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Monday, June 12, 2023

June 12, 2023

One year ago today: June 12, 2022, graded peanuts.
Five years ago today: June 12, 2018, 6-foot diameter.
Nine years ago today: June 12, 2014, think again.
Random years ago today: June 12, 2017, men without hobbies.

           So, the US military is opening a path to illegals to citizenship by enlisting them in the army to make up for the shortfall of volunteers. Makes sense, they need soldiers who would obey orders to fire on unarmed civilians. So, the Empire has reached Rome’s foreign mercenary phase. Canadians who know the smell of forest fires say the current ones have a chemical plastic aroma. Just over 3 weeks ago, 30 tons of ammonium nitrate disappeared from a railway siding. And that horrid TV show where Whoopi publicly displays her ignorance has been canceled because “nobody watches any more”.
           Trump has invited the children’s choir blocked at the Capitol to sing at his rally. Smooth or what? The fake indictment has caused Trump support to climb to new heights as most Americans know it is a political attack and election interference. Trump responds by saying he will take out the commies, liberals, and criminals in the White House. And that moron city council lady who wanted to tax White businesses to give to Black got crushed in the election so bad her opponent announced his win from a downtown bar during Happy Hour.
           See this fence post? That is where the fence in the background is to be relocated. Wisely, this time, set a foot back from the north wall, this lines with my biggest tree, just off to the left. That post took no time but it never gets easier. You can see the north window which keeps a view of the yard. The old fence in the background gets moved forward. This serves two purposes. It forms a shady enclave outside the window and widens the shady work area on the other side. The blistering summer heat has arrived.

           An almost unbelievable drop in viewers over at Fox News may spell their end. They are so bad off they may not recover, which is okay with all the people they offended. The Biden regime is dumping obsolete military equipment in the Ukraine. That includes the Bradley Fighting Vehicle, one of the worst ever. The German army of 1940s developed troop carriers that could keep up with tanks, which have troubles defending themselves at close quarters from infantry attack. The problem is, the Bradley turned itself into a piece of shit.
           The designers kept adding on features until if became 2/3 as expensive as a tank but was thinly armored and had too high a profile. (Besides, at that price, the army would rather have two tanks than three Bradleys.) It lacks tank armor and bolt-on plates decrease performance. The Russians knocked out a sixth of the Bradleys in the first few hours.

           Rumors abound that Hillary has become a flight risk. Demands for her arrest are not going away and now Trump’s soaring support is giving the bad guys nightmares. I say nothing will happen until Trump wisely guarantees the pensions of any whistleblowers. Now I said support, not necessarily popularity. What’s changed is even the most fanatical anti-Trumpers can no longer believe she wasn’t up to no good. She was not only in it from the start, she was often the evil behind things. It turns out Obama had promised her the Presidency on the condition she follow his orders. Trouble is brewing folks.

Picture of the day.
Daniel Island Club, Charleston.
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           The last bit of shingling still remains. Before getting up there, I have to be sure I’ll have the energy to complete the whole job. That was not today. I listened to Tampa radio and there’s a mood out there. Increasing reports of parents and patriots confronting the weirdos with more violence, though it is hard to say who is the instigator. But we do know these freak’s idea of inclusion and acceptance means they think they can tell you how to live. That’s not going to work well.
           Keeping inside in the hottest stretch, I’m finding a lot of unpublished pieces from 2005 thru 2008, which was the worst of the bad times for me. It’s like a chunk of my best years senselessly thrown away. Very frustrating because I could not even do most of the non-strenuous tasks I normally line up for such times. The good news is I see I did not waste the time. I worked, helped others, and that is the time I rode my bicycle seven miles minimum per day. It’s the pictures that get me. Without a series of timely events a number of things would not have got off the ground. For instance, finding that Argus 1600 camera was a game-changer.
           Not only was it under $50, it took pictures that were directly compatible with blog posting. That’s nothing to sneeze at when you consider the times. There were no free help desks, no nearby sources of any stripe, and not a single book in the libraries. Just plenty of horror stories about people who invested in a format that fizzled. I’d also lost all of my assets except what could be buried. And if you think I was foolishly vulnerable back then, take a look around today. Everything you own of any real value is on a government file somewhere.

           Forget outside, the humidity stayed up all afternoon. The “Yellow Admiral” is still on my shelf, so I read another chapter. It has no real plot but offers quite the insights into how the British Navy was mis-managed to perfection. From what I gather, the admiral was yellowed (promoted without a fleet) because his wife found out he had another wife in Canada. My news feeds tripped with the CDC announcement that the average American woman now weights just over 170 pounds. Wow, sixty pounds of flab and you are still considered average. This photo shows a typical almost-everyday sight of two hippie girls skateboarding during my college days. Darn rights I miss that era.
           It seems a rash of Asian students and other minorities with super SAT scores and IQs are being rejected at big schools in favor of underachieving Blacks. Gosh, Tojo, looks like “equality” isn’t everything it is cracked up to be, huh? The airwaves are flooded with pictures of Trump supporters lining the streets as he arrives for the fake arraignment. He’s now elevated to a status where the Leftoids had best not touch him or even think of putting him in jail. It serves them right. Hillary has checked into the hospital, some say it is a sympathy ploy as the walls close in on her.

           While I’m cautious by not wanting the birdies to get too tame, here is Mr. Red at the window feeder. He normally stays back at the other tube. He’s still jittery at any movement inside the house. He’s learning the window glass is a barrier.

           Cargill, once a solid GMO-pusher, has softened and admitted that although it still supports GMOs, some people don’t want it. Sadly, their non-GMO products carry a hefty price tag. Like unleaded gas, you pay more for something they don’t put in. I don’t know what caused this shift and Cargill classifies people’s preferences as “emotional”, but I’ll be watching. Apparently Cargill has gone so far as to develop lab testing for GMOs. This is because companies like Monsanto often don’t reveal secondary use of the altered foods, such as selling “pure” beef that has been raised on modified grains.
           Many big companies are shifting to non-GMOs after witnessing the take-off success of sales by Wal*Mart™ and NestlĂ©™, but it doesn’t take a marketing degree to figure out supply and demand. Monsanto has gone the other route of disguising the ingredients and practically forcing frankenfood on people.

Last Laugh