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Thursday, June 15, 2023

June 15, 2023

One year ago today: June 15, 2022, Walkman anniversary coincidence.
Five years ago today: June 15, 2018, a generic day.
Nine years ago today: June 15, 2014, thinking the same thing.
Random years ago today: June 15, 2008, the Westin Diplomat.

           Some animals too large for this neighborhood had a fight in the tree line last evening. It was too dark to catch them on camera. I’m off to Winter Haven for supplies. The big stores that went woke (Target, Budweiser, etc.) have lost a crushing $52 billion in market caps in the last two months. This does not indicate their lost sales, which have also hurt them. Hey, they stepped over the line and I say it is only time until somebody admits they were all paid printed-up dollars to do it. Trump has forced the D-party to make all their moves too fast. And the latest meme says to the effect nobody was forced to take the jab, but they were forced to stand up for themselves or cave. They caved.
           This is the blog that dares, and here we dare to show you a picture of fence repair. I can explain, if you read on.

           The books are closed for the last trip to Tennessee and I now officially spend more money there than here. But the margins are narrow and prices in Tennessee for the things I buy are generally 20% higher. It was only a $9.92 spread but the trend is consistent. Cat food went from $4.59 to $14.89 in one shot. I don’t buy cat food in Florida. But I do buy copper pipe for my air compressor and it is now $2.95 per foot, up from $1.91 when I started running the lines in a couple months ago.

           It is now 10:30AM and the hillbilly did not show. This brand of tardiness I associate with people who toke, but since I’ve never seen him do it, who knows? He needs the work, he’s generally hungry, and I pay cash. Yet I get no-shows. The evil weed, I tell you, wildwood flower. I listened to NPR. Mr. Trump, defund them. They have crossed the line and now outright lie. Millions of people saw the video of Neely breathing after he was down, and NPR reports the video shows him being choked to death. This is NOT a public service, run them all out of town.
           Later, my helper did show and what you see here is the progress on the north fence. This is the area bent over by a windstorm earlier this year. It’s easy to see the new and old lumber interfacing in what looks like long and unsupported fencing. It’s an illusion, there is a solid fence post every eight feet. What happened is this area is so full of tree roots that some posts are inside and outside the yard. Wherever the rails overlap, there is a post. You can see the crown row of pickets extending the height of the fence to 4” below the maximum allowed in residential zoning.

           It is now 10:30AM and the hillbilly did not show. This brand of tardiness I associate with people who toke, but since I’ve never seen him do it, who knows? He needs the work, he’s generally hungry, and I pay cash. Yet I get no-shows. The evil weed, I tell you, wildwood flower. I listened to NPR. Mr. Trump, defund them. They have crossed the line and now outright lie. Millions of people saw the video of Neely breathing after he was down, and NPR reports the video shows him being choked to death. This is NOT a public service, run them all out of town.
           Later, my helper did show and what you see here is the progress on the north fence. This is the area bent over by a windstorm earlier this year. It’s easy to see the new and old lumber interfacing in what looks like long and unsupported fencing. It’s an illusion, there is a solid fence post every eight feet. What happened is this area is so full of tree roots that some posts are inside and outside the yard. Wherever the rails overlap, there is a post. You can see the crown row of pickets extending the height of the fence to 4” below the maximum allowed in residential zoning.

           The Reb says Tennessee rivals Florida for humidity, but I’ve just spent half the last six years in either state. It does get humid, but that’s mostly in the early mornings for some reason. You don’t know humid until it’s above 90% in the hot part of the day, but I realize there is a lot of perception going on. She also subscribes to the theory that carrots should not be peeled. It’s the reasoning I don’t buy, that somehow carrot skins are more nutritious than the rest of the carrot. When I try to look that up, I get all manner of garden sites that avoid the direct question. “It is said” and “It is commonly accepted” are not going to convince me.
           Carrots grow in the ground and therefore I will peel them. I find no hard documentary evidence that carrot skins are better food. And even if they were 5% or so, the peel is so thin it does not negate the value of the rest of the carrot, as some imply. There’s something fishy about the lack of definite statistical proof on this vegetable peel thing in general Besides, she’d never heard the old wive’s tale about the bread crusts being the best part, and that one has certainly made the rounds. Kid’s don’t like bread crusts says it all from my standpoint.
           And I don’t like mangoes. I don’t like fat women. I don’t like work. Don’t even think I’d explain it. Here is a next of leftover mangoes. The neighbor throws them into that no-man’s-land strip between the properties. He’s unaware the flies and aroma don’t know where the lines are but he gets the worst of it himself. The temperature and humidity approached 100 but the hillbilly got here late and I put him to work through the worst of it.

Picture of the day.
Russian army recruits, 2023.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           The fenced area seen above receives a full day’s sunshine. To verify it’s natural turf, I had the hillbilly dig down a foot and eight inches is “microbial” topsoil. If it can occur naturally, we figure we can grow something worthwhile there. As stated, the laborer was late, which I figure was due to teenage partying and he’s too old for that, so I handed him the shovel. Here are some of the results. These saw ponies are acting as safety barricades for the new (buried) electric line to the silo.
           The underground pipe is beyond all building codes plus another 6” deeper. If there are any pics of the pipe, you may notice it is five times larger than needed. But it has the added advantage of being free. Remember that time we walked the dogs up in Franklin, TN. This is where it wound up along with all the surplus fittings I’ve accumulated.

           All this activity brought the neighbor on, I quickly elbowed the hillbilly to hit him up for some work. The neighbor can pay many times better than myself, but I would note something. I am still spry enough to work alongside others and the neighbor is not. This causes the curious situation where the moment I leave to go get something, the hillbilly’s pace slows to a crawl. It’s probably because he does not want me to outwork him, but to me it is a negative. It means to get him to work, I must at times stand there doing nothing while I could be keeping up. That obviates needing two people to do the work.
           Tell you what, here is a scene of the buried pipe along the silo wall. The joint glue dried out in the bottle, so the elbow (different colored material) is shown hand fitted for now. We reached this stage around 2:30PM in the heat, making this tortuous labor. Then I remembered those four bottles of YuengLing, and sure enough they were behind the orange juice. Thus fortified we continued on to 3:00PM and got this far and I quit. If I want to work in war zone heat, I’ll move to Chicago.

           Remember the failed planter in the SE corner? Well, I mean failed because it had to be watered to thrive and that never happened when I was in Tennessee. I got him to drag is out to the bird area, where I will measure what can be done. Giving instructions to show up on Saturday, I remind folks the only food crops I even allege to know is tubers. The hillbilly mentioned he knows tree grafting but even if he does I won’t live long enough for results.

           Allow me to go over the phenomenon of anniversary coincidence. This blog is written in two phases. One is the editorial, the second is the posting process. Today’s blog, for example, was written during the late afternoon of the 15th. It is not posted until the 16th, and that one-day delay is commonly the first time I’ll learn what happened on the Yesteryear dates. Today was an excellent example, I’m writing this addendum on the morning of the 16th. Nobody who is living my life is going to remember what they were doing on a specific day in the past, it is just impossible.
           So, imagine my thoughts when I linked back to this day last year to find out I had discussed the SONY Walkman. True, I did not write about the Walkman until the 16th, but the link so often reveals these exact matches that it has a name, the “anniversary coincidence”. I’ve eliminated the possibility of them having a deep psychological link—mainly because it happens too often for that to go undetected. No, I do not go back and read former posts without a reason. If that was the case, there would be no coincidence, right?

Last Laugh