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Wednesday, June 14, 2023

June 14, 2023

One year ago today: June 14, 2022, lumber-dragging.
Five years ago today: June 14, 2018, a generic day.
Nine years ago today: June 14, 2014, I’m not a fan.
Random years ago today: June 14, 2007, the new PA system.

           Time to get rid of the blue jays. Sorry, they are voracious feeders and don’t get along with the smaller birds. After coffee I mean, this is a three-cup morning. The squirrels have also discovered the bird mister. The only work scheduled for today is the finishing touches on that fence and I want to put some finishing touches on those shingles, all for looks. I need the practice. The coffee’s ready, help yourself, and let’s check the feeds. Due to dew is not a dance move, it is the reason you can’t start work at dawn around here. But listen to this.
           I went out in the early light to take planning measurements. A few days back, I raked down to the soil, which is know to be the best in this area. In that short spanse of time a number of plants have sprouted in what I thought was permanent shade. The area is brightly lit in the daytime, I just didn’t think much would grow there. We’ll be keeping an eye on this, it would be an ideal spot if I can find a vegetable that does well there. Keep thinking, bathroom with a view.

           Easy to water, too, being next to the laundry. This is the view from the bathroom window, so unlike the far back yard, any type of gardening here would be regularly checked. Yes, I am aware that spanse is not a word. That brings up some trivia. The word “escape” is a contraction of the Latin phrase “to get out of one’s cape”. There. I’m also aware the bathroom window is very heavily spotted, it is tree sap.
           A section of highway collapses in Philadelphia. TMOR, this brand of disaster occurs mainly in “blue” states. That is, places that vote for the Democrat party. They spend all their money on kickbacks, bribery, and welfare checks. There’s none left for maintaining the infrastructure. It’s simple. People on welfare will never vote away their own paychecks. It’s kind of like the whole nation of Canada. People on the government dole never vote for change, much less improvement.

           I was out there long enough to finish the crown and move a few pickets into place. Unlike sunlight, you can’t shelter from humidity and she’s a sauna today. I’m going back out there once we get some afternoon shadow. But that’s easily my work quota for this climate. Fortunately, the Reb called to chat and got me take a decent break. This also gave me time to stand in the new enclave, which I’ve never done before. Only around quarter of the space is in permanent shade during the summer. So here is the plan.
           The best plant around here to check growability turns out to be the oregano. I’ll make a row for them along the soil that gets the most variation in sunlight and see which combination seems to grow the best. We know there is a breeze in that corridor due to leaves on the laundry deck. What a boon if that area turns out to support any vegetable much less my favorites of potatoes and carrots. Sadly, two months ago I began to restrict potatoes to one per week, so maybe I’ll learn to like radishes more. That’s all the blog I’ve got for you this morning.

Picture of the day.
Vanishing Texas.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Progress on the fence, you can see a mix of new and old materals. This shows the two parts of the fence that don’t match up, leaving a 24” walkway hidden by that tree right of center. I could put a gate but the priority for now is privacy as in the far distance, that’s a well-traveled street. Odd, however, since it goes nowhere to nowhere and there is a better road a block away.
           Trent has had some excellent demos produced, though studio work to me always has an artificial tinge to it. I like my music a wee bit “sloppy” where it counts. He made these recordings before hearing me play any bass and alas, there is nothing I can add or take away that would not alter the character of the song. For most music, the better the match of the bass playing, the less distinctive the piece of music.

           And somebody may be playing a joke on me. The hits on this blog today are 20x normal. I know exactly what to expect on a Wednesday and this is not it. Over 1,300 views from Singapore, where I know one person who hasn’t written in ten years. It’s a nice boost but we know it won’t last. The USA remains my best patrons. Most views are mobile android, used by only one or two folks in my circles. Who’s to know how influential Singapore is?
           I remind all readers, but especially newcomers that this blog does not represent the way the average American lives. I do not watch television, gamble, or have any addictions. Drugs are not allowed anywhere near, I do not eat junk food or use credit cards. Religion is kept in the background where it belongs and I read and write approximately 2 or 3 hours every day. On the positive side, this blog is an excellent way to learn how Americans think and excellent for learning vocabulary and word usage. And unlike most blogs, with this one sooner or later you may learn something new. That’s a challenge for most other blogs.

           Here's a clip that stays because it produces clicks, a concession this blog rarely makes except for originals. Incidentally, it was included not for its message but because I had predicted this form of deep fake would become increasingly prevalent at the Democrats catch on computers. They are known for being uneducated and it was as recently as 2016 that Trump's use of Twitter caught them off guard. They resorted to the censorship tactics which began their long, slow decline.
Video has sound.

           All my life I’ve taken delight in watching idiots get what they deserve. Folks, these libtards don’t seem to realize they cannot hoax, indict, or smear Trump out of existence. Now they’ve made him untouchable by trying. His following has become impossible to fool and every attack makes him stronger. They can’t even do a Kennedy without risking everything. What I can’t figure out is why, with retribution getting closer, somebody in the Democrat camp hasn’t defected. It’s a popular notion that Democrats keep their people in line by having something on each one of them, but there must be exceptions, or somebody who just doesn’t care.
           If you are concerned other people know more about computers and stuff than you do these days, rest assured that is not so. Today’s crop of some of the stupidest yet. Russia announced it would use the microchips from destroyed German tanks to make dishwashers. Those who know how difficult it is to repurpose chips know that is a joke. What’s not funny is the huge number of genxyzers who took this seriously. And how about that lady from Seattle who took a lead role in defunding the police now suing the police for not protecting her shop from BLM rioters.
           Maybe I spoke too soon. It is past mid-afternoon and still a deathly 96°F in the yard. Instead, I kept near the A/C and ran some numbers on OPEC. They know the US oil reserve was sold out to China. It has to be replaced soon, or America will not be able to fight even a two week war. So they’ve got Biden where they want him. He has to come up with the money or they can start throwing their weight around. All they need do is pinch off the supply for a while and gas will hit $10 per gallon. Did I mention I have no idea how much gas costs?

           By day’s end, I’d dug two postholes and finished putting the crown back on the fence, making it 10-foot-5, and carefully noting what should go where if I try any gardening back there. I’ll need to buy some materials but tomorrow I want a good stab at getting that lawn tractor working. If the hillbilly shows, I’ll set him to digging trenches and helping me run pipe. His record for reliability isn’t that solid.

           This is the photograph British mainstream media used to report the arrest of a Black African killer of White people. One week from today is Thunberg Day. That’s when Greta the Elf said the world is ended from climate change. Take all your belongings and pile them on the curb. Europe is trying to censor videos of the Syrian who attacked children but too many people caught it on their phones.
           Bud Light has lost its position a top-selling beer. Biden’s press secretary continues to make a fool of herself. Amazon got a smart house shut down because their delivery driver claimed the doorbell sounded “racist”. Am I the only one that finds it laughable how the tech industry laid off 3,900 people due to “artificial intelligence”. Tells you a lot.
           And the Salvation Army has changed its pitch to “Want to donate to charity?”

Last Laugh