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Saturday, June 24, 2023

June 24, 2023

One year ago today: June 24, 2022, hmmm, pictures don’t match.
Five years ago today: June 24, 2018, Twood chickens out.
Nine years ago today: June 24, 2014, works like bats.
Random years ago today: June 24, 2008, right the first time.

           How about that restaurant chain (Fyre) that’s banning vegetarians? They got tired of dealing with asinine complaints. What I liked was the reasoning. One customer demanded a meal that required the restaurant’s world-class chef to stop what he was doing and fix it special. So they charged the customer for it, something like $32. The customer bitched and now, as the restaurant puts it, vegetarians can go enjoy themselves—someplace else. Good morning, and a special good morning to Singapore. Here’s my vegetarian breakfast. Because I’m out of all else? These are my specialty (from a mix) with secret ingredients (an egg), so moist there are no crumbs.
           It seems some people not yet eaten pyrogies. It surprised me today that there is some contention whether the food is German or Polish. It’s German, but the name is Polish due to how the food became popular, read your history of the Mennonites. Pity for me, this delight is no longer on my diet. Of all the fillings, my favorite remains potato with yellow cheese. Right now, I’m contending with some new poisonous plant species in my yard. How do I know? The pattern of rash burns across my shin. Yeow!

           The latest guitar player, the guy who wants his old teen band back, never did respond. Today, if I drive downtown, I’ll stop by and hand him my list, see what he’s about. He got some kind of other offer and has been wasting his time, mark my words. He’s striving to find a band that plays his song list. He has not yet figured out there are 200 other guitar players in these parts with the same plan. It appears each of these guys has to pursue that wild goose until they get old and bitter.
           Okay, I’m back. We got a number of things done that would not be mentioned if the day was not so quiet. This includes a trip to Sav-A-Lot, the most famous American grocery chain you never heard of. I also picked up that final adaptor for the air compressor line, yes, I had to buy another whole package. But for the $2 price difference, my time is worth something. Yes, I made it over to Gary the Guitar’s place and he was doing what I should be doing. Sleeping till noon. But, the wives were up and chatting, so here’s the inside scoop.

           I tell you now without bragging, I don’t take a back seat to many when it comes to the band formation process. I got it right, Gary thought nothing of our audition because he wants a big band. But, says the women, he’s just back with this old group and endless rehearsals. How, they were curious, did I know after all these years that band only knew 12 songs? They asked one of the wives to stand in on drums. No way, she had told them. Twelve songs every week gets boring.
           Being ready for this, I handed Gary’s wife an envelope with a list of the 28 songs I can sing that he can play, plus a pen drive with all the songs in the key I sing them. Plus my contact information, and a message that I’m ready to commit. Ha, I should tell them I’ll be their drummer. Sure enough, they’ve been playing only zero-pay church gigs and so on, which is okay only if you are set on never having any real fun. Musicians that go that route are like women who presume there are no good men because they can’t get any.

           Getting home before noon, I have time to read the comments on the guy who uploaded a picture of his propane tank and a game controller. TMOR, thanks to Bill Gates, billionaires are not as popular figures in America as they once were. Here’s the combacks I like best.
a) Boeing is jealous
b) Very inspired
c) I would use a longer cable
d) Make the team as diverse as possible
e) Cash only
f) Too soon
g) Only selling one-way tickets
h) Offer Pelosi, Schiff, & Schumer a free ride
           So, a freight train carrying ‘hazardous material” has collapsed a bridge in Montana, spilling into the Yellowstone River, a tributary to the Mississippi. Here we go again. Even the most headstrong Democrat voters can still deny something funny is going on. They will. And the WHO (World Health Organization) has created a new position, but you can’t have it. Called Director-General Special Envoy for Climate Change and Health, the job was already taken on inception. The winner is Dr. Vanessa Kerry. John’s daughter.

