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Friday, June 24, 2022

June 24, 2022

One year ago today: June 24, 2021, I’m no good at it.
Five years ago today: June 24, 2017, remember Vintage Music?
Nine years ago today: June 24, 2013, I hate farm work.
Random years ago today: June 24, 2008, Marvelous Coffee is gone.

           Lancet (a href=> publishes an article that COVID vaccines has saved 20 million lives. That is such an outrageous lie that I looked for the catch. There it is, not derived from climical data, but based on a “mathematical model”. The Taliban wants assets released for earthquake relief. Fair, the US releases $10,000 in assets for every machine gun they return. Here’s the supply lines to the washer, all ready to go.
           What’s this? Known as “foreign aid”, this is a French cannon the Russians captured in the Ukraine. The article says the Russians are testing it before sending it off to their own cannon factory for analysis. The same report says the Russians felt the piece inferior to their own.

           The crick in my back is taking time to abate, but Wilford showed up on schedule and we ran through ten songs. That’s not the big deal, because our plan was always to work on the sound. I have to adapt to an eager learner who is 30 or 40 years younger than me, I did not ask. We went over the items that set this type of music apart, an important proviso to not get started on the wrong path.
           Ha, his reaction brought me back to the frustration I had with doing things the right way. Or as I put it at times, why didn’t somebody just explain all this to me when I was eight years old?

           He completely grasps the method, that we are not playing things in unison but rather in coordination. It’s the effect that counts, not technical virtuosity. I was optimistic over the way he fit the pieces together. And mentioned how often he’d met that situation but until I came along he was convinced he as getting it wrong. No celebration, however, as personalities are complicated things. I barely made it and needed help getting my bass strap over my shoulder. But it’s abating.
This is nothing compared to an article by NPR. The medical debt is bankrupting millions with a reputed $100 million struggling. Obamacare is a joke, it did not lower prices, remember it was packaged as the “Affordable Care Act”? The reality is it was a windfall for hospitals, who just turned around and upped their prices. I lost my Cadillac over that.

Picture of the day.
Library, in private jet.
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           Those expensive DR bass strings are still not installed. I’m in such discomfort I’m not doing anything tonight, which includes not working on my memoirs. Four or five e-mails and that’s my day. Wasn’t I supposed to be a billionaire by now? How about I throw on a pot of rice and watch a DVD? Me plus back pains don’t equal motivation. I also read more chapters of “The Eagle Against The Sun”, and remain of the opinion many of the better generals and admirals were on the Japanese side. Mind you, that is directly proportional to the slipshod American command structure which is still with us today. No coordination between the services where it counts.
           On the other hand, that produces results because the other side has no idea what is coming next either. Look at Midway, the planes arrived haphazardly and caught the Japanese fighters down on the deck shooting torpedo bombers instead of upstairs against the dive bombers. My conclusion is unchanged, the Japanese never stood a chance. Where they weren’t beaten, they were overwhelmed. Like the Soviets against the Germans, but I ‘m not the one who pointed it out, okay? I’ve always had questions about American tactics and equipment. Why do troop landing craft drop the front of the boat, so enemy fire can ricochet around the insides? And why is there is there no massive smoke screen laid down inland from the beaches until the troops get ashore? But what do I know?

           A search for documentaries (vides) on the Owen Stanley range came up with nothing. A few backpackers but otherwise mostly articles about the Kokoda ‘Trail, many of which I read when I was 8 years of age. Not much happens in that part of the globe, I take it. I found this panoramic view and not much else. Such pictures don’t reveal the mud and three-inch wasps at ground level.
           I read Japanese production stats for that period, since it seems everything they flew an airplane for any reason, they were attacked by standing patrols of superior American aircraft. When you see a European Spitfire blast a Zero out of the sky in one tenth of a second that says it all.

           And just so you know, Windsor Castle in England, the official residence of the Queen, does not have 5G, All the protected places have good old nice and safe 3G. Which we were told was outdated and closed down.

Last Laugh