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Thursday, May 25, 2023

May 25, 2023

One year ago today: May 25, 2022, WIP
Five years ago today: May 25, 2018, WIP
Nine years ago today: May 25, 2014, WIP
Random years ago today: May 25, xxxx, WIP

           The perfect weather holds up. I was over to visit WT (that’s Wild Turkey, woketards) and he reports a wide variance in quality for cordless mowers. For now, I’ll see if I can start one of of our older units. He also notes the cheap quality of the electric fuel pumps on the market these days. Many reports of them not running right out of the box. I’ll look into this more closely time permitting. I took the doggies to the lake, but the water level is so high we could not walk the perimeter.
           Our Spanish sailors have made it back to Mexico after almost freezing to death taking the gyre (rhymes with “tire”) north of Japan. The gyre is the term for the way water circulates ocean-wide in large currents. This is independent of the weather, but the trick when sailing is to find a latitude where both the wind and current move toward your destination. There have be reports (I’m not convinced) of sailing ships making 220 miles per day in this fashion.

           The prevailing winds are a similar phenomenon. The rotation of the Earth bends the winds east and west. This is called the “Coriolis Effect”. For years, I thought the term was descended from some Latin root word. Today I learned it was for some guy named Coriolis. Here’s my jigsaw puzzle, which some folks may say is a waste of time. I never do these puzzles in Florida, so why Tennessee? Because it is one of the activities the pets, including the turtle, seem to enjoy. Anyone who says turtles can’t tell such activity, I have video proof. If you have just a coffee and magazine, the turtle will not try to join in.
           The Reb called, she is in California. Some kind of meeting or seminar. I am so glad my days of that are long over. Y’day I did make it to the bank and we now have a couple $1,000 CDs. I was looking for what had changed since I had any twenty years ago. Two things. The interest is compounded and rolled over where it used to be paid into savings. This means the face value of the certificate changes and I’m not so sure about that. Another change is that the associated checking account must maintain a minimum balance of $1,000 or you lose. Who knows what else I will find buried deep in the fine print.

Picture of the day.
Tennessee welfare instructions
(in Somali).
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           Aha. In another chapter for the people who “have nothing to hide”, a Swedish company has blocked some 40,000 people who are chronic returners. This is why I’ve never bothered with service contracts. The contract is about the purchaser, not the product, and anybody who goes that route is just setting themselves up. Just you watch that list grow and get shared. Actually, in a way I am glad because I know people who use the return policies to “rent” stuff. The danger is that it is only a matter of time before the policy is extended into the unreasonable.

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