Picture of the day.
Transportation hub.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Spending all the later afternoon in the shed, I sorted out lots of stuff that’s been misplaced since the move. I had no van back then, so it had to fit in JZ’s van, or what was left of it after all his work gear. Most everything at the time got plunked here and that’s what I’m wading through. Of all the things to misplace, my brass propane nozzle. Here is my spare unit, which won’t work well, so it went under the microscope. Ah, what’s this? Looks like some solder has dripped down into the pipe. Why, if I had another nozzle, I’d just heat it back out. Just kidding, I’ll get it out of there. Later, I want a nice coffee break.

           JZ mentions the BrightLine service, a so-called high-speed train between Orlando and Miami. It’s another taxpayer-funded money pit, but it would be easier to get him to ride the train here than drive. Knowing it would not be a simple matter, I went on-line to see the route, the price, and whether or not it goes through Winter Haven, the Florida railway choke point. The operation already has all the built-in accumulated faults of existing runs. It does not go to Orlando, it goes to the Orlando airport, miles from anything. The tickets are credit card only, so your movements are tracked. You must still clear airport security.
           Pricing always “depends” and although the seats resemble first class airlines, they have removed the deep reclining feature, so a comfortable snooze is out. They make a big deal you have power outlets and USB chargers, 30 year old technology. The terminals have the full airport treatment is kiosks and lounges for those who like to combine their travel is boozing and buying tee-shirts. The base price is $79 one way, comparable to the gas for driving it. There are 16 daily trips way, which is eight times the Amtrak offering.

           From what I gather, it’s a three-hour trip with stretches of 130 mph. My guess, however, is that this train will stop at airports, making the last third of the trip longer than the entire remainder. Looking at the best map available, a schematic, it would seem they don’t do Winter Haven. Instead, have they refurbished the old Florida East Coast(?) line, the one that runs east of Lake Okeechobee? It seems Aventura Mall had the pull to get a sub-station. That’s why I guessing the old east coast line.
           Either way, make no mistake this is not a regular train line but an airport shuttle service. Nonetheless, airports are not that bad a destination in Florida, so I am tempted to take the trip just to see. It is planned to circumnavigate the state, maybe even in our lifetimes. There are vending machines but only useable by those dumb enough to scan their faces into the ID system, which they fully admit is linked to every other bar in the country with the “service’. You only need scan once, they brag. Then your drinking habits will be at their fingertips for your divorce proceedings, privacy policy and all.
           Here’s my old GE radio, once such a trusty companion. I’ll rig up a better antenna in the shed, see if that is the problem. An early rainstorm means it will end early, so we might see some yard work yet—I’m anxious to finish the rest of that fence crown. The Reb had me on the phone during the storm, everything is fine so we’ll leave the e-mail problem until Monday. All my log-ons except “big names” time out. Sabotage, my comrades.
           I’m reviewing comments on this blog that seem out of place. The most curious is a well-educated writer from Miami, where I have not lived in twenty years. But he knows the places I’ve been and many of the media personalities. These are people I did not rub elbows with, often I only saw them if I stopped for a drink somewhere. And I do not remember this writer, who gives no contact info. The only clues: he started working for the Miami Herald at age 17, back in the 90s, and his main competitor was that goldmine called the “Pennysaver”.

           A letup had me out in the shed going through old boxes. Mostly old books, if they are at all water-damaged, out they go. I found all kinds of goodies but not the prize I sought. My precious bag of almost 500 red LEDs. The remaining option is that I put that container inside of something. Until that happy day, I’ve found that ordinary Xmas tree lights, el cheapo kind from the dollar store, have a convenient built-in resistance averaging 88 ohms. I would add more, for the bulbs are also very responsive to voltages between 3 and 12 DC. At 16V, the bulb burns out in less than a minute.            Don’t ask me how they work on 120VAC on commercial power.
Even at 6V, the bulbs are too bright to look at comfortably, but I have one on the bench at that setting to see how long it lasts. For circuits I use, 5V is normally the maximum. They respond to voltage changes so well, I wonder if they would be a better choice for my fade-in-out kit. Work with me here. I would like to improve the kit with both a variable capacitor and resistor, but that is way down the line.

