from here than through the Miami traffic. Stick around for this exciting decision. I won’t be doing much else today.
           There was some kind of court election upset in Wisconsin, a place I prefer to ignore. It seems a fat lady who had no chance of winning wound up with 55% of the vote, or at least that is the story. When asked how that was possible, the generic reply was that Republican candidates left the Democrats no choice but to cheat if they wanted to win, so the cheating was their own fault. Yes folks, the logic of idiots.

Picture of the day.
Buckingham Palace side door.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           At this point, I found some long lost photos in the shed. They were from November, 1994. I was in Venezuela, on my way from Caracas to Cuidad Bolivar. Who remembers Gilbert. If he’s still alive, he’s well over 110 by now. Sadly, I was unable to convince his brother that Gilbert was for real, so I’m kind of certain Gilbert finally died in poverty instead of collecting Social Security which would have made him a millionaire in the Venezuela of the time.
           I’m posting some comments of that time and photos of a collapsed microwave tower that would have been news a few years later due to the Internet. Instead, the few photos I have posted are likely the only surviving public record. Take a peek at November 1994 if you have time.

           Here’s a photo from the Internet asking for help. I’m not sure what the issue is, possible a murder or car accident, but I was impressed by how the investigator used very similar tactics as I do when searching such things. Where he learned these, I don’t know, but he has it down pat, even to the number of hours before giving up and asking for help. Most interesting.
           The search focuses on San Diego, so I can’t help. The poster seems to have covered a lot of bases. Like running the Buick and Camry registrations and the city keeps a log of which trees are planted where. He’s riding west by the shadows but sadly, those telephone poles probably no longer exist. And that’s a California beach house if I ever saw one.
           Next I watched a parody of “all 1990s television commercials”. I did not recognize a single product or theme. What a good boy am I.

           Here’s an item posted as an example of diversity hiring practices. You decide if the photo is the laugh, or the comments here chosen as funniest by me:
Well, I guess it’s good they didn’t use toggle bolts!
How did they find that? With a stool-finder?
It's flush mounted
About right, TV connected to the sewage out pipe.
Maybe its a liquid plasma screen.
The smell coming from the TV matches what’s on.
It's ok, it's load-bearing PVC pipe.

Last Laugh