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Friday, June 16, 2023

June 16, 2023

One year ago today: June 16, 2022, 102 missiles each.
Five years ago today: June 16, 2018, hiding the label.
Nine years ago today: June 16, 2014, early referral to PNG format.
Random years ago today: June 16, 2017, tow trucks standing by.

           A day to relax, you should do the same. To me this is a chance to learn something new. What will I come up with? I read the history of the SONY Walkman, I owned a model when I was much younger. Expensive as hell, but you know, one set of batteries lasted for months. I’ve been wanting to watch some how-to videos on braising. And today maybe try to salvage some electric motors (it got too hot). I’ve praised the new shady work area but on days like y’day, a fan would sure be nice. By dawn, I’d watched several braising videos. I want something that keeps the larger birds away from the feeders. I’m only at the planning phase. Is braising expensive? The how-to videos never mention that part.
           A top whistleblower against Biden has been found dead in Los Angeles. The son of a German banker who inherited a laptop turned the evidence over to the FBI. Then he went missing last April, though they found his car. The authorities claim he was homeless. And how about this word “chyron”. New to me, likely because I’ve never owned a TV. It’s that banner that scrolls information across the bottom of the screen. Something is buzzing loudly in the real estate sector.

           The whole yard needs a cleanup after this week’s activities. Everything got trampled around the north side and I had the hillbilly drag the old planter out in case there is any hope of salvaging that. I don’t know if you can recognize it here, lying on it’s side. There’s lots to do if you feel like lending a hand. Tomorrow I’ve scheduled the hillbilly back here but most of the cleanup I can do for the exercise. I just spent an hour playing bass and drinking coffee Have you ever heard me play bass? I scare many a guitar player away by playing melody runs, if there is a link nearby, I’ll see if I can upload something for you.
           Later, no dice. Blogger seems to lack a direct audio file capability. And the sites that claim they’ll show you how all contain instructions to chain to third-party sites or in some way involve altering the way Google hosts Blogger. Trust me and never trust Google to do the right thing. There is a reason every blog posting title here contains the date, spelled out in full. Google is full of ass-clowns who will change things without being asked. I’ll experiment with adding an audio track to a video, a technology we know works.

           Nothing, strange as MicroSoft only stopped supporting video (Movie Maker) a few years ago. I’m downloading it from Essentials, but it has to download a bunch of support files as well, which will take time on this locked-down computer. Knowing MicroSoft, there is every chance this computer will block such a move. Even looking at a MicroSoft help site triggers two-thirds of my protection software.
           Nope, no-go. It won’t install without disabling features of my anti-malware. It’s MicroSoft so such things are not even considered. What else happened this morning. I was out there for three hours, added some fence rails, repaired the wire ball birdfeeder (this time with chains), and filled in dirt holes. We had moved some posts but there was a spot we wasted an hour trying to dig. Even trying to get whatever is down there with the sawzall, we could only get a foot down. We finally bypassed that spot but what a mess.

           To round off the morning, the new north work station is not enclosed, so stringing up some tarps is necessary to keep the tools shiny. Nowadays tarps come with a quarter or maybe a third as many grommets as needed. Hence, I took an hour’s break to smack some in. There’s a art to creating great grommets and it is called practice. I have some advice for any budding grommeteers. Grommets are highly price sensitive, the more expensive ones are better. Within reason, of course.

           Once again I found that sheltered north work area a great spot on summer days like this. Instead of a siesta, I may drive to Winter Haven for supplies, all told an excellent Florida morning. How’d you do?
           To round off the morning, the new north And for a great definition of how degenerate millennial-think on-line as become, try finding simple information like the diameter of a squirrel’s head. Oh, you get results. I just saying compare those to the original question.