           This video clip shows the effect at the initial test that burned out this bulb. (I have them by the hundreds.) The choppiness of the brightness testifies to the difficulty of catching such event with my existing gif technology. That means the video is made, it is snapped as a series of stills, run through the title process, then assembled as a finished mini-documentary, all by hand. Not bad for something that happened less than 15 minutes ago—and the test bulb at 6V lasted 31 minutes 16.6 seconds, for those of you who spot the significant digit.. That’s good.
           I dropped the volts to 5, but results vary. I suspect a number of causes, so we’ll try a few resistors to find the combination that gives the best acceptable brightness. The arithmetic can wait until we have a working setup.

           Who remembers the original large poster of the Reb & I in 1987? Found that as well. All this made possible by the successful connection of that final air hose coupling. The entire run, once I fixed that nonsense leak by the cut-off valve, worked perfectly. This enables air-cleaning of the sheds, where dust is always a nuisance. That’s the lines themselves, I say. They must still be propped up at intervals, I may insulate them for no reason, and they are run through holes in the shed siding which should be sealed up soon. I also found the Crate amp which for some reason I thought I’d left in Tennessee. Why would I put it in the shed at risk of dampness? Who knows. Let’s hope it still works, but I can promise it will be dry and have any dust removed.
           Later, I have the amp inside and careful examination shows a little rust that is not that old. I wonder if the hillbilly set it down on the concrete floor, something I would never do. He’ll never know the hours I spent searching my vehicles, sheds, and Tennessee for that amp. The Reb heard me out saying while I did not say for sure I was igniting the burning barrel tomorrow, I just said there is a full case of Yueng-Ling ice cold in the fridge. And at my age, I know whether it is a 3, 4, or 5 beer fire. This takes years of experience. I sometimes gather women don’t appreciate the spell required to attain true competency.

           By 9:00PM, wide awake, I went over to the old club. The closer places never has as young and active a clientele. And tonight the place was full of sweeties, smooth young blonde healthy trim babes. Alas, in this town, most there with their husbands or equivalent. Still, compared to Miami what a treat to just see such beauty. The best visible parts had no tattoos, right there brings America back into focus. The lady prez of my fan club was there, did I mention she was a postal worker? I don’t know what level but she has earlier told me of injuries similar to my shoulders. Is she lifting mail sacks? I don’t know, she left before I sang.
           My one song was “Spiders & Snakes”, which the young women recognized but did not know to sing along. A couple really talented singer guys were there but they resembled earlier day ZZ Top, so got nowhere. Myself, being prepared for the lack of available women, came prepared with a book to read. That makes me the only dude in the bar who got approached by women, like it or not, guys. That’s a wonderful characteristic of reading a book, it is not easy to fool anyone by duplicating the behavior. It almost makes you wonder how and why I learned this so very long ago.

           Here’s a touchy subject. When I turn 71, I will have made a promise 50 years earlier that if I live that long, I will become leader of the opposition. The opposition was the same that long ago, creepy people using public complacency to slowly take over free people and impose a tyrannical regime. People who need to be shot for not realizing their complacency was causing harm to those around them. While nobody could have predicted the details, we certainly have that situation. And a promise is a promise. Mind you, I also thought I’d have been a billionaire by now. This raises a topic. How would I go about becoming leader of the free world?
           First off, it is impossible by conventional means. Look what they are doing to Trump. However, the fact that he got so far against such odds reveals a weakness in the system. They are geared to fight the last war. When Trump began to use Twitter, the Democrats were at such a disadvantage they had to blackmail and bribe the company into banning him. They had no equal and opposite counter and another fact was revealed: Liberals can’t meme. Follow along with this line of thinking a bit and then consider this.
           What is something the Establishment is unprepared for? You cannot use any traditional means, they will out-spend you. No debates, no rallies, no tours. How could one tackle being “elected” without running for election? Remember, I said leader, not President. No violence or hate speech, they are on to that. You must hit them with something they do not possess any effective counter-measures for, something they cannot easily throw back. Possibly by now you are thinking what I’m thinking.
           Can I be the first world leader elected by blogging?

Last Laugh
This will have to wait. The library has disabled screen captures.
And, a lot of my editing strings don't work here.