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Wednesday, May 24, 2023

May 24, 2023

One year ago today: May 24, 2022, I bank manually.
Five years ago today: May 24, 2018, half of all Americans . . .
Nine years ago today: May 24, 2014, multiple choice.
Random years ago today: May 24, 2012, an obvious “calendar” entry.

           What luck, did I hit the fine weather. Everything is caught up today, so I may zip over to Shooter’s before dark. Interest rates have gone zoom as the Fed tries to control inflation before the November campaigns begin. It won’t work this time, as the D-party has faked the “new jobs” numbers so many times that this hike is bound to cause crazy unemployment. I made up several videos on the library computer and you have been the beneficiary of that, if you’ve noticed. Problem, I can’t find a copy of that program.
           JeePee is spending the day outside, I’m planning to replace that back yard security light. It was installed with a tall ladder that no longer is around. Nobody can quite get up that height to repair the light, so I figure just leave it there and install one that can be reached. That’s the most exciting thing on the agenda this week. No word from the Reb means she’s busy, meaning she’ll be home faster.

Video has sound.

           Montana has banned people dressed in drag from reading books to children. But, the drags are free to read them to people at retirement homes, nomsayn? Normally, another announcement like making electricity from air would disgust me, but somebody has discovered something at the nano-level. Water molecules are naturally ionic because of the way hydrogen bonds, making the thing electrically lop-sided. Hmmmm. The US is building a global tracking system that uses many of the parameters mentioned in this blog back in 1990.
           At that time, people were caught up thinking it was ID that computers were after. Nope, I warned, it was profiling. Specifically mentioned were items that did not yet have a name, such as keystroke timing, mouse-movement, and stylus pressure. Now they are known as bio-metrics.

Picture of the day.
South Boston slums.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           An evening off with the pets, who know the best time to snooze is while I’m reading. I’m half-way through “Conquering the Pacific”, which is quite a detailed history lesson. It covers the navigation methods in use, including the use of gyres. This was the era when they tried to use magnetic deflection to measure longitude. It flunked, since the North Pole likes to move around. The book is well-focused on the types and use of ships, the logistics of trade, and the encounters with natives. One lesson I’ve learned is never go on a sailing trip with any Spanish or Portuguese. They are likely talking mutiny before you’ve even cast off.
           More movies, less pictures. That’s the format unless I get a better computer at the house. Hope you like pet scenes. That’s my motive for this week. Tomorrow I’m contacting WT about a mower, possibly an electric. I’ve learned to start the gas mowers, but not how to keep them running. Remind me to order parts while I’m here. I fired off some e-mails to locals but not a single reply so far, very unusual. It’s too quiet out there.

Last Laugh