Picture of the day.
Hotel, in New Caledonia.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Communicating the work and changes to the Reb, the unexpected outcome is the bathroom with a view. The best window to see the whole back area is that location. At least we know it will get checked regularly. The “real feel” weather of 100°F shortly after noon put a stop to yard work and we have a windstorm brewing. The summer afternoon rains have not begun, but we are ready for them. I acquired some tin that I hope can be used to fix the leak between the back sheds. Moments later, yep, we are in for it. Sustained 25 mph winds. I parked myself behind the picture window to see what goes on when I’m not looking.
           Squirrel-mania. Holy crap, four of them, all over-fed adults. That might explain the empty birdfeeders better than the bluejays, who show up only on occasion. Maybe time to hand the hillbilly the pellet gun. Sorry folks, but the rule remains the same. These are wild animals who have no business taking the easy way out. Return for news on that, I have not decided. A quick look on-line at what sensors are available for the Arduino led to a strange array of optical disks I’ve never seen before.

           The fact it has no name and price tag tips us off it is military. The angled prisms around a central lens means targeting but such devices are great for observation and intelligence as well. My guess? Israeli contractors working with American funding. Israel has finally learned it is more cost effective to slam the missile support teams than to hunt around for the missiles themselves. You don’t much hear of rocket attacks on Israeli territory any more. The Arabs are not getting any smarter. My conclusion is the rocket supply stations and personnel have been hit. Expensive and hard to replace.

           It was a bad afternoon. A combination of error cost me an expensive battery. I installed the grommets, but did not hang the tarp back, needing a fastener. Leaving it, I went to the lumberyard and scored a real nice pile of 70% off. But it did not make up for that expensive as hell battery. Before dark, I got the extra fence panels up and I shelled out for that final piece of copper tube to bring compressed air service to the vehicle area. Seventy dollars later, I dropped into the old club for a late night beer. For nonsensical reasons, on the third weekend of the month, they bring in a DJ to play the wrong kind of music for that club.
However, like all entertainers, he connects once in a while. This, I pay attention to as in what songs do people sing along with. I’ve noticed a rash of what must be newer tunes that musically are copies of old 60s and 70s hits. This happens regularly in America and I more than once thought it was an old Eagles or Buffet song until the lyrics began. And Twitter is being sued over copyright infringement. I don’t use Twitter so did not know they could do that. Have you heard the rising hit tune, “81 Million Votes My Ass”. Nice, but that is the only catchy part of the song. How about that Garth Brooks, saying people who did not drink Bud Light were anatomy. Seems all his investors bailed over that and his new bar may not make it to its own grand opening.

           Notably, less than 1% of AR-15 owners complied with the Biden law to register the gun. That’s facing a fine of $250,000 and up to 10 years in prison. It would be curious how Biden ever intended to enforce such a law. Without the guns, it is fearful to think what would be forced on American people by the corrupt government at this time. It reminds us of the war in Vietnam, where the authorities controlled a few of the bigger cities but did not dare set foot outside of them.

           What is going on in Singapore? Around twenty times as many blog views as normal. If anyone knows, leave me a comment. That reminds me, I’ve been thinking of establishing a contact point for this blog, but it seems impossible to do it the way I would want. After a few month’s slump in blog views, suddenly it is Singapore by the thousands. Something is up. This blog is not about metrics, but here are some stats.
           I have 7 regular viewers in Iceland. There’s 1 in Finland, down from 4 last year. Most views occur 22 minutes after I upload a post. My top month was 12,000 hits. My lowest, I’d have to go looking, but I’ve never had less than a thousand. Every day is setting a new record this year. The time zones mean a huge uptick in clicks at 1:00AM Singapore time. Makes no sense. For newcomers, if you see TMOR in this blog, it means “to my overseas readers”.

           And 1,562 years ago today my ancestors sacked Rome. They had it comin’. Here’s one for you. Why are women evacuated first in a disaster? So men can think of a solution in silence. How about Toyota considering putting fake stick shifts and motor noises on their EVs. They feel real but don’t do anything.
           You know something that sticks in my craw? Think of this. If your child is ill, you look after them. You don’t take the child to your neighbor and make it their responsibility. You don’t send the medical bills to strangers and make them pay. If you need a specialist, that is your burden. Most people would agree this goes double for diseases and conditions that run in families—Nature is telling you something. So don’t tell me it is my duty to pay for mental illness.

Last Laugh